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Everything posted by Tin

  1. Just another reason to move down south for me.
  2. Skiing and poker. But the way things are going it looks like no skiing, hopefully school keeps me busy to get my mind off other things.
  3. All depends on what the little voice inside says.
  4. x2 I'm gonna eat tons of turkey, ham, potatoes, and others on Christmas, then hibernate and come out right before the full moon in April.
  5. Ya not the type of cougars I was hoping to see. But interesting none the less, especially in Wisconsin.
  6. Do you fish anything less than XH rods and 80 lb. braid? ;D compinsating.... :-X ;D
  7. I use the 7'3" or the 6'9" MH. Love them both.
  8. Na na na na.....
  9. Do it right and go heavy with either 20+ line or big bad braid. Hookem, get them on pad, and flip them in.
  10. Facebook
  11. d**n sorry to hear that. Rough week ahead, you'll pull through. Today I went t make up a test I missed when I was out of commission and of course the professor never showed up, wasted 45 minutes waiting. > Now working on my last final paper. Here is a good laugh for you guys. Last night around 2:30am I went upstairs to make some coffee and didnt turn any lights on b/c I didnt want to wake the folks (live in a big wide open ranch). While on the way to the kitchen (in the dark), I trip over our bulldog, and go face first into a wall knocking myself out for a couple minutes. I was awakened to the dog licking me and my step-dad ranting and laughing at the same time telling me what dumb-a$$ I am. Still have a lump above the left eye. But after the next week, it's off to NYC with the girl for the weekend for a little down time. Can't wait for it to be over.
  12. Tin


    Ok Forrest :
  13. Did you walk to school uphill both ways too? No, but I did drive to school uphill both ways. Oh go watch your taped episodes of Ellen.
  14. It seems like every semester less and less professors are giving scantron type finals. Only 3 tests for finals, Abnormal Psych, German, and on-demand essays for Poli Sci. My other 3 classes I had projects and research papers. I'm still complaining though....
  15. Did you walk to school uphill both ways too?
  16. Tin


    You really are insane. All that German and Italian food is getting to you.
  17. Wow, that was so funny. Last time I heard it I fell off my dinosaur.
  18. Ok then, for moral support, lol.
  19. Tin


    I don't know why I'm laughing, but I'am.
  20. I believe we should create a FINALS thread for the college guys. Just to keep us sane over the next couple weeks.
  21. Tin


    Don't know if it was UFO's or a spider, but somethin definatley did something to my butt.
  22. Yup, have 2 research papers due as part of my final exam grades. One is on stem cells and Parkinson's, the one for my music class (need fine arts credits) is on how the ability to read music results in academic success. Hope you cited EVERYTHING, god forbid...
  23. No dealing with that tomorrow. Most likely have to put a drain in me.
  24. To fry your brain via school work? I think I have, I can no longer think straight, have a headache, can't see straight, and feel like puking. Almost like I had a long night with Mr. Daniels, but I would not know what that would be like. So anyway, I loathe the last week of school and everything that comes along with it.
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