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Everything posted by Ratherbfishing

  1. I don't think it is FUN for them but fish don't have the mental capacity to be emotionally "traumatized." From my own observations (and I think research bears this out) it's more physiologically damaging for a fish (including bass) for their skin and/or scales (and slime) to dry up than any "breathing" issues. So, if you're concerned about how a bass responds to being caught, your first thought should be to keep it wet. The last fish I caught that seemed to have breathing issues was a bowfin I caught a couple years ago. After being released, it continuously breached the surface as though it were trying to gulp in MORE air than what the water could provide. But it wasn't a bass so... Ninety-nine times out of a hundred (or probably more), when I place a bass back in the water, it simply swims away-perhaps wiser but no worse for the wear. I can't read its mind but, really, I don't think even IT can read its own mind. Now if such a time occurs when bass begin meeting with respiratory therapists or mental health counselors regarding PTSD, THEN I'll probably hang up my rod and reel.
  2. What KIND of boat are you talking about? There is a huge difference between a 16 foot aluminum jon boat and a 24 foot (or whatever) cabin cruiser. Do you want to float small bodies of water or do you want to take in out on the Ocean? Do you want to putt around at a leisurely speed with a little 2-stroke motor or set the water on fire with twin-250 horse outboards? MY experience has been this: I purchased a 17.5 foot aluminum jon boat with a 25 horse motor. It's wide and it's pretty stable and as long as I don't put it on the great lakes and I keep an eye on the weather, it will keep me safe and reasonably dry. The motor is big enough to (usually) get me on plane and since I don't fish tourneys, it gets me where I want to go fast enough. It will fit 3 people reasonably comfortably and as long as we aren't trying to cast big musky baits with 8 foot rods, we can stay out of each others way. With the swing hitch, if I park it diagonally, it fits in my garage and I all I have to do is close the door after backing it in. I don't have to unload everything after a long day and all I really have to do (if I want it to last) is plug in the charger to the trolling motor battery. I paid 3 grand for it (with a few later add-ons such as a modest trolling motor and a Helix 7 fish finder) so I never really missed the money that much. I paid cash so there were no monthly payments to compete with other expenses. I've had to buy 2 replacement tires for the trailer and do some maintenance on the motor (to replace the impeller) but I replaced the lower unit oil myself and the spark plugs (two). I feel I'm blessed with this and am very happy with it.
  3. With very few exceptions, I keep them in their original container-at least until the "zip-loc" breaks-and then I put them in a different one. The one exception I CAN think of is if I've already rigged the bait and want to use it again later. THEN I leave the hook in and place the bait in the one spot in my hard box dedicated to these particular baits. I find that removing the hook (and then later rehooking it) detracts from the baits "integrity".
  4. I like mine a lot. This is my "carry all" box where I have a bit of everything and it does a good job holding spinnerbaits and buzzbaits (in the bottom). I got mine used so it's missing some of the smaller boxes in the bottom but I use that space to hold my gulp containers and some bags of plastic. The only "issue" I've had with it is if you aren't careful to make sure it's latched and you pick it up by the handle, it will dump your baits EVERYWHERE. But a lot of boxes have that issue.
  5. It really is just a pipe dream of mine (obviously, since I'm not made of money) but have you ever wished you could simply hook up your boat, get in your truck (or SUV) and just travel and fish extensively whenever and wherever you wanted? I've often studied at an atlas and thought how neat it would be to begin in the "winter" by fishing all the southern states and work my way north across the continent. Have you ever known anyone who did anything LIKE this?
  6. I love to fish and even I would have deduced that. 6 months is a LONG time to go without a fish.
  7. As Reason said (only slightly differently), Intermittent Reinforcement. It's a strong reinforcer of behavior. And it's proof that we really aren't THAT much smarter than the fish.
  8. I don't think my hand auger will go through Godzilla ice.
  9. Can we say "class-action suit"?
  10. The last time we had a work gift exchange, I said, "fishing stuff". I got bait hooks, a nylon stringer, and assorted red and white plastic bobbers. I've learned not to ask. p.s., The bobbers (smaller ones, at least) do make good decoration for window blind cords.
  11. I go fishing with a friend. He'll start to do better than me. Appreciably better. And I'll ask him what he's doing different from me. He'll say it's just dumb luck. It might BE dumb luck that he fell into a pattern but it's just DUMB of me if I don't follow suit.
  12. Most stretches of the river not far from my house (a short bicycle ride away) offer little to appeal to sport fish BUT there was one spot (I called it my secret fishing spot) which was CLASSIC smallmouth country-a wide riffle which emptied into a deep pool as it turned at a bend. There was a large boulder perched on the edge where the water eddied around it in a lazy curl. It was a near perfect spot for smallies and goggle eye to wait and ambush food as it washed past. At that early stage in my fishing "career" I used mostly Mepps Aglia spinners. I believe I had a black fury tied on on this particular day. There was nothing particularly impressive about my cast. I'd been there for awhile- trying different angles, etc. I vaguely remember casting the spinner into the far end of the pool and, trying to keep it down, swimming it through, the pool-being careful to let it pass near the boulder. As (sometimes) happened, my line tightened and this time I knew I had a better than average fish on. By my modest standards it was huuuuuge! Time and retelling the tale has caused it to grow but conservatively, it was at least 3 lbs. And it was beautifully marked with dark vertical bands against a shimmering gold body (Most of the smallies there had monochromatic coloration). I managed to tired it out and was just pulling it to the surface near my feet when "PING", the treble hook lets go and the spinner flies past me. In cruel slow motion, my glorious ALMOST victory swam back into the depths! I simply stood there and stared in long disbelief at the place where I'd last seen it. The river has since changed (as rivers do) and this place has evolved into something less remarkable but it still stands out as the place where I ALMOST caught a monster.
  13. You can come here and blast (i mean "call") coyotes anytime you want!!!
  14. Actually, I had a Tacoma (sold it to my brother) and the Bass Raider just barely fit between the wheel wells. You couldn't fit a sheet of paper between them, though.
  15. Never had a stroke but my sister did. She was in her early 30's when she had hers. She still has some fine motor skill issues but gets along pretty well. Hope you recover well!!!!
  16. I am legend. Just kidding. Lately it has felt more like "No Country for Old Men."
  17. Checked the roller bearing. Oiled it. Took it apart to see if sand or a metal shave was impeding it from turning freely. Ran a rubber band on it back and forth for a LONG time. Tried EVERYTHING I could think of. It seemed to turn fine but nothing seemed to help.
  18. Had a Pinnacle spinning reel that turned really smooth BUT the line twist it created was the stuff of nightmares. I never figured out why. Anyway, I couldn't get rid of it soon enough.
  19. No reason you can't upgrade if it's feasible. Good luck!
  20. Even as a fishing guide, resort owner, or professional tournament fishermen, a boat is never going to be an "investment." It will still just be an expenditure. Having said that, there's no reason a person can't enjoy a portion of their money in the form of a boat. Just be sure, though, that buying it doesn't put yourself in a place where you are financially compromised. This holds true for any purchase (or combination of purchases). Remember, though, there is no such thing as just buying a BOAT. You must have something to pull it with, someplace to store it in, fuel and oil to feed it, and repairs and maintenance costs to keep it running. Some states may require insurance on it and, oh, yeah, I almost forgot: You'll have to license the boat and the trailer as well. This is not to frighten you off but it IS the reality of things. A kayak is probably the least expensive vessel to transport and maintain.
  21. I won't contest how shallow or deep this image is however, when I have gone to Lake of the Woods Canada I have to remember that just because I can see the bottom doesn't mean it's 2 feet deep and that I can jump off my boat and into it. This is almost foreign concept to me.
  22. My first fish was a fluke, too. Come to think of it, MOST of my fish have been flukes. Does your face make me uncomfortable? No. But that full head of hair does. Wish I had all my hair.
  23. I have a red plaid shacket. Don't know the brand, though. It is warm and I use it for all manner of outdoor work. It got bleach on it once and I used a red sharpie to "fill in" the white bleached area. The ultimate in high fashion. : )
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