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BassResource.com Administrator
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Everything posted by Glenn

  1. http://www.bassresource.com/bass_fishing_forums/YaBB.pl?num=1249737762
  2. [postsmovedhere1] 1 [postsmovedhere2] Everything Else [move by] Glenn.
  3. Man, last night when I read that, I somehow replaced "that's" with "what's" in your post. Ah, well g'morning Glenn!
  4. Great question Kelley. Without providing a full audit, it covers the costs of maps and t-shirts for everyone, name badges, and other minor misc. things. This year, the registration covered everything within 20 cents or so of the actual costs. Throw in the fact I got extra maps and t-shirts for "just in case" that didn't happen, and I ended up in the hole. :-/ Bottom line: nobody is making any money off the registration fee, if that's the concern.
  5. Funny, it was just a couple of months ago I was wondering if they had any more albums left in them, or if they were going to retire on the millions they've made through the years.
  6. I'm not sure whether or not any of you even knew you can save $$ by shopping via Bing, but now there's even more incentive to give it try. http://searchengineland.com/microsoft-doubles-up-on-cashback-to-give-bing-a-boost-23834
  7. Been on the boats of several pros, and they hang it over the side like everybody else. No big deal. For ladies, here's something that works very well: http://www.cabelas.com/cabelas/en/templates/links/link.jsp?id=0006654514627a&type=product&cmCat=SEARCH_all&returnPage=search-results1.jsp&Ntt=toilet&Ntk=Products&sort=all&_D%3AhasJS=+&selectedPerPage=72&N=0&_D%3Asort=+&Nty=1&hasJS=true&_DARGS=%2Fcabelas%2Fen%2Fcommon%2Fsearch%2Fsearch-box.jsp.form1&_dyncharset=ISO-8859-1 (Tip: practice first in the shower to learn how to use it)
  8. All your cheese are belong to us! Absolutely! Up until recently, I thought everyone knew what a "Big Kahuna" was! I'm serious!
  9. Plain sight for you, perhaps. But "the cheese" can mean a lot of things to alot of different people. "Green algae" can only mean one thing.
  10. There's over 1,000 fishing articles here on the site, then there's the forums here. Enough reading to keep you busy for a few years!! But by all means, ask questions. We're here to help. But please, do not give out your contact information to anyone. Thanks! Glenn
  11. Hi, Start here: http://www.bassresource.com/fish/flip&pitch.html then follow the links at the bottom of the page to learn more. Enjoy!
  12. We do NOT recommend that method, simply because there are arteries that can easily be punctured if you don't know what you're doing. Skilled anglers who have been properly taught this method can perform it, but for most people (who learn via the Internet and videos), we strongly recommend the side method performed and explained by Doug Hannon. There's much less chance of killing the bass that way. Thanks! Glenn
  13. This is way cool! http://sports.espn.go.com/outdoors/bassmaster/news/story?page=b_spotlight_productshowcase Congrats JJ!
  14. [movedhere] General Bass Fishing Forum [move by] Glenn.
  15. I recommend an 18 gauge 1 1/2 inch needle for fizzing through the side.
  16. Deep diving crankbaits and Carolina rigged plastics are a good idea. Outside weed edges too. Usually you have to go deep this time of year. Since it's a river, focus on current breaks right near the main channel.
  17. This is way cool! http://sports.espn.go.com/outdoors/bassmaster/news/story?page=b_spotlight_productshowcase Congrats JJ!
  18. I have my ways.
  19. Don't party too hard tonight, geezer!
  20. Glenn


    G'day Irene. :
  21. It was a glitch that occurred during maintenance. It happens sometimes - very rarely - but it happens.
  22. After nearly 2 decades, I got my first taste of Suzi-Q's!! THANKS MUDDY!!!
  23. Brian - I don't doubt your abilities, so I apologize if I came across that way. I'm just hope it is an ISP issue, otherwise it's something you and I both missed (including my server!).
  24. Hmmm.... I guess "sitting on the modem" would eliminate any winsock2 corruption errors or a corrupt TCP/IP stack? If not, I'd reset them, and flush the DNS just to be safe. Just be sure to try resetting winsock first, and then the stack if all else fails. Doing these, plus updating the router firmware and using a new modem, pretty much wipes out any possible problems at the user's end. At worst, it purges everything and cleans it all up.
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