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Raider Nation Fisher

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Everything posted by Raider Nation Fisher

  1. http://m.yahoo.com/w/legobpengine/news/man-bites-snake-death-revenge-154835399.html?orig_host_hdr=news.yahoo.com&.intl=US&.lang=en-US Never heard of a snake dieing from manbite before.
  2. Well that's got us three. Come on guys, it'll be fun.
  3. I had to share myy moms cell phone from the age of 14 until I went to college, and got my own. There were no such things as smart phones back then. Just dumb phones that you could run over with a tank and it would still work. I can see getting them a regular cell phone. Yet I can't see why a fourteen year old would need a smart phone. Society is just down right strange these days. If you really want to put one over on her buy her a pager.
  4. You could always build a sand castle. I mean its not like there is a shortage of it over there.
  5. Fish, hunt, a few things I can't post on this site , disassemble and reassemble some of my firearms, play with my knives. You just got be creative. Hell if nothing else go whittle wood. Make a crank bait out of a piece.
  6. I know what my capabilities are as far as work goes. I do my job to the best of my abilities be on par with everyone else or above and beyond what is expected. Personally I would rather my boss tell his boss what a great job I am doing. Bringing home a paycheck is reward enough for me. I just dont feel it necessary to have someone tell me how great I am or am doing. I already know how great I am. I don't need someone to reaffirm this for me. As long as I'm not getting fussed at or lectured then that means I'm doing my job good.
  7. Well said sir, couldnt have phrased it any better than that.
  8. Because Cam is a beast. There is no denying that he is. After last year the Kid blew up. Think of what he's gonna do this year. Carson Palmer. Im a Raiders fan. Just in case you hadn't noticed yet. Do you really think I would NOT list my teams qb? I mean come on now. No Rodgers. I just don't care for him. I don't know why that is. It's just something about him that rubs me wrong.
  9. So are we going to do a Bass Resource fantasy football league again this year? If so is anyone interested?
  10. 30in. Barrel Also they are full metal jacket.
  11. 1. Cam Newton 2. Drew Brees 3. Tom Brady 4. Carson Palmer (once he knocks the cobwebs off) 5. Eli manning
  12. They also say the quickest way to change a man's mind is a 160 grain boat tail. I had to sneak a little dark humor in, figured it might perk you up some. Seriously though. Keep your head up and try an be rational in handling this. Ain't gonna do your kids no good to have their daddy in jail. Also if your that interested in phone records and what not. If you are the primary account holder, I believe your cell company can release the messages to you. If nothing else it can't hurt to threaten it.
  13. Just out of curiosity. I'm well aware that this round kills and destroys most every living thing it contacts or breezes by. What would the ballistic comparison to a 690 grain round from my 50bmg be compared to my .338 Lapua Mag. I know its like comparing a nuke to a cruise missle, but I'm curious.
  14. Firearms, knives, and lastly... fishing lures!
  15. That depends on what it is in relation too. If its something that could cause bodily harm or something of that nature, then yes. If not then it depends on what kinda mood im in. It seems that as I have gotten older the ones I listen too are usually spot on.
  16. Letters aren't that big on a phone screen though. So what exactly does a tampon kayak look like?
  17. I dunno Raiders and Steelers used to go at it back in the 70s. True Steelers won more championships back then. Which n the scheme of things is what really matters. Blow for blow though that's a tough one. Raiders peaked in the late 70s early 80s as far as playing against the Steelers. Still though when Madden was coaching them the Raiders were a force to be reckoned with. Playing against one another the raiders have a one game lead in regular season games. I will agree with you that as of late the Steelers are the better team. I still think that history wise the Raiders have the edge. Packers I will have to look into. I've never followed them nor really paid much attention to them. So I really can't even try to refute this without doing a little digging. I will get back to you on them
  18. Red Earth and Packman89, you two are cracking me up. I love this diehard mentality, I truely do. Now you two need two need to road trip with me to watch some football this year. Also everyone knows that the Raiders (regardless of last night) are superior in all respects to the redskins and the cowboys. The last 10 haven't been that great but since we are talking past look at the record from creation of team to now. Now let's all just agree the Raiders are the better team of the three and be done with it. BLACK AND SILVER FOR LIFE RAIDER NATION TIL I DIE
  19. I totally did not see the "n" in noobs. I mistook it for a b. And thanks to not paying attention to detail I now have Pepsi in my nose and all over my shirt.
  20. The recoil is really not too bad. Its really not what you would expect from it. Never thought about the ballistics that way before. That is quite interesting. I'm gonna research furthur in depth than I have been on it.
  21. 250 on the Lapua. 180 in .308.
  22. I like the basketball one. It made me smile.
  23. ###%&*#!@$##%!!!!!!!!! You stupid @$$&*&$@$&%*$!!!!!! What in the world were you doing!?! Homie better learn to pass better than that!! Grrrrrrr!!!! Don't matter anyway, but still. We'll get it done once the season starts. Raider Nation For Life. PS These fools on sports center are cracking me up with their recap of the game. Recap wise, it looks like our defense is pretty good this year.
  24. I'm liking what I'm seeing outta Jackson too. Spoke too soon about the line I think. They seem kinda wishy washy right now. Bout 50/50
  25. I had to work through the whole first half of the game!!!!!!! :( From what I've seen Pryor ain't doing half bad though. Line seems to be doing pretty good too. What did I miss in the first half? How did Palmer look? How did Romo look? I can't believe I ******* missed over half the game! How the hell do you miss that kick!?! What in the heck was that! Don't matter we are still gonna beat them Cowboys! It may not be the blowout I predicted, but the cowboys are still going down! The Silver and Black may be down but we sure as hell ain't out! RAIDER NATION FOR LIFE BABY!
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