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Everything posted by Glenn

  1. iPhone *Yawn!* That's old school. I'm waiting until the myTouch phone comes out in a few days. It has FREE apps! 8-)
  2. Yes, my wife Keri. Idaho***er was behind the camera. We shot that all in about an hour, and then proceeded to just slay 'em on spinnerbaits, frogs, and Senkos. We had a blast!
  3. Here's more info: http://www.bassresource.com/bass_fishing_123/procontroll-09.html
  4. Oh PU-LEEZE!! There's too many PETA members here to allow that. No kidding - there would be huge protests at every game. Besides, Seattle has no need for another QB. In addition, the Seahawks management demands high moral standards of its players and coaches. They've dumped players that had domestic abuse and drunk driving charges. They won't tolerate an ex-con. And finally, the Hawk organization doesn't like premodonna's, superstars, or stand-out players in so much they want a TEAM, not a bunch of guys trying to outdo each other, squabbling, or otherwise creating negative media for the team. Vick doesn't fit no matter how hard you try. Now, picture PETA members showing up at a Stealers game. They'd be lucky to get out with their shirts on their back. Now THAT would be something! LOL!! My top picks where I think he'll go: Stealers, Vikings, Pats, or 49r's
  5. Sad indeed. There's a lot of mental cases out there that need help and treatment long before something like this happens. But do we need to bring stuff like this up in a fishing forum? Seriously, we can find stuff like this every day if we search for it. But is that necessary? I'm going to go out on limb here, but I suspect people don't come here to see stories like these. "Nothing breaks my heart and gets me angrier " -- I'd rather avoid comments like these by focusing attention towards the good things in life, rather than the sick and twisted.
  6. Ya, it happened about a month ago in my neck of the woods. The choice you have is between dwelling on it, or move on to more positive things. I prefer to focus on the brighter things. Life's too short to focus on murders.
  7. Do some research. Start here: http://www.bassresource.com/fish_biology/fish-kill.html then follow the links at the bottom of the article for more reading. Enjoy!
  8. The site is gone, but they're still running a forum. Here's the details, http://riversmallies.invisionzone.com/index.php?showtopic=45547
  9. Glenn


    104 degrees now...the all time record high in over 118 years of record keeping! Ya, sure, other areas have days like this (it was 110 in Palm Springs today), but nearly every house and apartment in those areas have air conditioning. Here, only 14% of homes have air conditioning. Normal high this time of year is 81, that's why. Worse yet, we haven't had any measurable rain since the beginning of June. Again, extremely unusual. And now that's turned into a bad fire hazard.
  10. [split] [link=http://www.bassresource.com/bass_fishing_forums/YaBB.pl?num=1248805298/0#0][splithere][/link][splithere_end]
  11. Yes, I have. Great company, great, fast service.
  12. does it kill off the entire pond? No Any chance that a decent population will have survived? Yes. I think every angler would be surprised to know how may fish per acre a lake/pond can actually support.
  13. If handled properly, it's not a problem. The issue is not enough anglers take care of livewell environment like they should. That's why we have about a dozen or more articles on the subject, as well as several videos. Education, education, education...
  14. Yup, fish kill due to algae. I have a new article posted on the front page that talks about this very problem, amongst others: http://www.bassresource.com/fish_biology/hot-summer-ponds.html
  15. Ok folks, here's the video. Enjoy! http://www.bassresource.com/Bass/Fishing/video/Wing-ding.FLV
  16. Just don't get the kind with the ribs. They can rub off the slimecoat.
  17. Seattle doesn't need any help in quarterback position. They don't have any problems with their QB being sued. ;D But I do believe the Stealers will take him. But don't take my word on it: http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2009/07/28/vick-to-the-steelers/ http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601079&sid=ar9gBU9klsTY BTW - the oddsmakers are giving 4-1 odds they'll take Vick. Seattle? 15-1.
  18. Stealers will take him. :
  19. Do NOT move him backwards, as that can damage his gills. The gills are designed to take in water one way only. Put fresh water in the livewell (and NOT from the marina or boat launch, as there's oil and pollution in the water) and then close the valves Add ice - enough to bring the temp down by 10 - 15 degrees. That could mean a lot of ice! Add Please Release Me to the water Add approx 1/2 cup of Hydrogen Perixode to the water For detailed information on fish care, please see this video
  20. [split] [link=http://www.bassresource.com/bass_fishing_forums/YaBB.pl?num=1248802354/0#0][splithere][/link][splithere_end]
  21. Glenn


    Sorry. Mea culpa.
  22. Glenn


    my mistake. The only rain we get is a cold rain. You guys... you get torrential downpours unlike no other! I was in Florida and they were getting 9" of rain per hour!! We'll get 9"... over the course of a month. It's just a steady, constant drizzle. ugh! I'll take the heat, though. We get 10 months of cold, damp weather and snow, so a few days of hot weather is doable.
  23. Please do a search for this company on this site. You'll see it's a question that's been asked numerous times with the same response. (be sure to search further back than 1 week) Thanks!
  24. Holy cow folks - my neck of the woods is getting hit by a heat wave. Temps are in the mid-90's to over 100 degrees for the entire week. Now that may not be all that hot to all you southerners, but that's really unusual for my area. Last time we had weather like this was 15 years ago - and that was the low 90's. And we don't get the thunderstorms like y'all do to cool things off! Looks like we're gonna break a few records before the week's over.
  25. That's good news! It will be interesting to find out if he did indeed run away, and if so, if the news stories scared him back into reality. I'm picturing him freaking out when he discovered he was on the news and there was a manhunt out for him. Oh man... if he DID run away... let's just say that boy is lucky he's not my son! I'd start by making him apologize to each and every person who searched for him - in person. Not only would that be humbling for him, but it would also point out in graphic detail just how many people care for him (in case he felt nobody cared about him). Then comes the community service.... 8-)
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