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A-Jay last won the day on February 26

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About A-Jay

  • Birthday 08/08/1959

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Northern Michigan ~
  • My PB
    Between 11-12 lbs
  • Favorite Bass
  • Favorite Lake or River
    Lake Menderchuck ~ Lake Baccarac
  • Other Interests
    As a dedeicated dog lover we foster, place, and always have a small pack of our own. Maintaining a decent level of overall fitness has also been a priority my entire life and something I plan to continue.

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  • About Me
    I live in Northern Michigan and I’m fairly addicted to the smallmouth bass fishing here. I fish from an Old Town square back canoe and a Lund 1875 Pro V Bass Boat. As a Retired US Coast Guardsman, I'm having a Blast on the water every chance I get.

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Community Answers

  1. Yes, the Shrimp pattern seems to be right up there with the Fine Art & the Respect series ~ Meaning frustratingly scares. A couple of months back I went Full on Ninja and under the cover of darkness managed to snag a few from Yuki Ito's night stand. Bet he'll never miss them A-Jay
  2. My gear has been in B Zero status for a while. And it will still be a while before we have open water. A-Jay
  3. Thank and your response is both insiteful and spot on. While I hate to admit it FFS is a bit of a trigger point for me. Must be an OG thing, AND my two day shipping TW order is on day 3 ! I hate that. Not really but the timing was pretty good. Btw, I used to DS a rage Craw on a 4/0 EWG in light coverwith pretty good results for Smallies. Fish Hard A-Jay
  4. Can't really put a numer on it. Let's say that it's just barely enough time to justify having it. 😎 A-Jay
  5. You're right. Sometimes I do that. Can't say for sure why. Perhaps my reading compression skills aren't what they used to be. Either way, it will probably happen again A-Jay
  6. Effectively fishing deep / offshore hard or soft cover is IMO, what separates the best bass heads from the rest. And you can interpret that as you prefer. I do not have FFS, never even looked at one operating. But it is Not needed to fish what's listed above effectively. Does it make it better or easier, I can not say. Posts like this lead me to believe folks are looking for a FASTER way to get this done. Many feel FFS can do that. I do not know that either. But what I do know, is that locating hard & or soft cover on the best structure can lead to some great bass fishing. But it takes time to find it, learn how to do it and then present baits effectively to get bites, and to fish it. The following are the 'tools' I use when looking for & fishing the deep stuff and to get my baits on the the spot on the spot. Map study, Triangulation, Side Scan, Down Scan, AS360, way points, marked buoys precise boat control (Trolling motor) and even more exactly boat positioning and finally casting angles. The presentations the work for me in these situations depend on several factors that in all honesty, are the same in 3 ft as they are in 30 feet. BTW- In my fishing any water shallower than my 1875 Pro-V bass is long is 'shallow' and I can usually see the bottom, meaning the fish can see me. That changes things. Good Luck Fish Hard A-Jay
  7. Thanks but 'now' isn't a good time. 🤓 A-Jay
  8. Giant Set Workout Day 3 ~ I can only benefit from what I can successfully recover from. And my ability to recover fades just like everything else. But I'm not stopping. #borninfiftynine A-Jay
  9. Hello @Levi Watson and Welcome to Bass Resource. There is ALL KINDS of "information & data" readily available for most any enterprising bass angler to seek out. Some of it can be helpful, some not so much. Mapping and weather forecast at two I use often. Water temps provided at given locations are not something I ever benefit from. They change frequently and I can learn what it is when I get there. As long as there's open water and the conditions are safe, just go fishing. Beyond seasonal patterns, we never have the answers to the test in advance. We need to figure it out on the water. That's what Bass fishing is. Good Luck and Fish Hard A-Jay
  10. Hoping for the best possible out come for you @Catt A-Jay
  11. For size & numbers it was the Megabass ITO Vision One Ten ~ A-Jay
  12. I want to be exactly here looking right at this Lady smiling at a bass. Second place isn't even close. A-Jay
  13. Just One ? A-Jay
  14. Just such a crazy Huge & Thick smallmouth ! If you added one single inch to it's length, it would probably be close to 10 lbs. A-Jay
  15. OK Thanks Good Tip A-Jay
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