Let me ask you Nashua River anglers, do you prefer parking at Mill Pond and fish north or parking atTilton Road and fishing south?.
To answer simpy--- Stellos dam up past Tilton st a bit.
to answer more completly...
There are a few places to fish the Nashua river. And there are 3 parts of the river. I call it the upper and the lower, and the end.
the upper part Starts above the dam right behind Stellos staduim and goes up river to Hollis Runnels bridge where it gets to rocky to go any further by boat. --- you can keep going just not by boat. You go left from the awesome ramp they made and up river just a bit you will pass the Tilton st ramp. I fish mainly between Stello and a little past the Tilton st ramp. I only have trolling motor. To my knowledge there is no other boat access on this upper part unless you know someone or are part of the Lone Pine club. (There are many private places to launch)
If you are parking at the Hockey rink you are at Mill pond ,It is fed water from a culvert under the pump house way left. This pump house is accessed from the Stellos dam Completely straight across from the dirt access to the right of the hockey rink is the man made canal that ends at Pine Street extension over in downtown Nashua area. It actually goes under ground thru a huge pipe system, under clocktower buildings and dumps back into the lower part of the Nashua river behind the Building.
What i call the lower part of the Nashua river is accessed at 2 places i now of. Behind Clocktower buildings is Technology way. You need written permission to use this access. (it is easy to get written permission). You can use a trailer and a decent size bass boat here very easily. You can also launch a canoe ,kayak , jon boat off of Front st. (you must carry it to the water about 75 feet.)
This lower part ends at the top of the dam at Margaritas on Main st. if you go the other way it will lead you way up and back to the bottom of the dam at Stellos. you can go almost all the way with a small boat and motor.
the End of the river starts at the bottom of the dam at Margaritas and ends where it dumps into the Merrimack river.
As far as fishing the areas go. The upper part for me has been mainly largemouth and pickerel, with a few smallmouth. I fish mainly between the dam and a little past the Tilton ramp. This time of year i am fishing weeds, grass and lily pads. It takes a long time to learn a river, and then when you learn it, next year it is different.
The lower part i out in at Technology way ramp. I have only fished it once this year (with Shane) 1 largemouth and a few small smallies. There is some major work going on in this area with the new circumferential highway going in. Last year they lowered the river to replace the dam at Margaritas and it screwed everything all up. 2 years ago it was mainly smallmouth.
The end part past Margaritas i have not fished this year. Last year sucked with the lowered water. the year before was decent with a few smallies over 2 1/2 lbs but mostly 1 - 2 lbers. Best luck fishing here was when the water was moving the slowest and fishing around the lower part of the dam near Margarittas and down river about 100 yards. Also the area right where it dumps into the Merrimack. Accessed from the Merrimack river by boat or from shore near where they are doing all the construction at the Hudson bridge.