Sure all sports have their stars who committ crimes, but the NFL takes the cake by far. Just recently look at Tank Johnson, Michael Vick, Plaxico Burress, Donte Stallworth, Pacman Jones, Ray Lewis, Ray Rice, Aaron Hernandez and there are a lot more. These people aren't just criminals, they are violent criminals. That doesn't make the NFL look bad? Maybe not to you, but this problem is NOWHERE near as prolific in other sports as it is football. In fact, this is a big reason why I have no interest in the NFL anymore. I have no interest in watching guys who arguably should be serving lenghthy prison sentences ( ESPECIALLY STALLWORTH AND RICE) be looked at as stars, let alone role models. All NFL players are not thugs, not by a long shot. But that doesn't mean the thug/upstanding citizen ration isn't higher in football that in other sports. In all professional sports, there is always a policy of tolerance towards star players, regardless of what that level of tolerance may be. I just stick to MLB. Rarely are MLB stars incarcerated. Sure, some may dabble in PEDs now and then, but they don't get arrested for it. I'm hard pressed thinking of an MLB player who has been arrested for violence, other than former 2B Chuck Knoblauch.