Geniuses to compare two fractions? We're doomed!
I was actually having a protracted conversation about reality and existence with someone recently, (began with electoral college math and how each one represents a different number of voters, and went down hill from there) where I proposed that numbers aren't the universal language at all, but rather that they don't actually exist. Too long to get into here, but concluded discussions of the potential for yet to be defined AI abilities which may encompass non computational calculations, and how we as a species will or won't keep up. Any how, It is rather easy to experimentally without math figure out which of 2/3 or 3/5 is larger (or any other quantities). Take some string, a liquid or some putty, divide or separate into equal parts equal to the number to the right of the /. Now take the same number as on the left of the / and compare which is bigger. You'll also have a visual as to how much bigger. I used leggos and Pizza to teach my nieces and nephew basic math concepts, and I found, often the visual of what the numbers represent often made the learning quicker. Now don't get me started on why the weight of plastics is irrelevant (cause it is)...