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Everything posted by jignfule

  1. Ya, me too, except when I have to take a nap in the middle of the day out of shear boredom.
  2. I AGREE !!!!!! and affidavits on ALL FISH STORIES.
  3. I use a "Cabelas T.U.B." (tackle utlility binder) keeps all my jigs and trailers organized and easy to find. It's the size of a 3700 only thicker.
  4. X2 Fat Albert Twin Tails, I don't know about them resembling a craw, maybe more like a bluegill, but they have great action and produce. Rootbeer pep/grn has been a great color for us.
  5. The best day I had smallie fishing was during thunderstorms. Thunder, lightning, and a graphite rod in my hand.
  6. I've noticed one day they can be money and the very next day they can be almost a total bust.
  7. I use them on my NRX 852/ Ci 2500 stradic w/ 10# nanofil. Fun combo
  8. Where I use a jig, I feel much more confident with straight braid and a sharpie
  9. Use them often, though they are one of my least favorite ways to fish.
  10. Fat Albert- Rootbeer pep/green, mister twister variety of color. jighead 1/16,1/8, 3/16, 1/4 depending on depth. We have fished a certain pond now for many years. We have caught literally thousands of bass and returned them all. The biggest fish there was taken with a little white grub.
  11. It was just over 100, like 103, but it was afull day of fishing.
  12. Just hope the perp. wasn't a bass fisherman.
  13. About 30 yrs ago/ floating rapala/ out of a canoe with a friend/ about 3 #'s
  14. Congrats, proud daddy
  15. RH but fish w/LH b/c much more natural & comfortable for me.
  16. Congrats
  17. Time flys, but memories live for evermore.
  18. Congrats- You're right,for the Northwest that is a hawg!
  19. You have choosen........... wisely.
  20. No way,the only reason I EVER visit this web site is to read your worthless posts.
  21. I've got 2 MBR 844 GLX, no difference at all in the two.
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