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Raider Nation Fisher

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Everything posted by Raider Nation Fisher

  1. Here I am as of 12 o clock today.
  2. Thats one of my greatest fears with youth sports. I dont want some idiot parent that thinks hes Gods gift to (insert your sport of choice) ruining it for my son. Nothing bothers me more than the little league coach that berates their players and expects them to be at a (pro) level, because they think that they themselves are. The little league football and baseball coaches are the worst about this. I recall vividly the fist fights I saw between some of these coaches and players dads. Oddly enough the dad always seemed to beat the breaks off the coach. I excelled at football (got a scholarship offer) and wrestling. I was good at baseball until it got the 11 year old level. In which case I quit playing cause it wasnt fun any more. I was not that great at soccer. I had my moments, but on the whole I was awful at it. I quit playing in fifth grade to take up wrestling. I didnt get better at soccer until my mid twenties. Im still jot the best, but I have fun with it. As for Rugby, I like to think I am quite good at it. Others may disagree, but you would be hard pressed to find someone else as mean and hard hitting as I am.
  3. I never thought about it that way before. I like that.
  4. We have been practicing for the past 5 months. The boy is getting very good. We do short sessions about 10minutes in length on ball control and passing. Then we just run and play for half an hour then do another short session. The biggest benefit he has is that one of his aunts went to college on a soccer scholarshil and she helps whenever she can. The other benefit is that one of our family friends that went to school with my cousin is an amazing soccer player. She came her from England on a soccer scholarship and is now a soccer coach at a college in Georgia. She works with both of us when she is in town. He has also been learning the fundamentals of rugby. Which has a heavy base in soccer. Like I said he has gotten very good for his age with ball control and passing. All in all though he just loves getting tk play the game, and im starting to enjoy it too.
  5. I was just informed by the little fella that he is gonna play soccer for Chelsea when he turns 13. No idea where he came up with 13 from. I do know that he dislikes Man U and Liverpool with a passion though.
  6. Thats why we are letting someone else coach him this year and next year. Im TOO focused on winning. Aside from working out Im starting playing rugby too. Least when Im in town. I grew up playing sports, and even though it was never pushed somewhere developed the whole "Victory or Death" thing. That applies to me and not to my son or the children I have coached. Anyway. He is doing soccer this spring which he has been hounding me about since he turned three. Which if I had known they had three year old soccer he wiuld have been playing last year. So im excited for him.
  7. I got to be an assistant coach for my little sisters soccer team. They won all kinds of tournaments amd trophys and what have you. Those girls would play theur tails off for me. Its all a matter of making it fun for them while having them give their all. In this case it wasnt fun for them unless they were winning. They would win by any means necessary too. Ive never seen more violent, hard nosed soccer players then these little girls were. Heck they learned how to flop (over exagerate a bump or push, and act like your injured. Just like the pros do.) when they were only 7.
  8. So my wife knows that Im a good youth sports coach. I am very good at getting the most out of aspiring athletes. However Devil Woman wont let me coach my sons youth league soccer team until he is older. Her reasoning being. They dont have winners or losers, everyone is a winner, and these children dont need to learn my brand of playing sports yet. The only reason Im going along with her on this, is because he is only 4 and she might know what she is talking about. Plus im just excited he is showing an interest in sports. Now for the question. Which isnt related to four year old soccer, but sports in general. What in the world is the point in playing sports if everyone wins? Why do we as a country feel it is necessary to celebrate mediocrity? You are either good or you are bad at whatever you are doing. You either win or lose. Thats how life is and thats how sports are. Maybe the 49ers and Ravens will play a game of patty cake and declare that they are both winners.
  9. Well I hit the road again Monday morning. Word on the street is its gonna be a 3to5 month job. Could be more could be less. Its been fun getting to sleep in my own bed every night, but all good things must come to an end. The plus to all this is that I'll get to be home on the weekends. Its weird thinking about it, but my family seems to cope extremly well when I do this. Plus the wife and I get along great when its all said and done. As for me I miss them a lot, but I get to hang with my Sparkys and Knuckle Draggers all day and night. My pay increases by four an hour untaxed, and I manage to eat off of 30 dollars a week. Also our rooms are paid for. Now im getting excited about it. I honestly can say I love my trade and I love my brothers in the trade. You get close to your brothers when your on the road. I even went so far as to get a pay by the month gym membership down there. I cant wait to head out now.
  10. Will do homie.
  11. This is me back in august. And the other is my son. I will get a more recent one of me when I get home.
  12. Yet you are using microsofts office suite on your apple. I know thats a low blow seeing as how most all business use microsoft office suite. My Toshiba running Linux is used for a lot more than just internet surfing. I run Auto Cad, Spool Cad, and Plant Cad on it too. I really just enjoy playing with these programs. I dont really have any use for them at the moment other then entertainment. These programs all work flawlessly on this computer. Plus start up on said computer is actually very fast. As for the programs apple releases with the exception of maybe Pro Tools. I cant really think of any other ones that are above and beyond the offerings of microsoft. Either way windows computers and apple computers are both loaded down with "filler" programs and other junk that does nothing but waste memory and slow down said computer. Its easier to remove said stuff and to increase performance on a pc as opposed to an apple or so Ive been told. Especially if their computers are locked down like their phones are. As for phones Im not going to branch that far off topic with that. Even though Samsung is 10x's better thwn Apple in that department. That debate is for another day though.
  13. We are praying for ya homie. Keep on keeping strong.
  14. My Homie. Just let it go. I believe the statement of, "dont poke the bull or youll get the horns." applies here. Its Glenns site, and we are not owed anything by him or any of the mods.
  15. I figured u would be use to that by now.
  16. All the apple love on here is sickening. Apple is over priced for what you get. The operating system is very limited as far as what the machine is capable of achieving. The accessories are ridiculously priced, and their customer service is a joke which can be said for windows too. Plus the anti virus is not that great. The amount of virus' that are out there for an apple are no where near the amount out there for windows. So yeah apples get fewer virus' then windows machines. Windows is not much better at least not their new operating systems. However at least the machines running them are not 1100 dollars for a laptop with a 15in. screen. As for the OP. Just look around the internet for tutorials. Or go to bestbuy or some other computer store and ask them for help. We have three computers at home two run windows vista and one runs linux. The one with linux is used for gaming and other various things. The two with vista one is used for shopping and surfing the web. The other is used exclusively for smut. I have no problems with any of them. The Linux machine is one of the most powerful computers I have used.
  17. Traitor!!!! Its hard to keep a good tradesman down. If you cant stay in the field. Then work the shop. Just view it as having done your time, and letting the next gen do the hard stuff.
  18. Uninstall and run Linux.
  19. I was refering to earning your money doing physical labor for it. Seems to me there are very few college grads out there that are willing to do a hard days work. To be frank with you though I honestly not to have a know it all college kid on my job. They seem to get in the way and you cant tell them a dang thing. Cause they already "know" everything. Plus heaven forbid they get a dirt on them. You would think the world was coming to an end. Also how dare you rip the trades by calling them easier than being a carpet walker. I watched my very good friend ride off in a ambulance after a 8000 amp switch gear shorted phase to ground and exploded in his face. The arc flash was so hot it melted his safety glasses and liquefied a aluminum grounding clamp and sprayed it across the room like it was water. He was ok by the way. On another job a 15kv line had been made up incorrectly in a distribution switchgear and shorted to ground taking the other two phases with it. The ensuing Arc Blast blew the steel doors fifty feet off the building and into a parking lot. The problem on the cable? When the cable was stripped out a vertical indention had been left in the insulation below the semiconductor. Meaning it hadnt been sanded completely clean. One little indention caused that. 1 life isnt worth a hundred jobs. Really though Im just giving you a hard time. I know what you meant. I just cant help myself. On a serious note though dont confuse the dangers of what comes with my trades as being similar to residential work. I work heavy industrial construction and the dangers are very real and very much there. The electric alone is enough to vaporize you. My buddy got very lucky. A Brother Iron Worker of mine fell 11 stories and bounced off the steel beams until he slammed into the concrete ground. He has lost the use of his right leg and it drags behind him when he walks. Both his shoulders are busted up. The knee on his good leg is going out again too. This happened 20 years ago to him and he still walks the iron every day. He is like Frankensteins freaking monster. He is also one of the hardest workers I have ever met in my life and works circles around any twenty year old that comes on the job. Also I dont know how yall can deal with what yall deal with. Im sorry but when im done for the day, im done. Yall leave the office and then spend all night doing emails. Id rather have the peace of mind that comes from not having to bring my work home with me. I would say I hope your being paid for it. I just dont think it works that way.
  20. I wish I would have known about the trades right out of high school. It would have had me furthur along then I am now. The schools and society in general are to blame. People seem to have the impression sometimes that tradesmen are poor uneducated hicks. That could have a lot to do with some of the tradesmen out there too. Im not knocking a college education. If that is what you want. Then by all means go for it. I sincerly do wish you the best in pursuing your CPA.
  21. I know that in Germany for sure, and possibly in the other european countries. If you can work then you work. Even if they have to find the job for you. They dont have entitlements. If you are an addict, an alcoholic, or just plain lazy. Then you are on your own the government does not and will not help you. Only the disabled and unemployed (for legitimate reasons) get benefits from the government. Now back on topic. Either the work force diversifies or the unemployment rate will soar. If the safety net of Big Brother will support me and my family for extended periods goes away. Then I can gurantee people will find a way to diversify what they know how to do.
  22. Im going to have to disagree with you on this one. There are plenty of jobs. People are too lazy or to proud to want to work them. Which is worse? Attempting to support your family by working a menial job or sponging off others? I see no work ethic in the up and coming generation. There are plenty of trade jobs available. In fact there is a shortage in the trades. Yet the college graduate that cant find a job or has been let go of wont look to the trades for work. Why is that? Because the work is more physically demanding and you have to earn your pay.
  23. I will try that tomorrow morning. Ive never tried hot sauce grits before. My 4 yr old has developed quite the affinity for pepper grits too. Im kind of suprised he likes them as much as he does.
  24. Thats cool how the warehouse was set up. Ive heard of stuff like that but havent seen it yet. I was doing a retrofit on the lights in a steel supply house. They had all the plates stacked on shelves and the fork lifts would run between the asiles which had rubber bumpers surrounding them that were just wide enough for the lift tobrun down. However the lifts could drive all over the warehouse.
  25. So negative. Yeah it probably will. Unless the were to arm them. Which very well could lead to the "Rise of the Machines".
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