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Raider Nation Fisher

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Everything posted by Raider Nation Fisher

  1. I was off work today so here goes. Breakfast: 8 hard boiled eggs and half pound of bacon. 16 Ozs. Orange juice mixed with grapefruit juice. 24 ozs of water. Gym 9AM snack: protein shake, two slices of whole grain wheat bread, 1 banana. Lunch: 4 hot dogs and large fries from sneaky petes. 3PM snack: protein shake and two slices of whole grain wheat bread. Gym Dinner: 16oz Strip steak, 2 baked potato's (loaded), black eyed peas, collar greens, broccoli, five chunks of garlic bread, and sauteed onions and mushrooms. I love bulking cycles!!!!!!!! I get to eat like this every single day! Only I generally only go to the gym onfe a day because of work.
  2. So when I started hitting the gym 8 weeks ago I was weighing in at 315. I am currently 268. Ive cut all soft drinks and most sugars out of my diet completely. Othrrwise Im still eating the same as before with the exception of a TON more protein. Ill start dieting on my cut in four weeks time. In which case i should drop around 25 to 30 lbs. At least in theory. Muscle mass has increased slowly up until the last 2 weeks when it all out exploded. Fat loss has been up and down mostly up. My definition has improved as well as my already stellar flexibility. My upper body size has improved as well. Legs have gotten stronger and much more powerful. Im loving the mess out of this. Im starting to look and feel so much better. Supplements. Im currently taking D-Aspartic Acid stacked with Vitrix to increase test production and cut fat. Cre a core as a pre and post work out. And A-AKG powder to get that amazing nitric oxide pump that I love so much. As well as a double serving of protein powder every morning. Smoking. Ive been so busy between work, family, and gym that I javent really had time to even do it. I enjoyed it, but im enjoying not doing it even more. Funny how that works isnt it? Well until next time. Peace out.
  3. Great minds think alike. Only mine was directed towards the mods. Look up the post "religion in politics" it was on october 26.
  4. Riot!!!! RIOT!!!! RIOT!!!!!!!!! Its the solution to all of lifes problems. Gotta let your inner punk out of his cage for this to work though. Other than that I have no solutions to offer.
  5. How dare you copy my ideas without my permission. Well somewhat copy, but I got more than half the mods attention with my made ya look. Took them no less than two minutes to catch it. Also, that is not cool. I was hoping for smut or something filthy. Darn you. Get my hopes up and then crush them like that.
  6. Now that there is funny!
  7. I havent gotten any calls about the election or the canidates. Or seen any tv ads. See living in Alabama does have its perks.
  8. Least yall all get along. My neighbors with the exception of a few feel about me pretty much the same way as I do about them. Most of them are older than me and value structure and conformity. I really have no use for either. Plus I see no problem with keeping my two 55 gallon (empty) hydraulic drums on my back patio. They will be turned into smokers by the end of the month. Or with my Raiders and Chelsea FC flags and banners that get displayed in front of my townhouse. On the last two Im starting to think I live around a bunch of Denver and Man U fans.
  9. Wow, your a burden on society. Any other problems you forgot to mention? And yes you are also draining the social security fund as well. You expensive old goat.
  10. The Gannon years were good. They just werent as good as compared to the 70s which I always here about. None the less you are right they were some good times.
  11. Im competely stoked about it. It just seems like an amazing game to play, and to learn.
  12. That depends on who you ask. I rhought it was a superbly played game. Also I was either not here or very young when the Raiders were good so I remember none of the good times.
  13. First bait for bass: scum frog. First bait for salt water: plastic shrimp. First vehicle: 1990 chevy silverado, glass pack exhaust, 4in lift, red to black southern comfort paint job, custom step sides. It lasted four days before it was totaled out. 2nd vehicle: 94 eagle talon. 1st handgun: glock 17 1st rifle: yugo sks 1st skateboard: Blind 1st house: this miserable townhouse we currently live in. 1st "trophy" ring: Alabama 5a football state championship ring. 1st wife: still got her.
  14. So with the quitting of the cigs I have set a new goal for my self. My tough guy plan from last year got seriously derailed by work and finances. So I have come up with my new hair brained idea to go along with my current challenge. Im going out for the local rugby team next year. My doctor seems to think it will help with some of the aggression issues that I have as well as be a healthy activity for me to pursue. So I have around six months to train and get myself back into shape. Ive been so focused on this that I havent even thought about cigs today. Im starting my training hardcore tomorrow. Im actually really looking forward to this. It gives me a goal to not get as massive as I can, but to actually get well built and in a healthy form. Plus If I goes well I get to play a game thats forty times as violent as football. I havent been this excited about something since my son was born.
  15. They just got destroyed by my beloved Raiders. So draw your conclusions from that if you want.
  16. Didnt know it ever rained in kuwait. Kind of interesting. Ill bet that was cool seeing how fast the ground soaked it up though. Now I wodnt worry too much unless it starts snowing.
  17. Update for day one. Cravings have been manageable. Not as bad as last time I tried quitting. Wife has beyond gotten on my nerves. Especially in the last forty minutes. Grrrrrrr. I find the berry flavor Stride gum is helping out a lot. I must go get more tomorrow. As far as irritability goes, it doesnt seem much worse than my last test booster cycle which I just ended until the 16th of next month. Im impressed with how well I can handle my emotions and stress. Monday will be the real test of my fortitude in quitting. Ill update again either tomorrow or monday.
  18. Shame on you soldier! Now drop and give me twenty maggot!!!!!! :D Oh and I got to ask. WHAT MAKES THE GRASS GROW!?!
  19. My pops is like that. He is on full disability now, and his back is beyond screwed up. Some days hes good others he cant hardly walk. He seems to have a decent system in place for dealing with it. Ill pm you about it in a little while. They got him prescribed to pain pills and muscle relaxers. However that Scottish pride we got from one of his great grandfathers is still alive and well in him. Hence his current system. Hes basically made his peace with the fact that he is never gonna feel 100% again. Still I cant help but feel rotten for him. Also I was not aware morphine came in pill form. I knew it came in glass vials and patches.
  20. Ive cut down to about a pack to 3/4 of a pack a day about a month ago. Was at 2 a day before. I just finally feel like my mind is completely made up, and have an insane drive to be rid of them.
  21. Im still missing a few of them. Response time was amazing though.
  22. I have decided im finally going to quit smoking. The time has come for the dirt sticks to go. I have gotten my metabolism sped up so hopefully fat gain will be negligible. I have finally gotten back on a diet and exercise program that is working amazingly for me. Ive been dieting for four weeks and am averaging right around 10 pounds a week in fat loss. However im not getting the muscle gains I was expecting. Heres where the knowledge comes in. Apparently smoking effects muscle growth! As in Testosterone production, protein synthesis, and the ability for your muscles to absorb nutrients! That is by far one of the most shocking and disturbing things ive ever learned. So as of Tomorrow morning the cigarettes are going bye bye. I mean that is just unacceptable. So fare the well dirt sticks, its been a blast. Im not compromising massive arms and legs for a stupid plant rolled into some paper.
  23. HaHaHa!!!!!!!! I made you look!!!!!! :D :D Awwww come on yall know it was funny.
  24. Might I recommend an old college friend of mine? Her name is Morphine. She makes EVERTHING feel better.
  25. The first quote sounds like some of the college girls I remember. Werent those some fun times. As for the last rest of the post. I lost faith in humanity a long time ago. People are stupid. Its amazing man kind has made it as long as it has.
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