I added a 12" NLMB to our koi pond at the beginning of the year, but he has bulked up and is now likely over 2lbs. His situation is slightly different than your bass, in that his neighbors are a 10" bluegill that is (currently) too big for him to eat and 5 clueless koi his size & larger. His diet consists of nightcrawlers, goldfish and whatever insects/lizards/rodents my kids find & feed him. Here are a few observations I have had over the past 9 months:
Bass will get accustomed to people quickly - When I first put him in the pond, he hid underneath a rock at the spillway for 5 days, never coming out when we were there. Now he associates us with food, so not only does not hide from people, he will follow you around the pond waiting for food to be introduced. I can never release him back into the wild, he would set up shop outside a dock waiting for people to throw him things.
The vision of a bass looking above the water is excellent - Not only does he have the vision to follow us around, he moves to where I toss nightcrawlers in before they hit the water. I'm not sure if he is watching my hand motion or if he sees the crawlers in the air, but they barely have a chance to get wet before he has swallowed them. This has made me again realize the importance of stealth when fishing, those shallow bass can see a lot around them.
Some bass are gluttons - I say some, because unlike your fish, mine has never turned down a meal after that initial 5 days. When I feed him goldfish, I put 10 in at once & it is a massacre. He is chasing them down even with others hanging out of his mouth. Any live food put in the pond is eaten immediately.
Bass attack different foods differently - Although he has been somewhat domesticated, my bass shows his wild side whenever live critters are tossed in the pond. He goes after the goldfish exactly the same as fish do when they are boiling on shad - quickly, violently & relentless, pure predator mode. Nightcrawlers are inhaled completely immediately, no swimming around with part of it hanging out of his mouth. Yet when koi food is tossed in, he will leisurely swim around, find 4 or 5 pellets stuck together & softly slurp them off the surface. Sometimes he decides he doesn't like them & will spit them back out, but usually he eats that as well, even after devouring 10 goldfish. Prey that he believes can get away is hunted down while "fish food" is eaten like popcorn at a movie theater.
It is fun having him around & watching him subtlety dominate the pond. He doesn't attack the other fish or chase them off, he just stands his ground when he sets up shop & the goofy koi give him room. He is so much quicker & has better natural instincts than the koi. He (She?) is starting to get some shoulders on him, if he reaches 23lbs, I'll have get my picture taken with him