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Nashua Nev

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Everything posted by Nashua Nev

  1. HA ,,, i took 2 20 inch front bike tires from the dump. took out the axle drilled them out, connected them together with a 3/4 inch threaded rod 3 ft long , put plastic pvc pipe over the rod where the threads were exposed to the canoe. now i have a canoe transporter for $11.64. total plus the 45 minutes it took me to build it and the 1 hour trip i took to home depot. I actually used it 3 times to get into silver lake. lots of fish , nothing bigger than 3 lbs yet. and used it twice at horseshoe pond in concord. adjusted it a little bit by adding 2 small hooks to stop it from moving under the canoe when going over larger bumps then took out the plastic pipe cover over the threaded rod and put a steel pipe instead ($4 more) . less flex when putting battery, trolling motor and grandson in canoe when using. works great !!!
  2. It is not legal in New Hampshire, it is listed as follows copied and pasted from the NH book Possession and Use of Live Fish for Bait: Only the following species shall be possessed and used as live fish for bait when fishing any freshwaters of the state: rainbow smelt (Osmerus mordax), longnose dace (Rhinichthys cataractae), blacknose dace (Rhinichthys atratulus), northern redbelly dace (Phoxinus eos), lake chub (Couesius plumbeus), creek chub (Semotilius atromaculatus), fallfish (Semotilius corporalis), golden shiner (Notemigonus crysoleucas), common shiner (Luxilus cornutus), emerald shiner (Notropis atherinoides), spottail shiner (Notropis hudsonius), silvery minnow (Hybognathus nuchalis), creek chubsucker (Erimyzon oblongus), longnose sucker (Catostomus catostomus), white sucker (Catostomus commersoni) and killifish/tomcod (Fundulus sp.) I would assume your state has something similar posted in the book
  3. My wife just made a great batch of New England corn chowda with fresh corn 20 minutes off the stalk.
  4. A bunch of people fish for them in the Merrimack river here in Nashua at the Nashua / Hudson bridge. I know they keep them to eat. It is probably part of their culture. Their english isnt very good, and they are there all the time fishing for them and it doesnt appear they have died from eating them. Still doesnt mean i would eat them.
  5. nice fish , my boys are going to help me post some soon. I have the same marks on my canoe and jon boat. never loose a ruler and always handy. i put the marks on all 3 seats all the way to 36 inchs. dreaming of the big one.
  6. Anybody with access to Cobbetts or Gumpas willing to take me fishing there. I have a 12 ft canoe that goes in my pick up or 12 ft jon boat with trailer both with trolling motors. I am under the impression you need to be with a resident to fish either of them. I live in Nashua and am available almost every morning from 4:30 till 9 am when i need to be back in Nashua for work. Rarely do i get to fish any other time except for wed afternoons in Concord/Loudon area. PM Me Thanks
  7. it sucks but tailgates have been stolen . 2 more at stumpfield marsh 4 weekends ago. also small boat trailers stolen while out fishing right from the truck. it sucks lock em up
  8. Gonna drag my canoe there. park across the street and drag the canoe. any info from anyone?
  9. Thank you, was a slow morning couple big picks, 2 bass and a kibbie between the 3 in our boat. We fished from the ramp all the way around to the right all the way to the stumps past the bridge and then back. about 5 hours. I was switching between my jitterbugs / poprs / rage hawgs 2 different colors / and just plain black worms rigged weedless and wacky both weightless. Both my buddies stuck with rubber stuff fished different ways. Just seemed to be a slow fish day. That and ( @ Shane J) the 3 of us need some free lessons especially me. Keep catching those fish for us and keep posting those hints, helps and pics. We are gonna keep trying. We will be discussing our plans for next Sunday soon.
  10. Chowda . from New England !!! with a hint of bacon
  11. a bunch of people that fish are talking about stumpfield marsh this sunday , meeting there @ and before 4:30 AM looks like 15 or 16 trucks with trailers. is there enough room to park that many there? i was invited to go and will be in a boat with someone else that has never been there either. i heard its a pretty big place can anyone give me a little info about this place? area to head to or area to avoid? suggestions of stuff to throw? i heard make sure we watch out for "stumps" and "stuff" in the water especially just below the surface. is it a natural pond or man made? thank you
  12. tried when i could not a nibble. yea even with little live trout worms. had a great time relaxing
  13. I have not fished it in many years. It was one of my favorite places growing up 30 yrs ago. Now that i am starting to fish again in the past 2 years. just looking for info. Northwood lake?
  14. We will be camping up along the Saco in Conway NH. Any bass fishing on the Saco? We will have the canoe. Any ideas for places to fish up in the Conway NH area? If no bass fishing other fish? Any fishing info help at all is appreciated Thank You.
  15. I havent been there in a few years but i always had good luck there especially as darkness falls. i have mostly fished from the boat dock going left all along the shore and followed it around the corner a few hundred feet up and thru and around the weeds and rocks. Never needed to go any further. We always caught fish there and never explored the rest of the lake. most of the time we were fishing from a canoe or small boat with trolling motor. top water largemouth after the sun went down and it got dark.
  16. i had 2 good days at rocky pond hollis ,and 1 good day at crooked pond and some nice ones at the pennichuck. i have a borrowed camera i need to get picks out of just need a cord to do it. cell phone with other good pics at the bottom of naticook.
  17. i have some nice pics to post from Rocky Pond and the Pennichuck. 2 over 20 inch and 3 over 18. I have to buy a new cord to get the pics out of the borrowed camera. This time i have them complete with tape measure and popr. so i will finally be on the board. Did anybody go diving at Naticook and find my cell phone yet? If i can find it the insurance from Best Buy / Verizon will replace it, but they will not replace a lost phone only a broken one. Till then or in 19 months when my renewal is due i am using my 7yr old one.
  18. I made it to Flints pond in Hollis this morning for 2 1/2 hours with the canoe. nothing , nadda , zippo , zilch. Milfoil seems like it is gone but a lot of other weeds in many spots Fished both sides and the back end lilly pads.
  19. i have a 2 hourish window tomorrow morning to fish. i live in nashua going to put my canoe in flints pond in hollis have to be at work for 8:15 am in nashua DO I A: go left from the boat launch B: go right from the launch C: doesnt matter D; go somewhere else
  20. not me i am having fun fishing and relaxing. taking all those big bass off those rubber worms and crank baits is too much work.
  21. i had that too . i tried a little smaller popr with smaller hooks. catching more but smaller ones less than 2 lbs instead of only larger ones more than 2. definatly more less than 2 lbs which i think i was not catching with a full size popr.
  22. I had a good weekend of lots of small largemouth at naticook. it was loads of fun with the kids. nothing bigger than 2 lbs , also had a good weekend on shore in the pennichcuck. Unfortunatly my cell phone with pics is somewhere at the bottom of naticook.
  23. i am guessing the same as a snot rocket as one of the other guys calls it ... a pickerel
  24. my sons smallie from Glen Lake http://i1040.photobucket.com/albums/b407/ktm313/glenlakemay3011.jpg
  25. Hit up the pennichuck bridge last night Went for a walk with pole and a popr. i didnt have a measure or a scale these are the 3 biggest. not bigger than 2 1/2 but still a fish, all on a top water popr. do they get more aggressive before a storm? the thunder and lightning had started but never got too close so i stayed and fished. they started hitting real hard and aggressive a few minutes after the first set of thunderboomers http://i1040.photobucket.com/albums/b407/ktm313/th_topwaterpoprpennbridge6-1-11-1.jpg http://i1040.photobucket.com/albums/b407/ktm313/th_pennbridge6-1-11topwtrpopr.jpg http://i1040.photobucket.com/albums/b407/ktm313/th_6-1-11topwaterpopr6-1-11pennbridge.jpg
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