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Everything posted by K_Mac

  1. Slone I love the food in Chicago. I don't know if I've been to your Greek place or not, but the best Calamari by far I've ever eaten has been in Chicago. It is kind of like pizza there-some may be better than others, but it is all good.
  2. Teal chittlins are another one of those things that once is enough. Russian folk like borscht for reasons that are not clear to me. fishguy caviar is something I would keep on hand all the time if I had Redline's money.
  3. Redline I love wild game, but I also had some greasy, gamy bear meat once. It was disgusting. I am told that like most things preparation is key. I would be reluctant to give it a second try. I have tried carp a couple of times over the years-same thing. In spite of loving fish, carp is not on my menu.
  4. As a man who enjoys eating I really ain't all that particular, at least in a former life. Now days I am more careful with my choices. Grizzly eating a good greasy homemade cheeseburger right off the grill every day would soon kill me, but I like the way you think!
  5. I would agree that having joy comes from an understanding that life is full of challenges. Choosing to focus on the blessings we have while learning from the disappointments and heartbreak along the way is the key to happiness (or joy by Teal's definition) in my opinion. Abraham Lincoln is attributed with this quote: "Most folks are as happy as they make up their minds to be". That comes from a man who understood disappointment and heartbreak very well. So yes, I have joy in my life. Life is good. It is also short. Enjoy the trip.
  6. I fish regularly with a master at pitching, and I may never get as good as him-I am committed to try though. When pitching to impossible spots are what it takes to get bit, he will always out-fish me, even from the back of my boat. Using either hand is one of his secrets and I am making improvements. Give me a few more years and I may just get it right?!
  7. Some real good ideas here. I do completely agree with Fish Murderer that whatever you decide to give him will be his, and what happens after is out of your control. Knowing kids, I would not spend too much for an entry level set-up or two. Talking to his mom first and letting him get, "some skin in the game' are also good suggestions I believe. Making sure he understands that is important I think. I help coach a local high school fishing team. I will sometimes provide terminal tackle for kids who can't afford it. One of the kids on the team is the son of my friend who drowned while fishing a couple of years ago. I have had to really work on teaching him responsibility when it comes to other peoples stuff, or his own for that matter because he doesn't really have any skin invested. I expect him to treat our boats and gear with respect. My position is if you lose or break something while fishing, that is just part of the deal-I expect it to happen. I do not expect to find tackle supplied by me laying in the bottom of the boat at the end of the day. Kids will challenge you Teal, but what you are doing can make a real difference in that young man's life. Good for you.
  8. While I would prefer a .375 H&H magnum, I have to agree that doing it with a camera might sometimes be a better option. I don't really hunt much anymore, but I do drown an awful lot of lettuce...
  9. Raider I've tried re-brewing coffee in the past. It gives it a slightly scorched taste that offends my sensitive palate. I should ask in the Ask Raider column, but I will ask here: Why is that? From, A delicate flower
  10. All that salt sea air has made you a tough old bird as my father used to say . Cutting braid with your teeth is not for everyone! As far as this thread is concerned if I were King it would have been closed very early on. I see no value in it even if lasts till the end of time. I am not, so I'm interested to see what happens next. Bass Pro does many things right, and I still use them for many of my fishing needs. If I am looking for something to #@*%! about while there I can certainly find it. That is true about anywhere else I go though.
  11. I also applaud you for leaving with leaving with intelligence and class. I am not surprised your former employer wants you back. Intelligence and class are hard to find.
  12. Roger my mother suffered a major stroke that seemed take her several months before she physically passed on. It was heart breaking. My father was unable to take care of himself without mom around, in spite of my best efforts, and ended up sharing a room with her at the nursing home. He had moments where he was perfectly lucid and other times when he saw things that were not there. He passed on a Friday and mom went the following Monday. I believe she knew dad was gone somehow, and knew she could now go. I guess what I'm saying is I believe there was at least some awareness for her during those last few months, and I am glad I spent as much time as I could with her. I am so sorry for your loss and will keep you and yours in my prayers. I do agree with you my friend that life is fleeting, and all we have is today.
  13. I love strong dark roasted, black coffee. I generally use Folgers Premium Dark Roast or Black Silk. It is not the best, but good enough to satisfy my addiction. Blue Mountain and Kona are fine choices for a special treat. My problem is the older I get, the stronger I make it. I may just eat it right out of the can or grinder if I live long enough! Edit: I once thought I would save a couple of bucks and buy some generic coffee. This is much like buying the cheapest fishing line on the shelf at Walmart-bad idea!
  14. I have a friend who swears by them in spite of much evidence to the contrary. I believe the charts that try to break each day down into several sections and assign each a fishing value is going too far. I do think WRB sums it up best: We do need to pay attention to natural cycles. There is evidence that the moon has an impact on fishing. This seems to be a major factor during the spawn, as Catt says. Night fishing during the spawn with a full moon has produced my PB and many of my biggest bass.
  15. A-Jay some questions are best left unasked!
  16. I am not sure that that a man should be that concerned about not repeating garment colors, hem length, or matching accessories. Not that there is anything wrong with that.
  17. I think aliens is a far more plausible theory than "they" have it parked somewhere. I'm with Glenn, people love a good conspiracy theory and sometimes the truth is just too simple and not nearly as exciting or scary. People believe what they want to believe-I believe it crashed into the ocean. Edit : Stlbob a dirty bomb is a very scary thing, but it is not a weapon of mass destruction. It would have long-term and deadly consequences, yet its biggest threat according to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission is as a weapon of mass disruption, making it useful as a weapon of terror. Of course they could be concealing the truth...
  18. That is a bold, creative and funny solution. You sir a very tough man!
  19. 82 yesterday, 36 this morning with a howling north wind. I am so ready for spring!
  20. Raider as an electrician I would bet that you have many tools that you have paid much more for than a similar tool sold at a discount store. Will a cheap multi-meter measure voltage as accurately as a good Fluke? Probably. Will a cheap wire stripper work as well as a good Klein? Probably. Will a cheap screwdriver work nearly as well as a quality one designed for the specific purpose for which you are using it? Probably. Will my cheap stainless scissors cut braid as well as Redline's high-end pair? Probably. We all make value judgments based on many things. It is what makes the world go round... Put your two rock set in a slick package and get a couple of pros to swear by it, and you are probably on your way to being rich and famous ...good luck.
  21. Crankbait2009 while "plastics" covers a huge range of baits and techniques and some may be more suited to our personal style than others, it is hard to imagine you have not had any success on some type of plastic unless you you just don't them or use them only in the swimming pool! I have not used any of the Gulp minnows. I have caught many fish on 1/8 oz jig heads and grubs from 2" to 5" fished in a variety of ways. A wacky rigged Senko/knock-off is as close to a sure thing in many situations as you are likely to find in my experience. A garden variety ribbon or paddle tail worm T-rigged (in some kind of green color) will also catch fish in most conditions. A Trickworm or other finesse worm on a shakeyhead is another great option. These are only a few proven ways that have put too many fish to count in boats across the bass fishing world. Find another bass fisherman who knows how to fish plastics, or read and study the huge amount of info available on the subject. Learning to use them will make you a better fisherman. Good luck.
  22. This is a great example that one man's gimmick is another's secret weapon. There are fishermen who swear by each one of those colors and more. A local store not too far from here is a good example. It has more colors of GY baits than I have ever seen, along with a custom Table Rock color that the owner says is made just for him. Another example is technique specific rods. Some companies go to a lot of time and trouble to develop rods that are exactly what they want in a rod. Many of them also have a loyal fan base that trust when they buy a technique specific rod from their line it will have certain desired characteristics. Sure this is subjective and not for everyone, but GLoomis has made a huge amount of money on their Jig and Worm series for good reason IMO. From the Hydro Wave to self centering bails there is a market for all manner of stuff. I think that is good thing.
  23. I am sorry for your loss. I am not sure you ever get over the loss of a loved one, but the pain will ease and it is the good memories that will most often come to mind. I will pray for you and yours. May God bless you in this difficult time.
  24. After reading through this thread, I have a couple of thoughts . Raider I think you should appeal to Long Mike's patriotism and sense of duty to convince him to take a position in your new administration. You need someone to translate for you and Tip, not only for foreign folk, but for most of the English speaking world. .ghoti.'s greater than room temperature IQ makes him a fine choice for a new position: Ambassador to the Middle East. Heaven knows we need someone with good sense in that region, and he may be as close to that as you have available. I also like Redline for Secretary of the Treasury, although his liking of the finer things may be a potential problem given his access to the printing presses. Finally I would like to offer my services as an adviser. While I have little in the way of qualifications, I can speak in more or less complete sentences and would like to be in a position to take advantage of the largess sure to come from a man of your..er...caliber.
  25. I am right handed and reel with my left. That works best for me. I agree with A-Jay that with some practice and good technique using either hand to cast is a great way to ease the strain of fishing long hours. It can also make getting the bait into the right spot easier.
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