What is wrong with people!?! How is it you know something is bad for you. You know something is gonna get you hooked. Yet you do it anyway! Is life so d**n bad that you gotta stick a needle in your arm, pop some pill, bump something up your snout, or fall in love with a bottle? Im so sick of this! You know its gonna cost you everything yet you do it anyway! "Just one more time and I'm through." However one more time never comes. Cause there is always another. You would give your life for that person yet they are stealing cash out of your car. That person knows you would do anything for them, so they play that to your advantage. Love is a hell of a emotion. Why wouldn't you try an help that person if they said their life was in danger. Would you drive 500 miles away to protect them from whoever threatened them? Would you bring three buddies to help? Only to find out when you got there it was all a lie, cause they need some dope. You threaten to beat them til your knuckles bleed, yet they don't care. They gotta get that fix, gotta chase that dragon, gotta feel like that first time you shot it in your vein. They out right lie to your face to try an get you to give them money. They don't care that they were warned what would happen if they shot it up. Knowing good and dang well once that needle is in there, they are gonna be hooked. I just don't get it. I don't understand it. Yet you managed to overcome it. You cleaned up. Never have I been so proud as the day you finally gave it up. Naw it ain't like it was when we used to run around as kids playing. Staying up all night and hanging out. Its better than that now. I got my Lil Brother back. You pulled it off homie. You beat it like you owned it homie. I've never been more proud of you than I am now. Three years is a long time to be clean from what you were doing. Keep at it. Life is a long twisting road.
What's so wrong with life? How is it that bad that you gotta drink or shoot your problems away? I'm tired of it. I'm sick to death of it. Life sucks. Its not always great. It CAN be rotten at times. Everyone has to deal with it. Your not the only one. Grow up and act like a d**n adult. I'm sick of losing friends and family to this stuff. Why in the **** can't they just ******* stop!!! Why does it have to be like this!! Why does my cousin have to grow up with out a father and mother because of this! He was two when he lost his mom and dad to pills and booze. Why does he never get to know his parents! Why is another one about to be placed in foster care cause her mom and dad can't keep from shooting Oxy's every chance they get? How is this fair to the child, that both her parents are junkies? How is it fair my uncle who loves that child like his own? The uncle who buried my aunt three months ago cause she had a heart attack. Yet had to come home from her funeral to find his daughter and her husband whacked out on junk. What did that precious girl do to deserve this!!!
Why won't it just stop? Why can't it just end?