Alright - a few thoughts based on the above:
6' Sechi is pretty clear, meaning the vegetation present probably extends and covers a large majority of this reservoir. Milfoil would likely be in the silty portions of reservoir, largely confined to the littoral zone at depths of 6'-8' or less. The pondweed is probably similar, but the muskgrass would likely be in deeper depths beyond the other two, and in areas that are less silted in - possibly appearing all the way out to the 17' max depth. All the "grass" would help with the filtering of water, and would help explain the good sechi reading despite the silt.
The silt would suggest some type of runoff or murky input, perhaps from farmland or perhaps from adjacent meadows. Likely not forested in the area since the comment of "precious little wood," Non-forested would also help explain the siltiness since there would be less watershed protection.
The water temps and the reference to pike and perch is interesting from several standpoints. Being coolwater species, the pike probably roam the deep open water as well as the deep weedline for much of the summer, thereby forcing many of the smaller bass shallow in this lake, likely into the pondweed and milfoil. Larger bass could survive amongst "snakes," but that would also somewhat depend upon the overall pike size structure. Still, I'd expect some nice sized bass in deep open water, but the majority of bass to stay shallow. Bluegill would be similar, with most being confined to the littoral areas or the inside weedline (or inside the weedbeds). Perch would likely stay out in the sandgrass in somewhat deeper water, and likely from the deep weedline out. Like pike, they prefer cool water temps with good oxygen in the summer.
About the oxygen and cool temps, this lake is probably higher altitude or certainly farther north, likely 40 degree north latitude or better. As such, a thermocline is unlikely (also based on the given summer temps if those are maxes), which is what allows the perch and pike refuge and the ability to survive in this lake.
The pike probably spawn in in any marshy bay areas present, while the perch will spawn along dead weed stems and the available scattered wood in the shallows. Bass and bluegill would likely spawn just on the inside weedline in slightly deeper water due to the overall clarity.
Due to the silt mention, it also wouldn't surprise me to find a decent population of bass up what appears to be a tributary arm. That is likely murkier overall, with more scattered vegetation, and would help the bass and bluegill avoid pike predation in this lake.
That's all I can think of for now.