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Everything posted by Jigfishn10

  1. More like "an old guy like me", @A-Jay. '75 was the year I really got into baseball as a kid and Rico was the 3rd baseman that year...He!! of a world series that year BTW... I agree, the new rules are really watering down the sport. The long games aren't bad enough, but these new rules are just driving the sport into the ground. No wonder why the sport can't attract a younger crowd.
  2. @A-Jay, I'd take Rico Petrocelli right now.
  3. From what I read, the team was 9!$$ed. I hope you're right @A-Jay, the boys of summer are playing great ball now, just need to address the 'pen and 3rd base. That 3rd baseman in Texas would be a good fit, too bad they can't get guys like that? Oh, wait...
  4. David Price is wearing out his welcome fast. Betcha he's on the trading block if he has another tirade? http://mlb.nbcsports.com/2017/07/01/report-david-price-confronted-dennis-eckersley-on-a-team-flight/
  5. For some reason at the beginning of the baseball season I crave hot dogs. I'm kinda picky because I don't like all beef dogs, I'd prefer a chicken/pork dog or a chicken/pork/beef dog. Natural casing dogs preferred but will eat skinless. Grilled with a split top bun buttered and toasted on the sides on the top rack of the grill, topped with diced onion, diced pickle or relish and spicy brown mustard. That craving goes away once I get to the beach house in Maine and then my cravings switch to fried clams. Once Labor Day hits, I'm back on the treadmill losing the weight I put on from said cravings...
  6. You're not kidding about beautiful fish! I'm pretty jealous, I've yet to catch one. Glad you had a great day to spend with a buddy. Thanks for posting.
  7. @snake95, There's nothing like fresh fish for the table. The whole experience of catching fish and sharing with friends and family at the table is second to none IMO. Enjoy, I hope you have a great outing and a delicious dinner.
  8. Couldn't agree more...Great sport fish...not so much for table fare, tho... JMHO.
  9. That's funny, just after I read @Crestliner2008's post I thought the same and was gonna post the same thing until I read yours. ...Couldn't have said better myself! Great story for sure, thanks for posting that.
  10. I think his arrogance got the better of him.
  11. Will they rent to a 16 y/o kid? I'm curious, that'd be awesome if they did?
  12. ...Trust me, I'm a lipless crank junkie as well and will go back and forth with both presentations.
  13. @Turkey sandwich, I can respect your position regarding that. However, in clear water with mostly overcast skies, a smaller Colorado blade can be the ticket over the flash of a willow. Bear in mind that I mentioned that you would downsize the blade to get the same drag you would get out of a willow by 1 size. Different size blades of any shape produce different sounds in the water as well as drag. The larger the blade the more vibration and drag. This holds true for willow leaf blades. https://www.mepps.com/resources/lure-sounds/ In the case of @Bassin' Brad's spinnerbait he lost, a double Colorado will actually dull the sound more than a single Colorado and have more drag. Double willows will have more drag than a single one. I don't go by rules when fishing spinnerbaits. I use conditions and advice I get from reading past anglers' experiences and use as a guide. Case in point. I was fishing a lake on Cape Cod and the conditions were blue bird skies and very green almost like an algae bloom type water. Soft plastics were doing nothing and a slow rolled spinnerbait with a single #5 Colorado blade had no effect. I switch to a #3 and sped up the retrieve and caught a fish on every other cast from the back of the boat. Was it a burning retrieve? Lets say as fast as that bait and my reel would allow it to go. As stated in my earlier post, I tend to use single willow blades and carry various sizes to pretty much fish any where under any conditions.
  14. I really like the Gators chances this year. They've put together a really nice season, would like to see them cap it off.
  15. I agree with @Darren., that's a real healthy pickerel. The snot rockets I've been catching are so thin you can see skeletal bones. That's the type of snot rocket you want to catch. Nice catch @Angealy!
  16. @Bassin' Brad, @Turkey sandwich and @A-Jay, I hope you don't mind my 2 cents here? Because Colorado blades are rounder, they produce more vibration as mentioned and because of their shape, they do have more drag. However, you can drop down in size with a Colorado blade and get pretty much the same results, but you'd have to drop down even more than a willow blade to get the same effect. A #5 willow blade is like a #4 Colorado. If you dropped down to a #3 Colorado, you'd be at a #4 willow. The #3 Colorado will produce the same amount of drag and less flash than a #4 willow and sometimes that's just as desirable. I do take flash into consideration at times. I do think there are days where too much flash turn off the bite. Even then, if you're not sure, you can get the best of both worlds with Indiana blades...but that's a whole other discussion... Honestly though, I pretty much use a single willow blade on a snap swivel and switch out sizes, metallic and painted colors and you can pretty much run that that set-up for all your conditions. BTW, if you do use a snap swivel, you're gonna have to cut the blade arm of the spinnerbait and re-bend the arm for the snap swivel attachment. One other thing that comes to mind. Another reason to "speed up", is when fish are nipping the rear of the bait or they come in "broad side" and nail the thing and don't come back. To me what this means is they saw something they didn't like and aborted the mission. By speeding up, they don't get an opportunity to see what their try to "blow up" long enough. Sorry. Longer than I anticipated.
  17. You know @A-Jay, I will admit that I never read that write up until now, but being a spinnerbait junkie, I have always believed in the burning technique. It even works in the dog daze of summer when the water is so warm you'd think that the bass were deeper in their winter haunts. All your advice from downsizing blades to adding weight to trailer options are dead nuts on. Well written and some great advice for the novice and experienced spinnerbait fisherman alike.
  18. I thought they were in the NLCS like 10 years or so ago when Prince Fielder played for them? I could be wrong though.
  19. Is your Health Insurance premiums current @J Francho? My son's first experience playing in a stadium...packed house...
  20. OMG @A-Jay, I totally forgot all about that, you're right! Ross and Ryan Dempster were both characters on that team...
  21. I always tell my little league kids to get in front of the ball because I can't stand the Ole' play. I ran across this and got a good laugh out of it. I forgot that David Ross did this.
  22. Totally understand that it has happened in the past,@deaknh03, and it has been executed by a select few individuals in all 4 major pro sports leagues. The NBA is just flat selling out to these guys coming into the league and those who are already in the league. A lot of these games aren't even competitive. They're not worth watching during the regular season on TV much less family friendly to take your kid to view a game at the arena. I'd rather do something else with my money than to fund the guys playing in the NBA.
  23. More than likely not. I haven't read through this thread and I probably won't but the players are picking and choosing who they play for and now I read reports that kids coming out of college as high draft picks are picking and choosing which teams they work out for? Blows my mind.
  24. Fishing certainly is full of surprises @Attila...for sure, hundred%
  25. @BASS302, while you're flirting around with spinnerbaits, here's a mod to a spoon you'd probably like. I believe Daredevil did it years ago and I don't see them any more, but how about a Lil Cleo with a buzz blade? You'll love fishing this:
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