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Nashua Nev

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Everything posted by Nashua Nev

  1. lets go , lets see some big Sunday catches. zero from me. i fished silver lake in Hollis , saw a lot of small fish and looked like a lot of nests with pairs swimming around , but nothing of any decent size. The biggest we pulled out today was 2ish lbs tops. nothing we saw on nests or swimming was any bigger. we did catch a glimps of what we thought was bigger but not enough to really tell how big.
  2. I fish only a small section of the river from the stellos dam and back up past the tilton st ramp about 200 yards. it is a very very small section , to get further up takes too long. People talk about fish up at the golf course area and up to the hollis bridge. I have fished it once or twice with decent luck but it takes me way too long to get there.
  3. right now i have been targeting any new green stuff i see growing , as well as any drop offs i know about as well as the calm water around areas where water is moving , remember i fish the nashua river a lot. thats different fishing than small ponds.
  4. Welcome aboard Brian. a couple decent fish today --- they are really active in the Nashua river ,,, thats a good thing. fishing should really be picking up in another week or so up in the concord and above area.
  5. she was right around my personal best 6lb 7oz -- i took a quick weight, once i realized she was not gonna hit a new mark of 7+ i got her back in swimming. I tried to get her back as quick as possible. I really thought she was gonna get me the elusive 7+ i am searching for. please also add this one for today 18+ish inch, i hit another nice fat one at 6 lb 2 oz 21 inch but the pic is all messed up. it did not come out visible at all. these 2 pics are the same fish
  6. i could not spend that kind of $ on something like that at this stage , not sure i would want to.
  7. Lets add this fat lady.
  8. 1 fish today. sometime we just get lucky finding a fun one still looking for the elusive 7+ in the river, i am going there again sat morning about 5 am till 8:30am and possibly sunday also
  9. P,S, there are a few bass on beds in the Nashua river. saw a few small ones with some probably 2ish lbers cruising around,
  10. Mike , if you will allow me i will throw my 2 cents in here. or as my dad would say His (lesson) or (info) or (bs) or (insert what is applicable ) #50814 (todays date) at 73 he still says this all the time. Couple things to think about , ponder etc. One thing you want to ask yourself anytime you go fish is what kind of fisherman am i today. For many people this is going to vary just as it does for me. For others maybe not so much. when i fish with my grandson (he is 9) this is all about fun for him, not about fishing for me. earth worms , sometimes bobbers , and lots of fish any type any size. when i fish with my 15 yr old, we still want to catch fish but keep it fun , pickerel , pike ,bass , white perch , black crappie dont need to catch as many fish but a few are needed and for us there is nothing wrong with big teeth. then there is fishing with the buddies , a cigar , and some bass , you want to catch fish , just not the smallest bass. cause that one buys the beer after type of thing then there are the alone and or a little more serious times with a buddy that fishes a little more serious than others -- nothing smaller than 3 lbs is what you are looking for a few 3 lbers is ok between you. and a 4 or 5 + is nice. then you get serious from there. Quality above quantity , slower , less fish or no fish ... hunting for 4+ and nothing but.-- it gets boring at times but you can usually end up with a fish or 2 many times not quite big enough but enough to keep you hunting for them. then you have the ones that are looking for nothing but ---- THE FISH --- Around here SOUTHERN NH or NH IN GENERAL the elusive 7+ --- many , most times this equals zero fish. also ask yourself what you consider good size? and good size for where you are fishing. there really is a lot of small water canoe fishing in Southern NH If you are hunting for THE FISH and nothing but then that can narrow your search. Most ponds have a big girl or 2 --- Nutts pond or Stevens pond in Manchester. Stump pond Amherst. You just have to put into perspective what you want . I love fishing the Nashua river, but ---- lots and lots and lots of water and hiding places for them. and a lot of time patience learning this place. Find a place you like and learn it. Maybe set goal to find the hiding spots in Melondy pond in Brookline. They are there, its not too big, easy to get to , and right now not completely grown in with weeds. Pick a section of it and fish it , get comfortable with what you are throwing and learn a few more things. and read here , lots of info , hints and helps. Rocky pond in Hollis also holds some nice 4lb + fish. super clean , and super quiet. above all have fun.
  11. just one river fish today --- p.s. the blood is mine. not fishing related , a cut on my finger opened up while i was fishing. not a fishing related injury about 18 - 18 1/2
  12. just one river fish today --- p.s. the blood is mine. not fishing related , a cut on my finger opened up while i was fishing. not a fishing related injury
  13. who was talking about using 2 anchors , these are what i use and how i use 2. 16 inch brake rotor in back anchor from local garage.--- 12 inch brake rotor in front to stop from spinning. lighter to make it a little easier to pull up. I adjusted the front rope a couple times till i got it to pull all the way up and out of the water when not in use. easy to drop and pull back up from rear seat.
  14. nice work boys, i hope to get out next weekend. possibly this tuesday afternoon for an hour or so. really really nice fish there.
  15. this is what i made to measure with , then i made this on my canoe as a shelf in the center. I drew this same ruler onto 2 of the seats of the jon boat also. simple and easy, The original cross member is still there makes a good seat too. also make sure we treat the fish correctly and always lay them on a damp cloth not on the ground or dirt and get them back swimming a quick as possible. this was pointed out to me last year as i had set one on the ground. this is the only type of fish i caught today.
  16. i have limited fishing time available right now, but i am in anyway
  17. I will be there if i can. Most days i can only fish till 9:30 / 10 am. I want in and will be there if i can. I usually get in a good solid 4/5 hours fishing when i go. Jon boat , canoe or kayak. and i will have room for 1 most likely. Can i put in a request for a person who fishes with jigs a lot, i want your knowledge.
  18. mike . what town / city do you live?
  19. yes, homemade trailer with no id on it. In NH a homemade trailer needs to be inspected by a police officer (no big deal) then they will issue you a vin # for it so you can register it. There is a way to do it in Mass i am sure. Just have to follow the guidelines. I am sure someone has dealt with this before, you are not the first. You shuld be able to call DMV or do a search online. the answer is there on the Mass DMV site somewhere. Might be a piass but can be done.
  20. Here is your current list of stocking. they started last week. Yes , some of us do fish for other stuff. we also hike and hunt.
  21. Lone wolf, if she makes you get rid of them i will ay the postage to have them sent to me.
  22. 12 ft jon boat $275 -- trailer not for sale unless you give me $500 for the trailer (what it will cost me to replace it with modifications) trailer is customized to fit this boat perfectly. this jon boat will fit right into the back of a pick up truck. I did most of my fishing out of my canoe last year. painted safety orange in back and i bolted on a front piece for the trolling motor to mount to. basic eagle depth,temp included. I thought i had it sold but person decided to get a v hull 15 footer with 15 hp motor.
  23. I would fall in on purpose if i could get to it to fish for a couple hours.
  24. My buddy and i found a few little guys this morning. We fished a place that is completely run over with weeds and pads and almost not fishable once the green starts to grow. a few more days of some sun is all we need down in this end of the state. realy really tough to fish this place once things start growing. not fishable from shore. This is the first time we fish it. The bait fish are really starting to run around in the shallows.
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