Deer: two custom longbows in 45# draw and 65# draw. Two horsebows one @ 70# draw weight, this is my go to bow, and gets used more than any other weapon for dear hunting. The other is 110# draw, it never gets used anymore cause I'm an idiot and thought it would be awesome to have a high draw weight bow. It's great for target shooting but is terrible for hunting. Takes way too much effort, time, and is ay to heavy to hold back for an extended period of time. Rifles in the rare chance I get the urge to rifle hunt I use a .308 Remington 700 that I built myself. Also a Barrett M98B chambered in .338 Lapua Magnum, which is overkill for deer hunting, but aside from shooting at targets its nice to be able to hunt some form of animal with it down here. Neither rifle gets used but maybe 3 or 4 times a year for deer.
Raccoon, possum, and squirrel: marlin .17hmr
Coyote: Remington 700 .308 (I make do with what I have). would like a .223 but cannot afford one right now. Want to try bow hunting them this year.
Bear: For when I hopefully get to Alaska to hunt them during 2013. Barrett M98B .338 Lapua Magnum.
That's pretty much it as far my hunting stuff goes.