on more occasions than I care to admit, at least.
While I'm far from being an expert angler, accomplished would be my assesment, I would say I'm well informed. Given that I've been fishing for over 50 years, I'd say that I have put more time on the water than many and therefore experienced. Due to some physical limitations I'm not the most accurate caster. Add to those the fact this sport isn't just a hobby, it's a passion and that, I have recognized, on many occasions is my stumbling block. When it comes to catching fish,I am my own worst enemy.
I still have a difficult time sleeping the night before an outing and I can drive 12 hours without anything more than a break to gas up and grab a bite to go because I'm so pumped with anticipation. The problem that arrises from this is that I focus so intently on satisfying that urge to catch fish that I 'forget' most of what I've learned, ignore what experiences would dictate in a given situation and experience discomfort from attempting casts to totaly useless water.
I see this in most of the youngsters I've schooled over the years (minus the aches and pains). The experience is new and exciting and it is very difficult for them to focus.
I've also been in the company of anglers that are much more knowledgeable and experienced that have a completely opposite enemy, they over think, or suffer from a different form of tunnel vision because they are so focused they don't see what is obvious to most everyone else.
Similar to an drinking addiction, I realize the first step to recovery is admitiing, or recognizing the problem and I have come up with a multi-step solution for myself.
Do you have your own stumbling block and if so, what do you think it is? More importantly, what steps can you take to combat your own worst enemy? We all strive to be successful, but what if we ourselves are the reason we don't succeed on a regular basis?