My wife and I are celebrating our 45th wedding anniversary today. As I think back, it's a wondrous life we have had together. It will come as no surprise that we have hit a few rocky roads, but we stuck together. What a life we have shared!
There as been the joy of children and grandchildren (and now a great-grandchild,)
There has been the grief of losing parents, a grand-daughter, and close friends. The grief never goes away, but becomes more bearable over time.
We have experienced the intimacy of dancing cheek to cheek, to the advent of rock and roll, to the degeneration of popular music into hiphop.
We have witnessed man's first walk on the moon.
We have witnessed and eagerly accepted the introduction of the personal computer, although they were very expensive at the time. My first computer was an Apple II. With accessories, it cost over $3000.
We have witnessed the birth of the Internet, and now wonder how we lived without it. Likewise with Smart Phones.
In all honesty, I think I could write a book about the life experiences my love and I have shared, such as having lived in the Middle East, Far East, and Europe, but that is not for these forums.
Suffice it to say that I have had the great opportunity to spend the majority of my life with my lover and my best friend, and we have had a ball!