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Raider Nation Fisher

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Everything posted by Raider Nation Fisher

  1. I'm greedy. I can make more than some doctors or lawyers do in a year. Without having the 8 plus years of school. Fishing and family, oh and rugby, still fit into the equation. Its all a matter of managing your time. Plus if I'm working 72 hours plus a week I'm nowhere near my home. I like doing electrical and welding enough that I thoroughly enjoy going to work. Its fun to me. If I get sent on the road, then I have my work family with me. You eventually get somewhat used to it after a while. Once you hit your third or fourth seven day week. Everything all blurs together, you honestly don't even know what day of the week it is. Plus when your done you got a fat sack of money to spend. These kind of hours aren't for everyone, I just enjoy the money it provides.Also I'm not working these hours 365. At most I get 4 maybe 5 straight weeks at 72 plus. The rest are dispersed through the year.
  2. I I remember a certain team getting screwed out of going to the Superbowl because of that stupid rule. I'm glad its gone. Would have been nice if it was gone in 2001. I have great issues with the decrease in violence in the NFL. They are taking the fun out of the game. Personally I now watch rugby to get my fix of violence. The All Blacks are the team to watch. The NFL could learn a lot from rugby.
  3. I don't wanna see the opposition carted off. However I do enjoy the bone jarring hits. Until the NFL makes up its mind on what they want the game to become its going to keep happening. The equipment does offer some protection. However it also serves as a weapon. So really there is no trade off. These men will continue to use the equipment to inflict damage. So is having the equipment really better than not having it? If you can maintain an equal level of violence without the equipment, with less injury. Would it not be better for everyone?
  4. Lucky lucky lucky. I'm hating this four tens. Even if it is paying 4 more an hour on top of my base pay. It takes 60 to 72 to keep me chipper. 84 to make me happy. Any thing over that is even better. I can generally pull down between 72 and 84 for at least 6 months out of the year. I would much prefer 9 months of it. But hey I take what they will give me. The way this year has been going I'm gonna be lucky to get 4 months worth. Still beats the 30 and 25 hour weeks I got the first half of 2012.
  5. Tisk tisk. I was wondering when you were gonna start in on my new Droid. I have an easy enough time operating on the android system. Its the new UI that is different than Samsung that was giving me grief. Its all better now though thanks to Snook's advice I am beyond living this new phone. However my parents did get iPhones last weekend. Under extreme protest I set them up for them. For whatever reason I just can't get used to iOS. It took me forever to figure out how to get them set up. Now to return to playing with my new phone. Should you ever decide to get rid of your tiny screened device and experience the TRUE power of what a phone can do. Let me know.
  6. I looked at the maxx. I loved the battery life on it. What sold me on the HD was the nano coating it has on it. I figure in my line of work if it makes it even a little bit water proof then its worth it. At least as far as being exposed to the elements goes. The major thing that brought me back to Motorola is the size of the onscreen letters and numbers. Having enormous gorilla hands, the larger letters make typing easier. I. Gonna head over to android forums and check them out in the morning.
  7. First off. I sincerely appreciate what you have and are doing for this country. Now. As to whether or not to reinlist. Only you can decide that. I can tell you from personal experience the older your kids get the harder it is to go. I deal with it every week when I have to hit the road. I thought it would get easier and it dang sure does not. As for the situation in the capital. Its gonna get worse before it gets better. That's just my 2 cents.
  8. Just got a Razr HD and for the life of me cannot figure out how to use the firefox browser to work on this site. I prefer firefox for many things phone internet related however this is not one of them. As for the phone itself. I really like the UI on it. The processor is quite spunky and quick. I love the weight and feel of the phone as well. The Aesthetics are very appealing and the Kevlar back plate is quite a nice touch too. it all wrapped up in a otter box so you really cant see the niceities on it. Battery life is about par with most the other smart phones Ive used as well. Ill update more on it as i continue to play around with it.
  9. When does Puxatony Phil make his appearance?
  10. Well it helped some. Not a lot though. We have one of those multi setting shower headsin the bath. Im about to go set that on high heat and the massage setting. Im thinking that may help. My Pops says the heat always helps him feel better. They had a jaccuzi tub put in especially for his back. Tomorrow morning we are going to go ul to the gym and lay in the Sauna fir a bit. I figure between the heat the stretches and the meds. Hopefully I can get it feeling right again. It looks like Monday is gonna be out of the picture as far as work goes. I feel guilty about it, but I dont really have much of a choice. There isnt much of anythng I can do about it. Thanks for letting me vent and dealing with me over this. I will keep yall posted on my condition.
  11. Quite true. Decreased recovery time only works on rebuilding muscle not on unknotting them. This is miserable. I swear the muscle relaxer and anti inflammatory is making it hurt worse. It feels like I have been beaten with a bat. Im doing good to even walk not stooped over. Plus I think the muscle relaxer has shortened my fuse. Im snapping at little things. If something doesnt give soon Im gonna have to go see my orthopedic before going out of town. Pain I can work with. Not being able to stand up straight and there for not being able to work I cant deal with. ARRRRRGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! I cant even take out my pent up aggression. Im going to try a lidacaine patch and see how that works out. I will get back to yall in a bit.
  12. I dont even know how many games are in a season. Let alone when the season starts or ends. Maybe if I watch a live MLB game in the stands Ill have a greater appreciarion for the game.
  13. So zero apiece then? The Chiefs are by far the worst team in the AFC West. Which is saying somethibg.
  14. I give em 100 wins. Then again I dont watch or listen to baseball so I could be wrong.
  15. The andro gel was my resposne to his refusal to get me Test 250 or gorilla test. 250mgs a week for 9 weeks. Combined with some other things can make you enormous. I kid with him all the time that I am trying to quadruple my test levels above my normal level for a short time. Like I said this has been a running joke between us for 3 years now. Ive written papers to him on why I want what I want, and the positive affects of a well managed cycle. He in turn has given me countless articles and other stuff on the negative affects and health risk. We have debated this subject numerous times when he is having a slow day or has some extra time and I have an appointment. Its basically a game between us. He knows Im not interested in shooting up to get big. He has been helping me find natural supplements and other ways to "naturally" and more safely achieve my goals. Really Ive never even heard much about Andro Gels effectiveness. Im not sure it would have much effect for body building without using massive quantities of it. It could be useful for PCT or post cycle therapy. Which is what Im currently doing right now to prevent gyno. Even natural supplements can have draw backs when they increase your hormone levels. My core muscles are about to be focused on extensively after this has healed up. I get to spend the next two to three weeks doing light weights at high reps.
  16. Thats what im paying money to see. If I wanted to see someone run down a field I would watch track. The game needs to go back to being more defense focused. I mean you cant hit a reciever until he has caught the ball landed on the ground and has a chance to defend himself. Thats just giving yards away to the offense. If the qb starts to slide, you cant touch him. Well that again is giving free yardage to the offense. The defense should have a chance to separate him from the ball. If they are worried hes gonna get his bell rung and neck broken then tell the qb not to slide. Its a simple concept. Same with the recievers. If your not tough enough to take the beating that comes with playing the game. Then dont play it. Go play golf or baseball. If the league is that worried about injuries and player safety then take the pads and helmets away from them. Or minimize the amount of padding and types of helmets used. I play rugby in my spare time when I am in town. I have never hit someone with the amount of force that I did when I played football. The human body is not made to be used as a weapon like that. It will break if hit with that kind of force. When I played football I realized very early that I could destroy a qb or running back by completely launching my 260 lb frame into them with my helmet or shoulder pad leading the way and not hurt myself due to the padding and helmets protection. Its common knowledge that these players are using this equilment as a weapon. Always has been since they started using this much equipment. I learned from watching the defensive tackles and line backers in the league do this. If you remove the pads and try the same thing your collar bone is going to snap from the impact with the other plaher. It will happen everytime you hit someone with that kind of force they are generating. So I say remove the pads and helmets and the problem will solve itself.
  17. Thats what im paying money to see. If I wanted to see someone run down a field I would watch track. The game needs to go back to being more defense focused. I mean you cant hit a reciever until he has caught the ball landed on the ground and has a chance to defend himself. Thats just giving yards away to the offense. If the qb starts to slide, you cant touch him. Well that again is giving free yardage to the offense. The defense should have a chance to separate him from the ball. If they are worried hes gonna get his bell rung and neck broken then tell the qb not to slide. Its a simple concept. Same with the recievers. If your not tough enough to take the beating that comes with playing the game. Then dont play it. Go play golf or baseball. If the league is that worried about injuries and player safety then take the pads and helmets away from them. Or minimize the amount of padding and types of helmets used. I play rugby in my spare time when I am in town. I have never hit someone with the amount of force that I did when I played football. The human body is not made to be used as a weapon like that. It will break if hit with that kind of force. When I played football I realized very early that I could destroy a qb or running back by completely launching my 260 lb frame into them with my helmet or shoulder pad leading the way and not hurt myself due to the padding and helmets protection. Its common knowledge that these players are using this equilment as a weapon. Always has been since they started using this much equipment. I learned from watching the defensive tackles and line backers in the league do this. If you remove the pads and try the same thing your collar bone is going to snap from the impact with the other plaher. It will happen everytime you hit someone with that kind of force they are generating. So I say remove the pads and helmets and the problem will solve itself.
  18. Update on back. It is a strained muscle. Doc gave me some muscle relaxers and anti inflamatories as well as some stretches to do. Said if the problem persist to come back and see him or call my Orthopedic. So all is well. I told him if he would have preacribed me the Andro gel and other goodies I asked for the last time I saw him this wouldnt be an issue now. He informed me that yet again I DONT have low T and that he isnt liscensed to prescribe veterinary drugs. (This is a three year running joke between us). He also said to go light at the gym dor the next two weeks.
  19. I have a very good repetoire with my doctor. Naw I called up and asked for anything available. They told me they would call me back if there was a cancellation. Well ten minutes later they called and said there was a cancellation. So I accepted and thats what happened.
  20. Got an appointment for 0845 tomorrow. I would have gone to the doctor sooner however Im not working in town right now. Gotta make that money one way or another.
  21. She squats over the side of the boat. That woman has no shame I tell you. Shes almost as bad as me.
  22. When I said work over I meant as in massage, kind of a deep tissue massage. Not chiropractic type stuff.
  23. Thats what Im thinking mine are. Ill know for sure once I get back in town and can see my doc. The pain is down below my spine and isolated to one side. It only starys hurting when I twist or shift on that side. Its not radiating or anything of that nature its just sharp dang pain in that spot.
  24. My pops got cut on a few years back. He blew out three or four disc and had something else wrong too. He has a foot drop now and is completely disabled and hurts everyday. I honestly dont think I could deal with ending up like that.
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