Happy New Year to all ! I did my end-of-year number crunching yesterday afternoon. My AVERAGE LMB for the 2014 season, from a total of 1559 bass, was 10.90". For the last 5 seasons, totaling 6828 bass, the average length was 11.35373352855051". I fish small neighborhood lakes, not known for being very fertile, and we do have a lot of skinny fish so I know my numbers will be smaller than most.
HOWEVER, for most of the people on this thread - you obviously must be fishing close to nuclear power plants with leaking cooling systems because your "average" fish are incredibly large mutants and the entire growth cycle/survival rate of bass has been altered to produce "average" fish of varying weights from 3 to 6 pounds. Hope you wear a radiation suit while you're fishing..
Perhaps what people are thinking of is not a mathematical "average" fish (where short fish can really pull down your average length) but they are thinking of what is their most "common" size fish. In that case, these folks could create a bar chart that would show a bell curve with the top of the curve residing in the 18 to 22 inch range (which would be just incredible)...instead of a bar chart as shown below.
OR...are most of the folks on this thread guessing, because they don't have the records necessary to actually calculate an average, or even determine the most "common" size fish? OR...is everyone using the "new math"? OR, does everyone actually have an average fish of 3 or more pounds in which case you have an absolutely incredible fishery.
And tournament anglers - this thread will have KVD shaking in his boots. The topic was average fish and you state your winning bags, So, you went out and caught 5 bass, that weighed a total of 20-25 pounds, so your average fish was 4 to 5 pounds. You never culled a fish right? Otherwise, your "average" fish would be smaller now wouldn't it...
It's been an interesting thread...