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Raider Nation Fisher

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Everything posted by Raider Nation Fisher

  1. I can shoot for Sunday or next week sometime.
  2. Dunno yet. You got a preference?
  3. Im down with a four man league. I would like to try an get a few more teams. At least another two. So come on people. Don't be scared.
  4. I mean if the school didn't step in he might wind up looking like this fella.
  5. A red neck is sitting in a bar, and strikes up a conversation with a gorgeous woman. After talking for a while the man asks if the woman would like to head back to his place for some fun. The lady gets all haughty, and points out to the parking lot and says you see that red ferrari out there? Well you have to have one of those if your gonna take me home. As well 100grand in your bank account and 12ins. below the belt. The red neck looks at the woman with a disgusted look on his face and says, "You see that black Lamborghini in the parking lot?" "Well that's mine so why would I need a Ferrari?" He then reaches in his pocket and pulls out 500grand and says, "I keep 500grand in my pocket, my bank account has 5 mil. in it." Then he looks the awe struck woman dead in the eye and says, "Your not even worth my time cause I ain't cutting four inches off for you or anyone else."
  6. That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard in my life. How is this even an issue? What **** for brains person complained about this? People disgust me. The little bit of faith I had left in humanity is now gone. Honestly I hope the families attorneys take very dime that school has.
  7. Nope, they aren't gone. This is what it has evolved into. Well this and rap.
  8. Wyoming and North Dakota are adding a ton of jobs. I know for Electricians, Welders, and Fitters the pay is phenomenal. Currently they are paying as much or better than Alaska. As in 6 digit income a year. I've been debating it all year. I just haven't made up my mind yet. The money is calling me and I'm having trouble saying no. Time will tell if I grudgingly become a Yankee or not. Hey Clayton, if I do go up there to work. Can you teach me how to speak Northern?
  9. I carry and use SOG, CRKT and Micro Tech. My favorite is a SOG AEGIS II. I've been using it for two years now and like it very very much. The CRKT is the M16 in desert. It has held up almost as well as the SOG. Only problem is the unique serrations on the blade tend to get nicks in them if used to cut fishing line ALOT. That's the only disappointment I have with it. The Micro Tech I've only had for a year. It is strong as all get out, the blade is amazing, and it looks awesome. However the price is through the roof. It was a gift, which is the only reason I own it. I can't drop that much money on a pocket knife. All three are US made. Also Benchmade is US made. Yet I have never owned one. I hear very good things about them though. Böker are German made and are amazing knives. I'm not sure if they make folding knives, but their small and micro sheath knives are some of the beat I've owned.
  10. It's different. Not bad though. I kinda like it. Definitely has a nice sound to it. The vocals aren't half bad either.
  11. The Grandma's Boy, quote. Is been wondering who would be the first one to quote that would be. Well played sir,well played.
  12. Baby Boo. Lil Bead. That's all I can think of right now. My mind is elsewhere.
  13. YES! Those are the types of girls!!! Man do I miss those girls, I mean times. Homie we would stroll up in there buffed out, hair done up; braided, dyed, mohawked, or whatever, bondage pants, spiked brackets, spiked gauntlets, and collars looking like a mix between a goth, rave boy, and jock. Start dancing to the beat and those girls would flock to us. Those were by far some of the greatest days of my life. Dang now you got me strolling down memory lane.
  14. I did the rave scene for about a year and a half. There is just something about raver girls that I like. Especially the get ups they would wear. I only went for the girls and music. The whole lifestyle that went along with it was the exact opposite of mine. Now metal and punk shows I could and did go to those every chance I got. Also, I'm loving the vids you posted up. Quo Vadis is straight gnardog I will be checking more of their stuff out.
  15. So my neighbors from Brooklyn and the Bronx aren't a good representation of the rest of yall? I mean my buddy from Jersey and family from Michigan definitely have a Yankee accent. However these two are something else. I've called them out on the accent and was told that's how yall New Yorkers talk. Now your telling me there is a difference between New Yorkers and Upper State New Yorkers? Yall are some strange people up there.
  16. Dude, you yanks all sound the same to me. Jersey is by far the worst though.
  17. I'm gonna have to agree with Mike. If the oil companies do not diversify then they will go belly up when the oil goes dry. So it is in their best interest to find alternative sources of energy. Why would a mega corporation be so naive as to not be actively searching for something that can make them even more money. If they could make more money off of an alternative more efficient form of energy, especially by discovering and applying it. Then it is udder nonsense to believe they would not be actively researching them. You don't just become an executive of a billion dollar corporation by being narrow minded and or ignorant. In no way am I calling your post nonsense or calling you ignorant or anything else. I just want to clarify that, cause sometimes things can be misconstrued when they are read and not spoken in conversation.
  18. Also, don't add a "u" sound to your words. It's football not footbull. Or "wow she is tull." Also its "yall" not "youse guys." That's my helpful advice. Lastly tell all your friends and family that you hate it down here. Tell them its backwards and miserable. We don't need a mass migration of Carpet Baggers heading into the south, and by all that is Holy avoid Alabama at all costs.
  19. Dude, your iTunes library is most definitely AWESOME! I love Living Sacrifice. I own that album. That is my kind of music right there. I'm still on a big dub step bender right now though. All in all though, death metal and black metal are and will always be my favorite and most listened to genres of music.
  20. That's more like it right there. You can't go wrong with that. Almost up there with them. Almost up there with them.
  21. It's all in the way you are listening to it. Plus you can't deny that the beat doesn't make you wanna dance. You just have to feel the rhythm. Which is best accomplished by a stack of subwoofers. If nothing else the sheer force of the bass will make your body dance. Whether you won't to or not.
  22. I'm quite fond of my R2 impersonators. It's more fun to dance to, and party too. Almost up there with the more extreme metal bands I listen too. Plus if I'm gonna listen to anything that's as mellow as that its either gonna be; The Glorious Ninth by Ludwig Van, or some of his other wonderful compositions, some Mozart, or possibly a little Chopin. I'm not big on country at all. I would rather listen to a symphony or a opera over country music. Way more entrancing in my opinion.
  23. I like. Not as hard as I was expecting. Still I really like them. I'm gonna check out some more stuff by those two. My friend was telling me about Deadmou5 I'm kind of digging them too. They just don't have that "metal" sound to them like Skrillex. I do like the genre though. Thanks for sharing them with me. I could and can totally dance to this type of music.
  24. I've always had a certain fondness for the group The Crystal Method and some random underground acid house dj's. However those were the only electronica groups I listened too. Mainly because of the memories that they hold for me. Other than them I really didn't care for that genre. However, today I discovered Skrillex. This man is amazing. I never thought I would head bang to electronica. Seriously if yall have never heard his music check him out. Added bonus his music videos are awesome.
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