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Nashua Nev

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Everything posted by Nashua Nev

  1. There ya go , Jitterbug is there. Who wants in --SEPT-- will be posted soon,
  2. Post em here if you catch em, we can always slide the results over. I am sure Jitterbug will start a Sept one soon. He probably has a lot going on as he starts school or started school last week. Not sure of he does any high school sports this time of year, but that would keep him busy also. I had a bunch on the river today but nothing that i took pics of. Everything was under 16.5
  3. For the upper part of the river you can put in at Stellos, or off of Tilton st, which is off of Broad st. Any size boat in that part of the river all the way up to the Hollis Runnels bridge. Gotta find the underwater stuff that you cant see from the top. There are a lot of fish in the river, but it is big --- lots and lots of water and places for them to be. This morning i fish from the back f Technology way, there is a boat launch behind Pine st ext. (you need written permission and easy to get) From there you can go all the way to the Margaritas dam or all the way back up to the bottom of Stellos. Or atleast until it gets too rocky. Should be able to get past behind Home depot at exit 6. Make sure you fish that bridge atthe highway.. You wint be able to get anything big in there with the water lowered like it is now. Jon boat , canoe , i recommend motor, water is moving a little fast for just a paddle unless you just take out behind the library or off of Franklin st. If you want more info , its tough to type it all, but we can talk on the phone.
  4. No smallmouth over 2 1/2 lbs, but lots of them. Fished the river above margaritas in Nashua this morning from 6-9 in the canoe with the trolling motor.
  5. I have been out of town for 10 days and not fishing, I have not seen Jitterbug post in a few days. Maybe he has some to post before its final. Shane J: 103.25" (5 fish) MARsSPEED: 101" (5 fish) Nashua Nev: 98" (5 fish) Final for me NEJitterbug: 81" (5 fish) Final ? Bobh64: 56" (3 fish) Welcome to Septemeber boys.
  6. Some nice fish there boys, I will be back at it tomorrow morning after 10 days in Vegas. Bob just stick to some smaller body of water , or stop fishing when they come out to play. There is plenty of water to fish for all of us , and them. It was the same thing where i grew up on Bow lake. Just have to adjust if you want to fish. Nothing wrong with joining in other fun later. Yes there are a few yahoooos out there, but there are also us having fun on our water skiis and tubes with the kids. I plan on being out on the river for 5 am or so.
  7. Guess i will have to plan a sunday trip to spoonwood
  8. I am still out of town for another week in Vegas, will someone please catch some long ones Would like to see someone hit the 22 x 5 mark , 110 inch. there are 24 inchers out there, someone find a couple of them.
  9. I fished from the launch area to the rocky area where the buoy is but stayed to the right of the buoy, Seemed like the ones i caught were in the 10 - 15 foot range of the 4 that were on the bottom. The other 3 were in the pads behind the rocks. I fished that back section with a white weedless mouse dipped with spike it garlic every few casts. Just let it sit and twitch.
  10. i did fish it , twice actually. The water is low , but was moving really fast , make sure your trolling motor battery is completely charged. Stay to the edges to stay out of the fastest current. if i was paddling the kayak i would not have been able go against the water. atleast i dont think so. if you have 2 people , 2 vehicles that would work as you could leave a vehicle down behind the library and pull the canoe up over the wall. or i suppose 1 person could do it and just walk back to the starting point. I coaught lots of fish, i posted then at the southern nh thread. big big pickerel and a bunch of smallmouth and largemouth. if i have no hockey game thursday morning (currently in playoffs lose wed and i am done) i will be there thursday if no hockey.
  11. Turtle last night for 2 hours but nothing to cull. My fishing for this month may be done as i leave for a Vegas vacation Sat and have lots of work to do before i leave. Was hoping to break the 100 mark. Sept will be here soon , so i can start on that 100 inches soon.
  12. Excellent fun at Turtle last night. 7 fish in 2 hours. Nothing over 19 inch , but all good fun fish. left my phone at home , so no pics of anything. It was nice and quiet though. Only 2 other boats , a kayak and no wind.
  13. a big bunch of these 13 - 17 inch smallmouth in the Nashua river today and a bunch of these , nothing bigger than 19" None of these,
  14. Nashua river tomorrow morning about 4am till about 8 am,,,
  15. Nice !!! I have 2 days to break the 100 inch. Sunday may possibly be my last chance as i have to be out in Vegas for school the last week of August and have a lot of work i must do before i leave. HMMMM , Where to go early early Sunday morning to pick up some inches ? Gotta find a couple 23 inchers to catch Shane.
  16. My buddy Stretch with a big un. from my favorite river from the shore. We will call her The Little Beast. To put it into some perspective my buddy is 6 ft 11+ , and goes 350ish lbs. No weight No length, he just loves fishing and it does not matter the size.
  17. MARsSPEED: 98.5" (5 fish) Shane: (98.25) (5 fish ) Nashua Nev: 97" (5 fish) cull a 19 add the 20 --- == 98 --- (19 ) (19 ) (19 ) (20 ) (21) i think , i tried to go back and check them Me: 79.5" (5 fish) Bobh64: 56" (3 fish) (correct me if I'm wrong) i think when we do this again in sept , we should add the individual sizes after the fish total, just to make it easier. i lost track of mine
  18. Go to the nashua river at night with some small night crawlers or dillies, if you are not pulling up hornpout, you will be pulling up some big eels. the big 3 foot+ ones put up a good fight. foot long needle nose pliers , i try to to touch them, they get all over everything with their slime. and they will wrap themselves right around your arm if you let them. They are just a pain. I try to just grap the hook with the pliers , twist it out and let them drop back in the water.
  19. cull one of my 19 and add this one at 20.5
  20. Here is my take. If i think there might be a spot worth fishing, i will fish it. Heavy weeds and crap may be a crappy place for us to fish, I will fish around it as much as i can first , then to the edge and fish across as much as i can , If i need to paddle into it to fish across it i will, If i think there are or may be fish , count me in, i will fish it. If i pull a big fish , even a big pickerel out of some thick heavy crap it was worth my time and aggrivation. only you can decide how far you want to take it.
  21. UPDATE MARsSPEED: 98.5" (5 fish) Shane 96.75 (5 fish ) CULL 16 ADD 17.5 = (98.25) Nashua Nev: 97" (5 fish) Me: 78.5" (5 fish) Mike2841: 21" (1 fish) We caught a bunch this morning in the Nashua river, but all smallmouth and nothing bigger than 17 inch. oh yea 3 pickerel over 25 inch to go with the smallmouths.
  22. You will find some old , closed threads with almost the same title. tons and tons of info that is still relevant. Those are old but thousands of posts , so take your time reading them. . Anyone Have Any Luck In Southern Nh Yet? from 2009 / 2010 / 2011 Have any questions , feel free to fire away and ask.
  23. They are replacing the top part of the dam at Jackson falls, (Margaritas) in Nashua. The water is wicked low from the Stellos dam down to amd past Margaritas , then it goes to the Merrimack River. Has anyone fished the Main Street area? or any of the lower part of the river?
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