The In-Fisherman classification of impoundments are;
All the changes in the terrain that classify these impoundments are clear cut by
there land forms. A trip by car across our nation could mean traversing a great
variety of terrain. Swamps and marshes. coastal lowlands, plans, high and low
hills, plateaus, canyons and mountains. Water has been impounded in all of these
landforms. For example, flatland are more common in the broad Mississippi plans
than in the Appalachian high lands. The hill-land class, meanwhile is the most
difficulty to pinpoint because it is a transition between the highland and flatland
classes and can appear almost anywhere. For instance, lake Shelbyville in Illinois
is in the hill=land but Rend and Caryle, its sister reservoirs are both flatland types.
Why is this important to know for bass fishing? The type of water you fish
determines where the bass locate and what their primary prey source should be.
If you are a traveling fisherman that bass fishes in more than one locality, you
can determine where the general bass location should be before you start fishing.
General classification characteristics;
Canyon; Water quality is ultra clear, bass grow to about 10 pounds, prey is shad,
crayfish, dam is concrete, water level fluctuation about 10 to 150 feet, purpose
of the dam is power generation and some flood control/irrigation.
Plateau; Water quality is clear to off color, bass grow to about 5 lbs, prey is
shad, sunfish and salamanders, dam is earth and small concrete spillways, water
fluctuation about 5 to 25 feet, dam is mainly for irrigation.
Highland; Water is mostly clear, bass grow to 12 lbs, prey is shad, crayfish,
sunfish, eels, salamanders, dam is all earth or all concrete, water fluctuation 12 to
20 feet, dam has many purposes, power or irrigation.
Hill-land; Water is slightly off color, bass grow to 10 lbs., prey is shad, crayfish,
sunfish, fresh water shrimp, dam is earth with some small concrete spill ways,
water fluctuation is 2 to 10 feet, dam is mostly flood control and irrigation.
Flatland; Water is off color, bass grow to 15 lbs, prey is shad, sunfish, frogs, eels,
dam is earth, some have concrete spillways, water fluctuates 2 to 8 feet, dam
used for flood control and irrigation.
Lowland; Water is coffee colored to clear, Florida strain bass grow to 18 lbs., prey
is a wide variety depending on region, dam is concrete, water fluctuation 2 to 8
feet, dam used for power and maintain the watershed.
From a very very interesting discussion on this on another forum (post by Tom).