Oh PU-LEEZE!! There's too many PETA members here to allow that. No kidding - there would be huge protests at every game.
Besides, Seattle has no need for another QB. In addition, the Seahawks management demands high moral standards of its players and coaches. They've dumped players that had domestic abuse and drunk driving charges. They won't tolerate an ex-con.
And finally, the Hawk organization doesn't like premodonna's, superstars, or stand-out players in so much they want a TEAM, not a bunch of guys trying to outdo each other, squabbling, or otherwise creating negative media for the team.
Vick doesn't fit no matter how hard you try.
Now, picture PETA members showing up at a Stealers game. They'd be lucky to get out with their shirts on their back. Now THAT would be something! LOL!!
My top picks where I think he'll go: Stealers, Vikings, Pats, or 49r's