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Everything posted by K_Mac

  1. Lund Explorer I am not a disciple of the Church of Elvis. Celebrating someone's accomplishments and worshipping them are two very different things.
  2. That is a very cynical view IMO. Elvis was just like the rest of us, a flawed human being with great strengths and weaknesses. Because of his enormous talent and success he was tempted with many of the things that have destroyed great men and women throughout history. I think it was a tragic ending, but that doesn't diminish his impact on our music and culture.
  3. That's the best quality video I have ever seen of this sort of work. The photographer really knows his business. I liked it! I am dumb enough to not worry much about heights. Once you get beyond two stories it doesn't matter much.
  4. DVT's above response is as good an answer as you'll get on this IMO. I would not worry much about an eighth of an ounce.
  5. Strength of schedule is always going to be a hot topic. There will always be inequities both real and imagined. Only one team takes home the championship trophy though. It does make for interesting debate.I agree that being a winner does not require a championship trophy in both sports and life. It is an interesting comment coming from Saban though...
  6. RSM you make a good case that it takes a better team to have the best regular season. The way most sports are structured though it is the team smart and lucky enough to have the best when the regular season ends. Winning more games than necessary with little left for the postseason is counterproductive.
  7. Congratulations on finishing flyfisher. Many of us talk about changing careers, but few of us actually do. I talked about it many times over the years. I even went back to school a couple of times, but always to move along in the field I was in. Changing paths takes guts. I salute you!
  8. The question is pond or boat. Having some acreage and home in a secluded location with the ability to hunt and shoot would absolutely come before a new boat. Having some sort of boat is not really optional though. It does not have to be much-just something to get on the water.
  9. For the price of a good used boat, you could get a good start on a pond. Having a pond to play in is one thing; managing a good fishery is another. I would take the boat!
  10. Size is a relative thing, and there are definitely times when a smaller bait will catch more fish. There are even times when downsizing will catch bigger fish in my experience; changing to a Smallie Beaver from a standard size has saved my day more than once. If I am targeting bass I will always use a jig with a big enough hook to have a reasonable chance of landing whatever I hook. I have caught (and lost) good bass on crappie jigs, but it is an iffy thing.
  11. Cyclops you may have balls, but you have all the charisma of a rattle snake. I find your posts offensive and mean spirited. One of the things that brings many of us to this site is spirited conversation without rancor. You need to tone it down or find someplace else for your vitriol. Just my opinion of course...
  12. Happy birthday Glenn!
  13. Now that was a good football game! Way to go Ohio State.
  14. I enjoy having choices. Could I get by with much less? Absolutely. Do I have too much? Nope. Catching fish is only one of the things I like about bass fishing. I like the tackle, gear, conversation, and all the other pieces of the puzzle. If simply catching fish on one combo and a handful of lures works for you, enjoy. If having the price of a new vehicle (or several) in gear makes you happy, while having your financial house in order more power to you. Enough for me would not be enough for many. Not because I have everything I want, but because income limits my options. Buy what you can afford and enjoy the journey. My wife used to think I had too much also. Now that she fishes with me regularly, she likes having options as well...
  15. I like the way you think A-Jay. Happy Winter to you and yours!
  16. Being willing to finish what you start is one of the most important life lessons in my opinion. From sports to jobs to marriages there will be times when quitting is the easiest thing to do, yet easy and right are often at odds. Integrity and maturity comes from commitment to doing the right thing even when it's difficult. Would someone please explain to me how giving more than 100% is possible?
  17. Filled my pickup for 1.76 in St. Louis Co. Sunday and my Durango yesterday for 1.95 here on the Illinois side of the river.
  18. Hootie it's a good thing you didn't buy snake skin-you may have pulled a muscle!
  19. He may have been the voice of my youth. He made every song he sang his. Gimme a Ticket is one of the all-time great songs of my generation. I am saddened by his passing. EDIT: Gimme a Ticket is actually The Letter! I may be getting old.
  20. Hootie my wife sees a symbol of love and respect. I see a waste of money. On topic more or less, even economists can't agree whether the net cost of lower energy prices is a positive or not. Since we have little control over it, I guess we'll just enjoy the ride.
  21. I would also add that even if the above testing was done, the results may not be conclusive even if distance is the only variable measured. Size, balance, and other factors are all subjective differences that impact distance. You don't like our answer, but they all cast very well!
  22. RW we are careful to buy where we get the most bang for our limited dollars. Most of our purchases are from Walmart, or other discount stores. We buy store brands for most of our basic items. There are some things we buy at the local chain because we are willing to pay a little more for the quality we want; fresh produce, and other items not handled by the discounters. When 4.5 pounds of 80/20 hamburger costs $19.00 or Folgers costs $10.00 at Walmart, just to name a few of things that have jumped 15-20 percent over the last few months, it does make a real difference in "disposable" income. I used to pay little attention to these things. Nowadays I have to out of necessity.
  23. I seem to be spending mine on bread, milk, and other grocery item increases.
  24. Just rub some dirt on it...
  25. It is one thing to confront someone who has violated your personal space or attacked you physically, it is something else entirely to physically attack someone because he is fishing too close. I am not afraid of a physical confrontation if it is necessary to protect me or mine, but to risk jail time or worse for a fishing spot is not the way mature men behave in my opinion. Of course some of this may just be internet machismo-it is easy to be bad anonymously.
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