I think so. I'm gonna be home every night at least I was told that. So I get to see my boy everyday now. The other nice part is, after my 90 days I can get my last helper on too. He has more desire to learn this line of work than any of the under 22 year olds I've met. Plus we work dang good together. He wants to learn electrical, pipe welding, and iron working/structural welding. He ain't gonna get all that working where he's at now. Hell he called me yesterday and asked if he needed to turn in his two week notice. We've been on separate jobs the last 4 months, and he heard I had been laid off. We had planned on hitting the road with a welding company if either of us got laid off. The company had promised to hire both of us when we needed work or were ready to hire on. I got this job out of the blue for the most part. After talking it over he decided to stay put until I could bring him on where I'm at now. Which is a good thing cause his 19yr old butt is gonna become a daddy any day now. Frankly, I don't want to drag him away from his kid before he even gets a chance to know him. This man would follow me to the ends of the earth if I asked him to. He is definitely one of my only true friends.