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Nashua Nev

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Everything posted by Nashua Nev

  1. in , can i start with my new personal best 6 lb 7 oz , 24 3/4 incher ?
  2. Some Nice fish guys. keep on em...some really nice ones. I found a new PB this morning 6lb 7 oz 24 3/4 inch in the Nashua river. Got this one about 10 minutes after 7 just off the launch area. There is a tourney going in the river right now. I got this just after they all took off.
  3. Now that's what i call a nice day of fishing.
  4. This one did not want to be caught. Jumped 5 times , completly out of the water. Hit a top water weedless mouse the moment it hit the water, didnt get a hook set. hit it again, no hook set, 3rd time, no hookset. thru a black weedless rage worm weightless to the same spot and let it sit. finally it took off. and started jumping.
  5. d : all of the above. some of the toughest fish to catch are some of the best fish to catch. Big fish dont get big by being stupid and easy to catch.
  6. i am waiting for the answers also , I hope to be getting there in sept , oct.
  7. Dad , i want to go fishing tonight... dad can i use the big jitterbug, please please please 6 lb 4 oz later he broke my personal best , a new pb for him too, with my new 5 inch jitterbug
  8. Nashua river in the morning, night fishing has been fantastic, but hitting it early light tomorrow.
  9. Nice Job , Did you get her to the left of the launch in all the weeded area there?
  10. size wise it should be roomy enough, you sit a lot higher so you can see much more water surface much easier, i find it plenty stable. more stable than the sit in one i had. It is wider and flatter.
  11. http://www.sportsauthority.com/family/index.jsp?pg=1&searchSort=TRUE&cp=3077577.12635637.12635640&view=all&categoryId=12648831&s=A-StorePrice-TSA http://www.sportsauthority.com/product/index.jsp?productId=12933432&cp=3077577.12635637.12635640.12648831&pg=1&s=A-StorePrice-TSA&view=all&searchSort=TRUE&parentPage=family this is the current link , on sale 337 $ i emailed you the coupon they emailed me, print it out , or download it on your phone and show them , they will just need the coupon code # gets you 100 off of 300 so your cost will be 237. they do not carry the scupper plugs if you need them, it takes 6 , they wont let any water out if you have them in. you will understand when you see it , and decide if you want them after using it the first time. about 15$ for a set of 8.
  12. Sports aurhority, sourh nashua. Was on sale for 329 from 449. I have a coupon for 100 off of 300 i can email you, and i had 30 bucks in gift card. So technically 229.
  13. Jitterbug , what other places have you fished in that area? wilton reservoir? small pond off of 13 near brookline line. coming from milford toward brookline it would be on the left, melondy? pratt pond in mason ?
  14. Noisy noisy Buzz baits have been good this year as have spinner baits lots and lots of noise with double colorado spinner blades cranked slow, I have been doing a bunch of experimenting this year. Everything seems to work at one time or another. I am trying to learn more and more about catching the big girls. Patience seems to be a big key. And forgetting about 3 lbers and smaller to get to the bigger ones. Last year i caught a lot , a real lot of 1 to 3 , this year the number of fish is way down , but bigger fish have been the bonus. Just far fewer fish. One of the biggest things i have seen this year so far is bigger baits. I just bought a 5 1/2 inch black jitterbug , i wish i could find a rattling brokentail one but they dont make them. I am gonna buy another one and make it a jointed one. Also Ragetail lobsters making them extra large by cutting one in 1/2 , sliding the the tail on an extra long shank hook covering the eye of the hook and beyond onto the line and then putting a full rage lobster normally. I was making them before putting them on and superglueing them together using a small part of a toothpick, Makes for about a 6 1/2 inch long craw. right now it seems to be working with larger fish but also missing smaller ones. I am on a mission for a 7 lber this year. Have to think big. I had one in my sights that was a very easy 7+ but i could not get it in the boat. It is tough to tell how big a fish really is by sight, especially when i have never caught / seen one swimming around with a tag on it that says i weigh 8 lbs 3 oz. I had 2 others that were very big fighters hooked on the xl jitterbug but i was not able to get them close enough to shore to see them. I lost both of them. I believe it was my fault by having my drag set too tight and trying to muscle them in. I lost another big something to a line break or cut. I think it was a big pickerel or possibly a pike. That one was in the Merrimack river. Tomorrow is Sunday gonna hit the river tonight from about 9 pm to 11. I kinda wish i could do 9 pm to about 2:30 am but i cannot , and function the next day.
  15. river fish tonight and the hand from a big pickerel, got me with a good bite.
  16. my 2 cents on kayaks. I just sold my 10 foot sit in kayak. was just a basic one. at first it was great , but after using it for 1/2 a year i decided to move to a sit on top. My basic info. I am 5 ft 5 160lb and almost 50 yrs old. the kayak i had was about 40 lbs , the weight was great, after a while i felt confined in the sit in. i felt a could not see the top of the water enough to fish weeds and see weeds / pads on top. fishing rod butt ends need to be shorter or i felt i was constantly having to hold the rod up high so the end would not hit. not enough room to store things including a small anchor and small tackle bag without having to fight to get at it behind me. couldnt move around easy enough, now with the sit on top all of the above except for rod butt ends needing to be shorter are solved. i can move and get at everything even behind me so much easier. i dont feel confined and can even hang my feet over the edge and sit sideways and kneeling when the back needs to be stretched is easy. even seeing the weeds is much better. it is a little heavier and a little bigger but i am ok wth that. i use a regular paddle from a canoe not a double ended kayak paddle when i fish. plenty of room for an anchor as well as a basic portable depth finder / water temp and my tackle bag as i can move around very easy. i bring 2 and sometimes 3 rods with me. ....very happy
  17. a few pics from the bunch of them tonight,
  18. There are only 2 ramps in to the upper part of the Nashua river that i know can be used by the general public, There are some others , behind Jensons mobile park and the golf course area Hollis Lone Pine Hunting / Fishing club, but all is private from what i understand. you can see them from the water , but i have not looked into using them. Mostly Largemouth but smallies too. and big pickerel in the upper part Lots of Horn pout night fishing, and big ones. For the Nashua river there are a few spots. For the upper part of the Nashua river --- Stellos Staduim also called Mines Falls up thru Hollis you can put in right at Stellos opposite the new YMCA, excellent paved launch for big or small with plenty of parking with less than a minute walk. Also off Broad street to Tilton street, both excellent launch areas, If you are at the Tilton street ramp and looking into the water there is a pipe to the left that is under water, You an see it. Just dont drop a trailer tire over it. Plenty plenty of room except far left. You could easily put an extra wide party boat in at either launch 1 ramp on each side of the river, as the crow flies or boats travel the ramps are very close to each other, Driving from on to the other is 15 - 20 minutes depending on traffic. Smallmouth bass lower part some Largemouth , some big pickerel too. For the lower part of the Nashua river Below the dam at Stellos or Mines Falls to the Jackson falls dam on Main street There are some places to put a canoe off of Franklin street , and an excellent ramp off Technology way, behind clock tower place. The ramp is posted , Written permission needed. I have a permit, basically it is a waiver. I used the ramp many times with out written permission before they left a note on my truck saying to please call the # so you can get permission. Then display it in your window. From that launch you can go left or right. right takes you to Main st area to above Margarittas, left takes you to the Nashua mall area under the highway and just keep going, it gets rocky way up past Home depot. Going left is against the current and will take you better than1/2 hour with a trolling to get to home depot area, Make sure you fish the bridge that goes over the highway well ,Fish is close to the bottom , i have had good luck with heavy weighted craws and jigs as well as heavy spinner. there are some good fish there. the current is strong , bring 2 anchors as the current will drag you. After the Jackson falls dam i do not have a good launch area for even a canoe , from the Jackson falls area behind Margarittas it flows to the Merrimack river at the Hudson bridge. I fish this area where they meet. But get to it from the Merrimack or down a steep hill behind M/N Sports and way in back of those building. Down that hill is a 2 person operation unless you have a wicked light canoe, kayak or winch type set up or are the size of Hulk to carry it back up, The Merrimack river is flowing very fast and is real high right now, if i was going to fish this area with a canoe i would carry it down the hill behind the skate park way in back and fish this area where the 2 rivers come together, hard fighting smallies along this complete area. lots of rocks and very good shore cover. you will lose some jigs here. Hula popper to the edges. Then there is the Merrimack river launch off Hillsferry road, they just pulled a truck / trailer / boat set from the water last week as the current is so fast right now, very steep ramp. I use it with my f-150 but i only have a small jon boat. Just be careful if you use it right now, After the water drops and slows it should not be a problem for most.
  19. Skunked this morning in the Nashua River, I will make up for this mishap tomorrow.
  20. I dont know Lily but Turtle in Concord could be a good choice. It gets a ton+ of fishing pressure on the weekends, Being Friday you should beat the crowds and the fish should be the most relaxed. My opinion. So much activity on the weekends i think makes them skittish easier. it gives then all week to chill out. Does this make sense? Try Rollins pond in Gilmanton for an hour also. There is lots of shore fishing available at Rollins if you dont have a small canoe or Kayak. No gas motors at Rollins. all you really need is a paddle. Turtle has some nice fish in it. Fish the heavy weeds and hang on.
  21. got skunked this morning in the river, went back about 8 pm for 1 hour, not skunked any more. 2 right at 4 1/2 , 1 real long , 1 with a huge gut. 5 more smaller ones. my battery died just enough on my phone to still take pics but no flash after the first 2 fish.
  22. @luvfishing... go to google earth and download it. There are others sites like it also. type in belmont nh top left you will see lots of water. then after you get a name of the water , google it. is rollins pond in gilmanton too far ? also on the side of 129 near venco wings in loudon , good little spot and crooked pond in loudon. not sure about much of the places further up 106.
  23. Friday night , my favortie river at a different spot. I changed the battery in my digital scale. and could not get it back to pounds, Largest one was 2.69 kg. 2nd biggest was 2.62 kg 3rd biggest 2.59, my scale is now set back at LB Had something big on the hula popper but never saw it, I am thinking it was a big pickerel as there was no jumping at all, could have been a big turtle also. Was a very hard strong and steady pull till i lost it Black 4 inch jitterbug , big white hula popper , black double colorado spinner , all were caught going slow
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