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Raider Nation Fisher

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Everything posted by Raider Nation Fisher

  1. Now, that statement my friend is false. However I WILL NOT go into details in a public forum over these exploits.
  2. Its not against the government so its not domestic terrorism. I in no way called for an over throw of our government. Nor am I endorsing one. Nor am I calling for bodily harm against the so called ruling class in this country. So again that would rule out domeatic terrorism. And for your information the food they serve is quite good at Levanworth.
  3. Just highlighting the good ole days of work. We arebt allowed to do that stuff any more.
  4. The excuse is. Either A. Someones wife needed a new house in the Hamptons. Or B. Taxes went up so the only way to keep revenue the same is to thusly raise the price in an effort to combat the higher tax. Until we as a people rise up and take to the streets this will continue to happen. Change doesnt happen by itself. Start a RIOT! Peaceful protest did not work look at the occupy movements. They were over run with filthy peaceful hippies. What did they accomplish?! Nothing!!! The fat cats and rich laughed and mocked them. The time has come to hit them where it hurts the wallet. If rioting and boycotts is what it takes then by all means that is what needs to be done. Signs and flowers dont work. Naplam and bricks bring change. United we can conquer all. Divided we will continue to oppressed by the ruling and upper class.
  5. Atta boy atta boy. He aint lying he is bending the truth slightly. The dog sneezed and thats how the sprinkles got onto his face. If you didnt put your hand on me, then it wasnt me.
  6. Change is good. You gotta get out of your comfort zone sometimes. If its jail broke try a new OS on it. Live a little buddy. You've earned it.
  7. Im ashamed of you. Competely ashamed. Switching operating systems takes a little getting used to. Make the switch to Android and you will love it so much better than iOS. I guarantee it.
  8. He is a closet Apple junkie. Either that or a self loathing apple user. Bust him out of his closet.
  9. The galaxy tab2 10.1 is awesome. I got one a few weeks ago and love it. Works every bit as good as my s3 does. It doesnt resize on the pages either.
  10. He needs to crawl back to his gutter. I absolutely despise this sorry excuse for a person. You get a million dollar contract to play a childs game, and you cant even do that right. Im sorry but exercising and focusing on football is not that difficult when you dont have school getting in the way. Its not that difficult when you DO have school getting in the way. The only thing I can possibly think of that is mentally easier is flipping burgers. He would probably screw that ul as well. Hopefully he OD's on his codeine syrup and we are rid of him for good.
  11. You could be right. I was in no way impressed with him when he was with Oakland.
  12. I was seriously considering doing this a few hours ago while driving home.
  13. I have 6 Calcuttas now. Including a DC. I never paid over 130 for any of them except for the DC which I found at a pawn shop for either 150 or 200. I honestly cant remember. They are some of my favorite reels ever.
  14. Ive seen all the talent I care to see from him. Drafting him was one of the biggest mistakes Father Al ever made. He has less talent then Trent Dilfer. As far as him quitting the sizzup. There is a greater chance of Slonezp quitting pipe fighting and becoming an electrician. Than JaMarcus keeping his ducks in a row.
  15. Nope if Denver, the Chargers, or Kansas City want to pick him up then he is the beat quarter back money can buy. At least from a Raiders fans standpoint. As far as my Raiders or any of the other teams. You would be better off closing your franchise, then taking JaMarcus "Mr. Syrup" Russell.
  16. You would be suprised how exotic I can make a domestic reel. I had a pimped out Pinnacle PLS150 that exploded when I caught a 26lb Stripper this past summer. I had been using that reel for 4 years. I will be looking at the Lews reels though.
  17. Never even thought about doing that. That is a dang good idea. Thank ya sir.
  18. The pixy will be replacing my lone spinning reel. The others will be used primarily for cranking. Maybe a few T-rigs. Also for some jigs. I need me a new jig reel. However they will mostly get used for my cranks. The gear ratio is really not important to me. I fish cranks amazingly with most any gear ratio. I have been looking on japantackle and really like the Zonda reel. Again though I just got to come to terms with dropping that kind of cash on a reel. Im almost tempted to buy a 200 to 250 dollar reel and super tuning it. Then tricking it out.
  19. Ive never fished any of the ABU reels other than their round baitcasters. Which I might add I am a HUGE fan of.
  20. Not enough risk in pipe fighting. Knuckle Dragging and Electricial are bit more my speed. Id rather be walking the steel, pulling cables, or burning rods. Plus fitters do it with precision. Electricians do it with more frequency. I got some others I will PM you later.
  21. Go for a Calcutta. They palm good. They last forever and a day. Also the got a nice long waranty on them. As far as wearing yourself out casting round reels. Thats all a myth. They dont weigh that much.
  22. Its always worked great for me. Ive been using it on certain reels for the last three years and have had no problems with it. Cast good and has not let me down yet.
  23. I get 800 out of my tax return to use on a new reel or two. Problem is there is so much new stuff at least to me. Since I last went reel shopping. Ive been looking at some of the JDM Daiwa reels and some Mega Bass reels. Im just not sure I want to drop that much on a reel. As awesome as they are. The other reels on my radar are, some of the new Okumas, Lews (never fished one but I hear good things), a Daiwa Pixy I reallly want one of these and WILL have one soon, most the other higherend offerings from daiwa too. I know the decision ultimately rests with me. Im just curious as to what yall think about some of my choices.
  24. Not just no, but hell no! I was so happy when we canned this chump. I was hoping he was gone for good, and never to be seen or heard from again. Tebow has a better chance of winning the super bowl then Russell has of being a quarterback again. Unless Denver wants to pick him up. In which case there will never be a better quarterback then Russell.
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