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Raider Nation Fisher

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Everything posted by Raider Nation Fisher

  1. Easy now Homie. Weve been having a couple rebuilding decades. We are back this year though Baby! Oh and since your hating on my Raiders I'll go and ruin College football for ya now. The SEC is going to win it all this year too. I agree. I think its a load of phooey also.
  2. Lay off Da Bears, they are my distant second team. Urlacher is a freaking beast son. And the Bears ain't gonna go all the way cause My Raiders are gonna win it all. Black and Silver til I DIE!!!
  3. While getting ready for the upcoming season. Yup ain't but two months away Baby!!! I came across this older highlight of Ray Lewis taking Ocho Cincos head off. God this stuff gets me so hyped up! Enjoy. And Raider Nation 4 Life!!!!! http://m.youtube.com/index?desktop_uri=%2F&gl=US#/watch?v=E3ac0A6bTGA
  4. The season starts up in 2 months If I recall correctly. So who's ready for some FOOOTBALLLL!? The Raiders are going all the way this year baby! Raider Nation 4 Life! Black and Silver til I die!
  5. That hysterical. Showed you didn't he! :D
  6. I will definitely try that next time we go out.
  7. They had been sitting in a cooler for about 9 hours when that picture was taken.
  8. They were a blast to catch. My buddy caught a 36lber a few weeks back. That thing wad enormous. Hopefully She Who Must be Obeyed will let me go again this Friday evening. I'm loving catching these fish.
  9. Went fishing for stripes Friday night. My buddy tells me these are medium size. Heck one of them stripped the drag out of my pinnacle reel. I believe its time to reup some of my gear.
  10. I made them more money per job then everyone except for the sign installer. A lot of times I made them more than he did. So I like to think I was a good worker for them.
  11. It means they don't love you anymore. Naw I believe it means there inbox is full.
  12. True that. Family ALWAYS comes first. That's how its supposed to be. If your interested in the welding side, learn to tig weld pipe. Then just practice, practice, practice. Do it while you go to school for machining. If nothing else it adds to what your worth will be to a company.
  13. Welders make pretty good homie. My buddy's pulling down 32 an hour down here welding stainless pipe. He does a lot of process piping. He's also non union.
  14. Reubuns all day. Specially when its got corned beef and pastrami stacked on it. I have tried one in almost every sandwhich shop in Alabama. It is my all time favorite sandwich ever.
  15. Well today was my first work day with my new company. I completely forgot why I love this work so much. I was in hog heaven today. No grouchy boss calling on the phone. No being pressured into dangerous situations. (This company is REAL big on safety. My last, not so much so.) Plus I actually got to do honest to God electrical work today. None of that stuff I did for the past year. Dang its good to be a electrician. I need to brush up on my symbols, print reading, and pipe bending. Yet that shouldn't take more than a couple hours of reading at home tonight. All in all it was a great day, and this company seems like the perfect fit for me. Now for an update on my last week at my old job. I turned my 2week notice in last monday, and was told that the desperately needed me for the two full weeks. Which was fine with me. I'm in no hurry to burn that bridge. So tuesday hits and they have me work 8 hours. Now too bad, however they didn't let me work on monday. Wednesday rolls around and I ended up working a 3hour day, because they gave my other 2 jobs to someone else. Then when I get back to the shop, they send my buddy out on another job, tell me they don't have anything for me. Then turn around and send someone else out on a job that got back after I did. I bit my tongue and walked out to my car. I called my new boss, explained what was going on, and was told they could use me starting today. So I tell the former boss Friday is my last day. They Obviously don't need me to stick around as much as they thought they did, and that I would just as soon get on with my life. Well I got another 8hrs on Thursday and was told they didn't need me to work Friday. I went to the shop Friday morning to gather my tools up, and the man wouldn't even speak to me. He eyeballed my back for five minutes then flat out ignored me. I tried to talk with him and he wouldn't even acknowledge my presence. Oh, well. Guess that bridge burned down.
  16. The Razer is a very good phone. Everyone I've talked with love's theirs. Pretty much any of the droid phones are good. Plus if you root them you can do all kinds of cool stuff with them. The all use the android operating system which is nice. I would say go with the Razr.
  17. Very good point. You have to abide by the old saying, work smarter not harder.
  18. That's awesome Homie. I would do most anything to get out of the city right about now. Oh well, one day it will happen. Enjoy the house man.
  19. Thanks for the congrats guys. Also yall are completely correct about loving what you do, being a good thing. I figure the majority of your waking time is spent at work, so doing something that makes you happy and you enjoy doing is a great way to go through life. I remember the first time I did electric work 8 years ago. I went to help my former boss' oldest son on a house they were wiring. After just 30 minutes I knew I had found what I wanted to spend my life doing. I worked with him on all my off days for the better part of a year until they had established the company enough to hire me on. Hiring on with them was one of the best things I have ever done for myself. We went from about 90% residential with a 10% percent mix of commercial and industrial. To 100% industrial within 3.5 years. I was trained by a journeyman that is now a master, whom I still keep in touch with, another journeyman. I also had 8 engineers that would explain and answer any questions I had about the workings of being an electrician and a welder. Wether or not this still holds true, up until last year I was 1 of only 80 electricians in Alabama with extensive knowledge of building and maintaining pharmaceutical plants. Anyway I stayed with that company until they closed and sold themselves a year ago. Strangely enough for my first two years I prefered residential and commercial to industrial. As of now I really don't care for commercial or residential work, and prefer industrial. It's just cool to me how things can change like that. Back to my new job. I was talking with my cousin and 2 other electricians last night about this job, and found out some interesting stuff. Apparently this company ie an amazing place to work for. I was told the compensation and benefits here are better than any other company in Alabama. They are fiercely loyal to their employees and do everything they can to take care of them. Now nothing is ever free, and if it is its probably a lie or not worth a dime. They expect their employees to work and get things done in a timely fashion. I believe most all companies are that way. The work is hard, dirty, and almost never cush. In exchange for you working in those conditions they will go above and beyond the call of duty to take care of you. I know some people will say well that's the way its supposed to happen. Maybe it is.Yet from what I have seen that's not how it always works. I'm still giddy as all get out waiting to start this job. I guess my patience and perseverance paid off for me again in searching for a new job. Sorry about the lengthy post. I'm waiting on a truck to move so I can do my work for today, and am feeling very talkative and excited right now.
  20. They could be catching sand bass? Or maybe they got a bass oasis that yall just don't know about.
  21. Well things are looking up for me now. I went in and applied for three jobs yesterday, and the third job hired me on. No more commercial service for me!!!!!! I'm back to heavy industrial big baby!!!!!!!! It was a decent one year vacation, but I'm BACK now!!! I'm bout giddy as school girl about this new job. I told my buddy yesterday he gets his jollies off by lifting weights. I get mine by lifting pipe, cranking bolts, and pulling BIG cable. Big plus number one, I'll lose my gut and get back to my scary physique. Plus number 2, This is the kind of work I love to do so much, its almost as good as fishin IMO. Plus number 3, my wife is nicer when I'm doing Industrial. I told her some years ago, that the reason you never see an electrician funeral. Is because something goes wrong and we vaporize. I said there isnt even enough left to fit in a bottle top. This apparently got her to worrying about me more so than usual. Anyway, I'm going to dance a jig around the parking lot now. Peace Out for now.
  22. It's Snow White and the huntsman. I have been wanting to see that movid for a while now. Look forward to hearing what you think about it. Is nice to know I can cross battleship off my list though.
  23. I feel I need to add a few more things to my arsenal of zombie destruction. Maybe some Willy Pete grenades and some frags. Hey Clayton? Can you hook a brother up....?
  24. Nah, the scent may attract them.
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