I grew up fishing freshwater, the mind set between salt and fresh fishermen is miles apart IMO. In my observation the overwhelming majority of salt fishermen, even the sports minded, are there to take home their catch. I do not see selective harvest, the care for the environment, honoring bag limits if any here in the salt. I won't rag on all them as I do hang with fly fishermen and guys like myself that are there strictly for the sport of it and release about all of their fish. Hard to say whether the fish population is hurt or not, I suppose there may be a difference between migratory fish and resident ones, but I do feel taking too many fish affects the food chain. Every year people take out thousands upon thousands of blue runners, they seem to come back in great numbers every year. On the opposite side Ma & Pa Kettle (that's what we call them) come down from Ohio every year for 3 months, they fish only for sheepshead. They take all legal fish back home with them, they do wonder why they catch less every year, they are not sportsminded c&r freshwater fishermen. I do have a number of people that don't like the fact that I won't give them fish, there are some that I do but I do put a limit on it. As much as I love salt fishing, the care and responsibility is no where on the same level as it is in freshwater.
This is what the mullet run can like some days\