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Everything posted by jignfule

  1. put a scale to the bigger fish.
  2. That's funny because both days I meant to try the A-rig. The first one I caught on a 1/4 oz. jig and the second on a DT-16 (bluegill) Both days I got back to the dock and kicked myself for not remembering to a least try the A-rig out. Maybe next trip.
  3. Last week I caught a new PB of 7#. Yesterday I caught another 7 pounder. Weight was exactly the same, might have been the same fish, but I caught it 100 miles away in a different pond.
  4. Sorry, the fish in my profile picture, though from the same pond, is an old pb 5.6 pounders from a few years back.
  5. I've always liked booyah boo with a fat albert twin tail. I experiment with different trailer now and then, but fat alberts seem to work best most of the time.
  6. I fished in a pond today that is known for quality over quanity. Three hours with hardly a tap. I thought I would try one more weed egde before calling it quit. Flipped my jig out and noticed tight line moving ever so slowly back to me. Set the hook on a 7 pound LMB a new pb, great fun.
  7. The worst thing that happens to me happens quit often. I stop and go home, always a traumatic experience.
  8. rod sleeves help and i wrap them together with a velcro type strap made for that purpose.
  9. My favorite spot is in a canyon and the wind blows 90% of the time. I also fish on very small crafts and most all wind 10mph + is a real pain. A pain I deal with most of the time.
  10. I agree - magic eraser work great
  11. I have a couple mbr 844 glx rods and prefer 50# braid for flipping and with jigs, but then a lot of my fishing is in the thick veggies. I also use them with a frogs. great rods imo
  12. You're right, there is only a hand full of manufactures for the multi brands you see on the market,
  13. I love my mbr 844 glx and use it for jigs, light flipping, frogs, c-rig, even spinnerbait. but a mh/f is probably even more versitle.
  14. I seem to switch back and forth on this question. Presently I'm using a snap and seem to be as successful and anyone else.
  15. Don't threw them on a cranking rod........ Sorry
  16. spro bronze eye
  17. WOW!!!!! I think it's time to go fishing
  18. I have just lost so much respect for you.
  19. I own all Shimano with the exception of one Pflueger President. Hard to beat it for it's price.
  20. I like power pro
  21. I've caught & released my whole life. NO way am I going to criticize any one for keeping a State Record fish.
  22. I use mine for cranks & lipless cranks lately
  23. I use a lot of braid, but never have tried a Hi-vis. My question is: Does the Hi-vis colors fade as readily as the typical greens and browns ??
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