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Raider Nation Fisher

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Everything posted by Raider Nation Fisher

  1. Actually, I wouldn't trade it for anything. Wasn't that great at the time. Looking back on it it was fairly nifty though. It's kind of fun getting to dress like a spaceman. For those of yall who haven't seen an arc suit.
  2. I'll see your commercial kitchen and raise you an MCC room at at least110 or more because of the heat generated by the MCC and switchgear, while wearing a full body arc suit.
  3. What he said.
  4. That's rotten homie. Lund Explorer, you get used to it after awhile. I never get to do anything in the ac. From the time I hit the jobsite in the morning til I get home I don't use or get ac. Like I said you eventually get used to doing without. Now my wife on the other hand, she complains when it gets over 78 in the house.
  5. Nope. Apparently she had no desire to go see it either.
  6. Don't get a compound bow. It takes the fun out of it. Get a recurve or a long bow. I promise you will enjoy it more. Maybe I'm just old school like that but compound bows just aren't my thing. I can't stand having to use a release. If I'm going to pull a trigger to shoot something its gonna be on a gun. At least that way I know I won't miss.
  7. Why is it that in Europe and other places these don't seem to exist. Kind of like how over here certain carriers get certain phones exclusively. Yet I heard that's illegal in Europe. Does that mean that all the carriers get all the phones? Or do they have a drastically reduced selection? I'm sure there are other examples too, but that was the first that came to mind.
  8. I just might have to fish there in a few weeks. The stripe fishing is definitely giving me a break from the work of bass fishing.
  9. It's probably my favorite show on tv. However I stay a season behind everyone else,because I'm too cheap to get DVR or TiVo. Also I'm usually asleep when it comes on. Instead I just watch it on netflix.
  10. I would respond to #2 but this is a family forum. Number 9 seems pretty accurate. As for number 10, you have to contend with the golf monkey instead of the bait monkey. I have spent way more money on golf clubs, golf balls, and other golf stuff then I have on fishing stuff. However once I found the right clubs and golf balls, I didn't spend near as much.
  11. Happy birthday you old goat! :D
  12. Yet they do have snow golfing. That's what they make the orange golf balls for. I've always wanted to see a PGA snow golf tournament. I think it would be hysterical to watch them chip that ball outta a snow bank.
  13. For me personally I found learning to bass fish much harder than learning to golf. I was/am very good at golf, it took some practice, but nothing like fishing has. As for golfing in general, and I mean no offense to anyone. It seems like more of a rich people's game. I mean there are courses down here that are 300-400 dollars for a round of golf. People are fascinated by this kind of thing, or most anything that is costly. That's one of my takes on it. Another would be as, Bass Ninja stated, its an international sport played all over the world. Whereas bass fishing us more localized.
  14. Never had the problem of being non motivated to lift. It's my all time favorite thing in the world. I love the feeling I get slamming weights. It's the most natural high I have ever experienced. It's almost as good as getting done tail. Gotta get your head straight for it. If it helps to take a day off every week go for it. If a two week break seems like what you need go for it. I wouldn't go longer than two weeks. If you need my help with getting motivated or getting back into the lifting mentality let me know. If you need anything you know how to get in touch with me. Peace out Nephew
  15. I've already said how we are gonna do. We are gonna win it all. In all honesty we will probably do the same as always. But I have faith in my Raiders to win the super bowl this year. Ask any member of the Nation and you will get the same answer. Raider Nation til I DIE!!!! Silver and Black 4EVER!!!!
  16. My son gets spanked. Honestly though now just the mention of the threat has the desired affect. He is only spanked for severe disobedience. Otherwise he is given a choice between a action and a punishment. It seems to be working like a charm right now. It is actually very rare that I have to spank him. As for the woman who commented to you. She would have been calling the police to pry my wife off of her. I don't tell you how to raise your kids or live your life, I expect the same in return. If you threaten ny family or myself you better be prepared for the repercussions. I dont take crap from anyone and my wife is ten times worse then me. I handle the men she handles the women. I can't stand people like that. Those people are what is wrong with the world today. They and all their PC garbage and views on life should put on a boat, sailed to the middle of the pacific, and have the boat sunk. Grrrrrrrrrrrr. Now I have gotten myself all worked up.
  17. Probably the best movie I have seen this year. I will definitely be purchasing it when it comes out on blu ray. It was well worth the money we spent on tickets and snacks. What's not to love? It's got a fiesty red head, a gnardog king (which my wife says reminds her of me), a great story line, and the best part a demonic bear. It doesn't get any better than that. The demonic bear scared the hell out of my almost four year old whom decided he needed to jump on my lap. Otherwise though he absolutely loved the movie. If yall would like I can go into a plot summary, but I don't want to ruin it for anyone that wants to see it. However I would highlyadvise going to see it.
  18. How dare you Sir. I can't stand Bama. I would sooner have a sister in a who're house then a friend who goes for Bama. Wait a second.... Did you mean to type hate?
  19. Get on the plane and fly out to a Raiders game with me. I swear it will change your whole perspective. Just don't wear a jersey or shirt for the opposing team. Things can turn ugly pretty dang fast when your hanging out with the other members of the Nation. Black and Silver til I DIE!!!!
  20. I figured this would getcha started up. The smack talk is half the fun of college football. Plus most the Florida fans I've met are thugs. Can't really stand being around them. Keep in mind I haven't hung out around Florida fans in 10 plus years. So they may have changed since then.
  21. So as not to have my NFL thread jacked. Who's ready for the college football season? And most important what team are you reppin? Im reppin them Auburn Tigers! Honestly as long as they beat LSWho and Bama, I will consider it a good year. Only thing worse then those mouthy LSWho fans are those miserable bear lovin Bama fans. War d**n Eagle!
  22. Your no fun. Kind of refreshing though that not everyone takes sports to the extreme that I do though.
  23. http://m.youtube.com/index?desktop_uri=%2F&gl=US#/watch?v=R-qrADy-E0A
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