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Delaware Valley Tackle

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Everything posted by Delaware Valley Tackle

  1. When purchasing or building a Rod there are several tangle free guides to use but that doesn't help much in this case. A little heavier braid might help.
  2. A quick dunk in relatively clear water shouldn't harm anything. Laying out to dry and oiling hinges etc should suffice. If symptoms arise or worsen a tear down and deep cleaning is in order.
  3. Half and half. Ream more than foam but a tighter fit than cork. They'll stretch s little but you'll tear the skin off if you pull too hard.
  4. Unless you need the extra power to deal with cover the MH should more than do it.
  5. It's a great craft be it hobby or more! I clear something with every build and reading in between.
  6. Talk to a custom builder(if you know one)?
  7. Just because spinning reels are mechanical in their casting doesn't mean they are lacking in technology. There is a point of diminishing returns when purchasing any higher end item. The value depends totally on the purchaser and their priorities . JF had a great point regarding the complexity of some high end spinners.
  8. The Winn grips are about as close as you'll find to those. They feel decent and have held up to this point.
  9. Flip the ratchet over and look at the kick lever for wear
  10. The heavier Rod would get by flipping and pitching but to load and cast those weights the Mh will likely work better
  11. Right don't scrimp on the line.
  12. Improved free spool won't cause the problems you describe. Something else is misassembled.
  13. Usually the binding comes from the roller clutch not seated completely into the side plate. The sleeve being seized inside the roller is something else.
  14. If the line is stacking it's an adjustment issue. Pull the spool off and add one the spare little plastic washers that came with it.
  15. Of all the concerns related to fishing, braid bleed is somewhere below ankle/tube/or no socks.
  16. How do you like that seat hood? Better than trimmed threads ?
  17. Lubricants really just need to leave a micro layer on the parts where they mesh in order to prevent friction wear. The thickeners in grease don't lubricate anything rather are a medium to carry an oil and hold it in place. Over packing a reel with grease gives a false sense of smoothness that disappears rapidly with use. "Smooth" is another subjective term that gets bantered about with no way of being measured or qualified consistently. JF called it when he suggested deep cleaning and proper lubrication. IMO gear sets are over diagnosed as worn out.
  18. Core all day every day.
  19. X2. Even dry They're consistently smooth right from start up Lighten up on the drag and your reels will thank you. Personally I enjoy playing the fish a little. In the grand scheme bass don't fight all that hard and just horsing them in takes from the moment
  20. Never open a reel without a schematic. Also keep in mind that they are primarily a parts list and don't necessarily show part orientation or assembly order. The camera is a good tip.
  21. Well I never oversell. I know not everyone has the budget or time to spend experimenting. That's why I said sometimes. BassResource.com is the place to come for advice and feedback prior to purchases though.
  22. The trial and error are sometimes part of the fun too.
  23. I don't know if it's the case here or not, but I can vouch for how dramatic a difference components and layout can make. Even as a Rod builder I'm often surprised.
  24. MH and Hvy are subjective and mean different things in different brands. A 7' 3/8-1oz fast action Rod with good backbone is pretty versatile. That's a Hvy in some cases or a MH in St croix rods.
  25. Not bad. How is that store? We have one coming to Albany in August.
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