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Nashua Nev

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Everything posted by Nashua Nev

  1. AK-NJ, Check with Obama , but i dont see any reason you cannot do both.
  2. Wilderness taxidermy has some (auburn circle) , as does Dicks in Nashua. Dicks had a lot less this past time i was in there than they did 2 months ago. Dicks in Concord had a few also. I bought some from Bass pro , Cabelas , and Kittery , when i was traveling thru those areas. I try to stay local with my business when i can. As well as family business when i can. I own a small business which is why i go out of my way to buy small business when i can. Understanding it is not always possible.
  3. Looks like add a 17 , a 17 1/2 and an 18 for Shane . We knew it was coming. Way to go Shane, show us some more big girls. UPDATE MARsSPEED: 98.5" (5 fish) Nashua Nev: 97" (5 fish) Shane 96.75 (5 fish ) Me: 78.5" (5 fish) Mike2841: 21" (1 fish)
  4. Nice Shane, I was wondering when you were gonna jump in with some beauties.
  5. Absolutly some fantastic looking fish Shane.
  6. Yea she was, I though i was gonna have another personal best , bit she was just a couple ounces short.
  7. Found her tonight , my favorite river
  8. ok ,, cull one of my 18 inchers and add this big girl.
  9. Devil Doc , have you fished the water at Bayridge off exit 1? The big pond all the way back. One of these days i am gonna drop my kayak in there, i just have not found the time. Knowledge wise , i am just passing on my experiences. what has worked for me as well as where and what i have caught. A lot of this info comes from this bassresource website. I am still learning and have a long way to go. I dont have much experience with rigging wacky. This year i have been using a lot of rage-tail stuff. but i dont fish it only the way it was designed. I find the rage craw and rage lobster incredibly versatile. I fish the rage toad a lot too. Rage chunks i use as trailers on my spinner baits. I fish a lot of poppers and spooks also.
  10. My dad tells me to Fish Smarter , Not Harder. It is August in NH now. Put in the effort but put it in smarter. A lot of empty casts this time of year he says. Patience , and more patience. They are still there and they still need to eat.
  11. Mill pond this morning after my hockey game.
  12. Stopped at Mill Pond after my hockey game this morning. I lost my game 4 -1 with 2 goals i should have stopped, But you don't win many games in Beer league hockey when your team only scores 1 goal. Cull the 13 add the 19+ found this guy from the shore. I tried to take a better pic but it isnt too clear. My phone did not focus well. so 87 - 13 = 74 + 19 = 93 2 - 18 inch and 3 -19 inch... time to start culling 18 inchers. So we now have if i am correct. MARsSPEED: 96.5" (5 fish) Nashua Nev: 93" (5 fish) Me: 78.5" (5 fish) Mike2841: 21" (1 fish) Bob64h: 18" (1 fish) .
  13. We have all month correct? For me it ends the 23rd as i have to travel for work. We should all be up near 100 by that time. 19 inch fish x 5 = 95 cull my midget 6 incher and add this 13 incher, we will be culling that one soon too. Hopefully Wed will be my next trip to the river. so 80 - 6 =74 +13 = 87 So we now have if i am correct. MARsSPEED: 96.5" (5 fish) Nashua Nev: 87" (5 fish) Me: 78.5" (5 fish) Mike2841: 21" (1 fish) Bob64h: 18" (1 fish) .
  14. They are there, way to the right were it goes out to the canal. there are some deep spots there. Shane called it a big salad bowl. Not a ton of structure but there is some. The far side as well as where it flows in. There are also 2 other outlets that flow into little streams. Fish these areas also. The weeds crap is major. We have atleast a 1/2 dozen 4 lber out of there this year. and some misses of bigger stuff. All of them at the bigging of the year. There is a 26 inch+ pickerel in there too. It does not get the pressure it did a few years ago probably because of the weed , here are some big ones there. keep looking you will find them. It is a tough place to fish with all that ****, but they are there. They have done some weed pulling last year with a big orange machine, but i do not believe they used any chemicals. I asked this when they were doing the iver above the falls that feed mill pond , which feeds the canal that runs thru nashua and dumps back into the river under what is now clocktower place. If you have a canoe or kayak you can fish the complete canal. it is about 3 miles long. Put in at mill pond and follow it all the way to clocktower where it goes under the road and the building. There are some nice fish in the canal too. You will find some parts of the canal very dirty and littered with trash , but it was completly passable from one end to the other. Use a second vehicle and pull out in the Pine st extension area. Bring a buddy when you a a few hours to burn. And dont lose hope on Mill Pond. I fyou look back about a year you will find some pics i posted of some decent fish.
  15. I do have a tape , i just forgot it. next time i will use it or we dont count them. 1st pic -- on the red reel the cork ends at 15 , The end cork itself is 2 inch , lets add 3 makes 18 ? or 2 inch makes 17. on the silver reel cork ends at 17 , i say we go with 3 conservative 18 inchers. I think they are more but lets go with that.? 18 x 4 fish + 72 , add my 6 inch rage tail to go to 78 , Fair ? I will get some more and only use them if the tape measure is included. sound fair to you?
  16. Can you do anything with this for sizes? there are my 4 biggest from friday night. add the 6 inch one from the rage tail lobster. If we cant figure out sizes from this , just scrap them , i will start over.
  17. 3 nice big girls from my favorite river tonight.
  18. Yes , my real fish will have a measure.
  19. I am on the board 6 3/4 inch. Rage Tail Lobster
  20. probably gonna get skunked now for the rest of the month now that i am in.
  21. Nice job Jitterbug, way to go Shane.
  22. i am in , will post some when i get em, hit a nice smallie in the river tonight but no measure , so dont count it. was 4 lb 2 oz an easy 20" plus sitting next to the rod.
  23. I dont know what to tell you Bassman, I love em, I fish them weightless a lot, as well as keel weighted. redish,blueish,greenish, as well a my favorite pearl white. I do fish other things, Popr (3 sizes) , spook (usually with noisemakers inside), spinners (colorado blades), buzzbaits , jitterbugs (black , usually only at night) ,flatfish (black , silver, white , orange , usually only the large ones) Throw them weightless / weedless onto the heavy weeds, Throw them right in the middle andThe craw and babycraw is sit right on top of weeds, drag them slowly across, when you get to the edge of the weeds just let them free fall. Rage lobster is larger and heavier , usually breaks thru the weeds and sinks. a different effect so i usually go smaller. I have great luck with them weightless. as well as on the bottom. senda PM to Shane J , ask him. The man knows his stuff and has helped me a lot. The ragetail site has lots of good rigging too. As well as assorted other rubber stuff, Rage Hawg, Space monkey, Lizard , chunk , etc.. cannot tell you why they are not working for you.
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