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Raider Nation Fisher

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Everything posted by Raider Nation Fisher

  1. Its a complete breakdown of morals discipline as a whole. Why work when someone else will provide for you? Why respect your elders, they can't lay a finger on you. Why behave like a civil person? The worst that will happen is you get set in time out. Can't spank them no more, that's abuse. Well then I'm an abuser. I will be damned if my son acts like a heathen. My great grandma had a saying. "Spare the rod, and you'll get the knife." My son says please, thank you, yes and no sir or mam. He doesnt act like a brat. He knows he will get the fire knocked out of his rear if he does. I would have gotten beat with the razor strap or worse if I had done something like that.
  2. My wife wears a size ten. I wear a 42. Them things would tear before they even got passed my knees. Just to put your mind at ease.
  3. Only if my jock straps are all dirty.
  4. This is still bothering me. I mean I was a horrible 18 to 21 year old. I never listened to anyone, raised hell like I was in a MC, and was just a generally all around jerk. Never went and smashed fish though. These younguns ttoday just have no morals or compassion. I mean I'm no saint by any means. I despise humanity with a passion. I see no use for most people. Yet torturing and killing animals for no purpose is just wrong. At least eat what you kill, or utilize it for a purpose other than cruel fun. I have no faith left in humanity anymore.
  5. Electrician and an Ironworker. I've had a change in heart and do not enjoy industrial electrical anymore. Its boring to me now. I'm currently working in heavy commercial. Its a faster pace than industrial and doesn't involve all the tiny wires. Cleaner too. Now welding and structural work is something I was trying to get back in to. On advice of my Electrical Mentor I'm sticking with electrical until I get my master licence this year. Then I very well may jump trade for a bit. My advice do what you like doing. If you like working with cars then become an automotive tech. If you like working with your hands then look into the trades. I never could see myself being happy behind a desk. The trades were a god send for me. Don't let anyone tell you that tradesmen can't/don't make good money. If you work your tail off you can make a ton of cash. Diversify your trades, get more than one. When the carpet walkers are replaced by computers the tradesmen will still be around. You can't out source what we do. Electrical pays well. The work is not as tough as it could be. Welding and iron working pay better. The work is a hell of a lot tougher than electrical. It takes more brain power to do electric work. That's why iron workers and welders are called knuckle draggers. It takes more strength and toughness to do ironwork.
  6. I didn't know there was such a thing as fish seasons. That's definitely a new one on me. I would beat the breaks off those kids. Spike the mouthy one into the concrete and show him how funny it is. I know I would laugh. Worried about stomping a minor? Hire some highschool goons. Let them do your dirty work. People disgust me. This **** hole would be better off if everyone was dead.
  7. They cost dang near triple to quadruple that now. I use craftsman sockets and their small to medium size (3/8 to 1 1/2). impact sockets. I also use their box wrenches. Not really big on their other tools. They don't seem to hold up as well as say rigid and proto. Then again they are also being used day in and day out too. Word on the street is they are not doing the lifetime warranty on their stuff anymore.
  8. I have developed quite a liking for German made hand tools over the past couple of years. The quality seems to be quite a bit better than the offerings from the American companies. Mainly because a lot of them are being manufactured in Taiwan. Anyway. So my brilliant idea. The wife and myself have a close friend that lives in München. I can get her to purchase said tools for me over there where it is substantially cheaper, then ship them to me over here. Even with the cost of the international shipping, plus the difference in value of currency it saves me money. Why I did not think of this sooner.
  9. Pretty sure they dont make em that size either.
  10. Is it epoxyed on there? That looks really cool.
  11. Last place I was at alot of them were taking Roxi's and skittles like they were going out of style. I find creatine and glutamine helps a lot with muscle soreness. Nerve damage sucks. That's what happened to my old man. His is bad as all hell though. They tried to stick him on oxy and he refused it. Said he can't drink his beer with it.
  12. If I was that boy I would head for the hills. I mean no disrespect or anything by this. You my friend are VERY protective of them girls. I respect that. I can even respect threatening to call the popo on him. I guess it ain't no different than my confrontational approach. Its just legal as opposed to my methods It probably don't mean much coming from me, but you sir are a good father.
  13. Same here. We were taught family comes before everything. You fight for your family, and defend your family. Be they right or wrong. Next to God, family is the one constant in your life. You never let someone mess with them or threaten them. That includes my aunts, uncles, and cousins on my moms side. The Scottish and Ukrainian heritage on that side really shows through. Especially the Ukrainian side. Mi Familia Por Vida!
  14. I can see that. I can't stand pills. Psych or pain meds. They scare the crap out of me. One of my friends since kindergarten OD'd on Benzo's a month after graduation. It was his parents anniversary and they were taking a cruise. They walked in his room to tell him bye. He was dead as a door nail. Like most construction workers, I hurt constantly. Both my shoulders and knees are jacked. My left hip always hurts. Both my wrist are messed up. My right ankle is screwed up, has been for a year now. I wake up and it takes about 20 minutes to get everything lossened up. Even then the pain is still manageable. I destroy my body at the gym constantly as well as the beating it takes at work. Yet I manage to cope. Yeah I can go pop some skittles, like a bunch of my coworkers do. (Don't know who if any do it at my new job) Yeah it would make me feel better, but when and where will it end? I'm not spending my life strung out on pills so I can function normally. I've done/do this to myself so I have to live with the consequence's of it. My pops is crippled from nerve damage in his back. He is constantly in pain. Some days he can't even get out of the bed. Yet he gets by on low doses of Valium and skittles. If he can cope without the high dose opiates so can everyone else.I see no reason for drugs such as oxy and fentynl to be available like they are.
  15. Violence may not always be the best option, but its still an option. I ain't had to fight with one of them yet. As for if boy wants to use a weapon. That's his choice. I'm MORE than capable of defending myself. Im also MORE than capable of retaliating if something happens. I still know the same people i always have. Nothings changed in that respect. Ive distanced myself from them and don,t associate with them anymore. They are still there though. As for a teenager laying a whooping on me. That is laughable. Boy better have his buddies with him. Cause he ain't gonna do it alone. To each his own though. I'm not seeing either of us budging on this. Its been fun, but I believe we are gonna have to agree to disagree. I'm not gonna discuss this anymore today with you. Peace out Homie.
  16. A feist dog will eradicate them. If your real adventurous a ferret will gladly eradicate them. Very efficient little things they are. Barn cat would work too. If your not up to using animals to remove animals. And are serious about a WMD then I suggest gas and a match. Dump it in the hole light it up and FOOOOOSH!!!!!! Chipmunk Flambé. Seriously though I honestly have no clue other than a shotgun or using a animal to exterminate them.
  17. OxyCodone and Heroin. Hell most any of the opiate pain medications. Primarily Oxycodone.
  18. Your talking high schoolers though. I agree they should wait. However branding the boy an SO for life is overly harsh. Again we are talking about teenagers. Not a grown man, a teenager. There is nothing wrong with threatening or anything else in my opinion. My bro and I have chased off a lot if guys that came sniffing around my sister. Who is ten years younger than me. However threatening Statutory Rape, is crossing a line. Again if the boy has to go he has to go. It ain't that hard to remove a person from the equation. My girlfriend in highschool was a year younger than me. We dated from when I was sixteen until I was 3 months shy of 19. Should we have broken up or gone celibate until she turned 18, nine months after I did? Also as far assault and battery goes. Its only a crime if... A. The person decides to testify. B. Said person chooses to press charges. Both of these are very easy to avoid.
  19. ROFLMAO!! Awwwwww come on guys. I'm not sure they make thongs in my size.
  20. I can understand your anger. However don't make the man into a sex offender over the issue. Beat the boy to ground if you must. Hell castrate the lad. Don't ruin his life, in that way, over it though. I'm not even that cruel.
  21. What don't feel like sharing?
  22. Well it definitely ain't fat chicks. This ride has a weight limit. If you look like you should be floating in the sky with a basket that is carrying people in it tied under you then there is a problem. Let's see, my mopeds.... Some of Smiley Cyrus' songs. Hey some are kinda catchy. I used to be a nerd in elementary school and middle school. Don't get me wrong I was NEVER a dork! I was always reading and studying things. Still do, and still not a dork. Plus those smoking hot nerdy girls loved me. I sometimes enjoy going shopping with my wife. Even if I know I'm not gonna get anything. I will admit I'm partial to watching some of the shows on Disney. Even if my son is not watching them. I have driven a moped before. I collect jewelry and old money. Especially if it is iced out. I like diamonds more than most women. Maybe its my ADHD I'm not sure. I oil and clean my hand tools weekly. I'm VERY OCD about my tools. Now for the all time biggest. I like rocking a man thong. I can't help but marvel at how awesome I look. Especially with my massive muscles. I love being a narcissist.
  23. What is wrong with people!?! How is it you know something is bad for you. You know something is gonna get you hooked. Yet you do it anyway! Is life so d**n bad that you gotta stick a needle in your arm, pop some pill, bump something up your snout, or fall in love with a bottle? Im so sick of this! You know its gonna cost you everything yet you do it anyway! "Just one more time and I'm through." However one more time never comes. Cause there is always another. You would give your life for that person yet they are stealing cash out of your car. That person knows you would do anything for them, so they play that to your advantage. Love is a hell of a emotion. Why wouldn't you try an help that person if they said their life was in danger. Would you drive 500 miles away to protect them from whoever threatened them? Would you bring three buddies to help? Only to find out when you got there it was all a lie, cause they need some dope. You threaten to beat them til your knuckles bleed, yet they don't care. They gotta get that fix, gotta chase that dragon, gotta feel like that first time you shot it in your vein. They out right lie to your face to try an get you to give them money. They don't care that they were warned what would happen if they shot it up. Knowing good and dang well once that needle is in there, they are gonna be hooked. I just don't get it. I don't understand it. Yet you managed to overcome it. You cleaned up. Never have I been so proud as the day you finally gave it up. Naw it ain't like it was when we used to run around as kids playing. Staying up all night and hanging out. Its better than that now. I got my Lil Brother back. You pulled it off homie. You beat it like you owned it homie. I've never been more proud of you than I am now. Three years is a long time to be clean from what you were doing. Keep at it. Life is a long twisting road. What's so wrong with life? How is it that bad that you gotta drink or shoot your problems away? I'm tired of it. I'm sick to death of it. Life sucks. Its not always great. It CAN be rotten at times. Everyone has to deal with it. Your not the only one. Grow up and act like a d**n adult. I'm sick of losing friends and family to this stuff. Why in the **** can't they just ******* stop!!! Why does it have to be like this!! Why does my cousin have to grow up with out a father and mother because of this! He was two when he lost his mom and dad to pills and booze. Why does he never get to know his parents! Why is another one about to be placed in foster care cause her mom and dad can't keep from shooting Oxy's every chance they get? How is this fair to the child, that both her parents are junkies? How is it fair my uncle who loves that child like his own? The uncle who buried my aunt three months ago cause she had a heart attack. Yet had to come home from her funeral to find his daughter and her husband whacked out on junk. What did that precious girl do to deserve this!!! Why won't it just stop? Why can't it just end?
  24. Now that ain't even fair. I could make me some dang good cash tricking stuff out for those prices. That's easily an extra 250 to 300 I could pocket. That's not even doing anything to it. I'm jealous now. Probably get rifles dirt cheap too.
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