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Siebert Outdoors

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Everything posted by Siebert Outdoors

  1. I just whipped these up out of tin/bismuth. Top is a bullet jig, the bottom is a mix of shaky heads, football, and poisen.
  2. I am now offering an Arky style head. This is offered in the Owner hook series and the Mustad Ultra Pt series. The sizes are 1/4, 3/8, and 1/2 http://www.siebertoutdoors.com/index.php/big-o-jig Here is the head http://www.siebertoutdoors.com/index.php/archy-jig-heads Thanks for looking.
  3. Here is what I did. I read both websites, read the owners manuals, then went to BPS for some button time. I was dead set on the H 898 until I went and pushed buttons. I ended up ordering the HDS7 Gen 2. The lowrance is cheaper to expand and if you buy the bundle its the same price. IMO it comes down to preferece. Both are good units.
  4. Are you going to supress it? If not I would not waste my money on it.
  5. Hey! I resemble that remark.
  6. I've been reading alot of posts from you guys in MA and a few others on non tox bismuth/tin lures. With what little of this I have I can make some of the head designs I have now. Now, I am looking at ordering some heads in bismuth/Tin if there is enough intrest. Here is what they would look like. I would really only be looking at ordering 3/8 and 1/2oz in the Pro and the Football. If there is enough intrest in both these styles. http://www.siebertoutdoors.com/index.php/zenith-jigheads The 3/8 would be 1.55 The 1/2 would be 1.75 I will also be able to make these into jigs. The cost would be .45 and .65 over the price of the Zenith jig of your choice. If there is enough intrest I will be able to drop the price approx 10 cents per piece. The catch is I'd need upfront down payments before I will make this venture.
  7. Get better soon buddy!
  8. I can make some shapes. Mostly roundball or roundball weedless.
  9. I can do this but the biggest I can make is a 5/0 in 1/4 oz. This would really weigh about 3/16oz in the tin/bis.
  10. My eta will be approx 2pm on saturday. I'm hoping earlier but I'm being realistic. Thanks for the update. I'll ask again before we leave.
  11. What is the typical water clarity/visibility on Guntersville?
  12. Well, I called up Dual Pro today. I told them what had happened and gave them the serial number off of my old charger. Low and behold they shoot you a good deal on a new charger if you are a previous owner. I dont even have to send my old bad one back.
  13. Thanks guys for all the hard work. I'll bring atleast 1 beer for each of you. If you drink I'll have cool aid.
  14. Oh so true Mike. This puts a kink in things. Let me know once another place is located. I can always camp if I have too.
  15. Very nice Smallies
  16. Thanks All. I'll call them and see what they have to say. If they are willing to wheel and deal I'll go that route. On my old boat I had a Minn Kota MK3 I think it was. Nice charger and worked great.
  17. Very nicely built.
  18. That is the one I'm looking at to replace it with. How do you like it? Any issues at all? I've got two Optima batteries I use for trolling. Way2slow, thats how old mine was too. It finally crashed. 2 of the banks still work so I might use it for a standard charger until they crash.
  19. I'm in need of a new 3 bank charger. What charger are you guys running? The one I had was a dual pro 3 bank. I'm looking for another 3 bank charger.
  20. I've never seen Oak. That would probably have to go through a custom guy.
  21. You can buy Zoom in some of the styles/colors if you can find someone willing to order it in bulk for you.
  22. Good lookin jigs!! This is just my opinion. When you get over the 66 stands the jigs get more difficult to tie, keep material in, or cut the material as your tying. I dont make any jigs like that unless someone specifically wants it.
  23. Very Nice!!
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