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  1. Ok, I can share a story of a recent personal best (of sorts). I have only been FW fishing regularly for just under 2 months now. I used to fish SW frequently with my family as a young child, and other than a couple unsuccessful trips out to try FW in my early teens it was not something I hadn't really done. After a recent vacation to the beach that included lots of SW fishing in the canals behind the house we rented I remembered how much I used to love fishing. Upon my return I hooked up with an old friend that I knew was really into FW fishing and asked for some tips. He arranged for me to borrow one of his fishing buddies kayaks and we hit a local lake. I caught my first bass as an adult (see my profile pic), and the addiction set in. I immediately started looking for kayaks, and with one exception I have been on the water every weekend trying my best, but not doing so great. I went back to that same lake several times, but after that first trip the best I did was one small bass and one small bluegill. The other trips to that lake... almost nothing. During this time I also started trying to fish a local pond, that is just up the street from my house. This pond is part of a chain. Two small ponds, and a small lake connected by creeks with a couple dams thrown in there. The pond had lots of bait fish, water birds, turtles. It seems like it would be a great bass pond. Initially I attempted to fish from the bank while I searched for a kayak. I never even got a bite. After I bought my kayak I continued to go, but still nothing. Not even a nibble, at least that I could detect. I was starting to get frustrated with fishing. Up to this point I had only caught 3 bass, all from that first lake. Even that lake I struggled with (average 5-6 hours on the water with essentially nothing to show for it). All of this changed last week. You see Being new I didn't really think any of the baits I received would do me much good with the current fishing conditions, but I love buying lures so it was a lot of fun. Buried in the bottom of the box was a sample pack of these funky little worms. The color was pumpkin with black and green flake. Now based on what I had been taught these worms seemed too light colored for the waters I had been fishing. At least that is what I thought. Still, I kept thinking about them, wondering how I could use them. Finally I decided I should try them on a drop shot rig once I found the water they would work in. I realized last week that I was going to have to take a couple weeks off from any extended fishing trips so I vowed to get out as much as I could. So one day I head over to the local pond at lunch to get in 30-40 minutes of fishing. Now I knew that given the limited time I wasn't likely to catch anything, but I really just wanted to play with some of the different baits I had collected. Again, I started with what I had been shown (Senko style baits). After that I tried a few new ones for a couple casts each (yes I know not a really good try, but I was more curious about technique than anything else). Still nothing. Even though I wasn't really trying very hard I was starting to get frustrated and was about to head home. As I was packing stuff up I saw those worms again. I decided that even though I thought the color was wrong I could spend a couple more minutes seeing how a drop shot rig worked. I rigged it up, and prepared for my first cast. I cast my line out, and let it settle for a couple seconds. Once I was sure it was on the bottom, I gave it a bit of shake and BAM fish on! I quickly reeled it in to see that sure enough there were bass in that pond. It was a little 10-12" bass, but it was enough. I tried again for a while, and actually took too long for lunch, but I just had to try to catch another one. No luck. I just assumed that it was as I thought and the colors were wrong for the water. It must have been a reaction strike from me essentially dropping the worm on the fish's head. Anyway after confirming for myself that there are bass in the pond, I headed back out that following weekend for what will be my last real trip for a couple weeks with high hopes. These hopes were dashed when I got there. For reasons unknown to me at the time the water level was extremely low. I later learned beavers had put up a dam on the creek and almost no water was getting through. I thought for sure that given how little water was in the pond that the temperature would be too high and the fish just wouldn't be biting. Almost all of the grassy/weedy areas around the edge were now bone dry and some areas I couldn't get the kayak through without bottoming out. I thought for sure the day would be a bust, and I was getting depressed. To add to my frustration there were already 4 people on the pond fishing (one in a another kayak, and 3 in a small boat). I could already smell the skunk. I started out with a top water popper, and a jerk bait. A friend recently told me that he had killed it on that pond using a similar jerk bait so I wanted to try my hand. After wandering around trying to find a place that was "deep" enough to try the jerk bait without getting tangled in the heavily matted grass that apparently covers most of the bottom I settled in roughly the center of the pond. I figured it was the deepest area (only around 4-5' deep). I was definitely getting skunked and I knew it now. After about 2 hours I still hadn't caught anything and was about to leave. As I was putting stuff up, again I saw those worms. I quickly tied up the drop shot rig and threw it out. First cast, another bass. Again, it was a tiny little thing about the same size as last time. However, now I knew it was more than just random luck that I caught that first one, or so I thought. I spent another couple hours paddling around trying to repeat my luck with no success. I was on the last little leg of my trip around the pond when I got tangled in some trees. This was it, I was done. After about 5 minutes I managed to get my line free. I was frustrated and angry, but decided that I rather than storm off the pond I would give it a few more casts. You know the whole falling off the horse thing. Well after just 2-3 casts I nailed another one. This one had to have been the smallest I have seen to date. Still, this now tied my personal best of two fish in one trip, except this time it was two bass. Of course, now it was a challenge could I pull off a third one. I decided to stick where I was and kept casting towards the bank under a small outcrop of trees that provided some decent shade both for the fish, and for me. It was less than 15 minutes later I pulled out my third bass of the trip. This one was a fighter. It ran, it jumped, and it was a blast. Finally after getting it into the kayak I could see that it was a bit bigger than the other. This one was closer to 14". A real fun fish to catch. So there it is, two personal bests (of a sort) in one day. Not only did I not get skunked I beat my record catch for fish in one day and all of them were bass. To add to the confidence boost I had done it my way. I used a rig that I learned about on my own, using a bait that although I didn't directly purchase it I did pick it myself that day. This may prove to be the most valuable lesson for me. I need to trust my instincts a bit better, and be more willing to try new things. Sticking to a bait just because I was told it would catch fish where I am at even when the bite just isn't there isn't the best way to catch fish. If it isn't working, try something else is my new motto. I realize that catching 3 small bass in about 4 hours is probably nothing to many of the experienced anglers on this site, but it was a huge first for me. I proved to myself that it wasn't that I got lucky, I learned that I can catch fish, and I don't always need someone to tell me what to use or how to use it. Of course I am not saying that I don't want advice, or won't ask for it again. I just realized that I need to learn to fish for myself. I have to find what works for me, and what I can catch fish on. I also realize that just because this worked one day it doesn't mean it will work on all future trips, but it did give me the confidence I needed and helped me grow a bit. I apologize for writing a book, but I just had to share my story. If you made it this far thanks for reading. Good luck, and may the bite be with you.
    5 points
  2. Yesterday participated in a team open with a buddy from my club. 3rd cast broke PB smallie of 4lbs 3oz with a 4lb 5oz! Awesome right? Nope it gets better. So were fishing a hump about 50 feet from shore. It's 8ft deep with a nice weed bed about 100ft stretch. He's up front throwing a spinner bait and I'm in the back flipping the pockets. Out of the corner of my eye see a huge splash about 10 ft off shore. Did you see that? No but I heard it probably a carp he says. I didn't see orange so I drop flipping stick pick up my senko rig(see avatar) I launch a cast to the area I saw the splash. I let out an additional 20 ft of line and get tap tap tap. He says if it's tapping light might be bluegill or perch. All of a sudden drag is screaming and my pole is bent in half. I start reeling and it's game on. The fish ran to deep water in between us and shoreline. My buddy gets the net and the fish comes up and starts entering the weed area. I'm like nooooo dude move boat deeper. He's all nonchalant like just get him up to surface I'm like dude get the f'n trolling motor!!!! He spins the boat the fish is now in weeds. I'm like noooooooo! He's like horse him up I'm like I can't it's 6# test. He's like What the blank are you doing with 6# test in a tourney! I'm like it's my drop shot rod! So we're yelling back and forth lol I get the fish to the surface and swing and miss with the net. Fish dives under the boat! At this point I'm sweating praying the line doesn't snap and knot doesn't fail. I muscle him up and out the water he jumps! Nooooo I he spit the hook? Went light, d**n me, I start reeling nope he's still on! Woohoo! Swoop of the net number 2 right next to the motor and we got him! 4lbs 8oz! Not only did I break my PB but I did so TWICE and In a tourney! We ended up with 4 SM and 4 LMB 8/8. My 2 smallies weighing 8lbs 13oz. We went to weigh in thinking we had 18lbs or so as we didn't weigh the largies. Ended up 22.38 which put us in 3rd and I lost lunker to a 5lb LMB. We won $740. Best tourney experiences to date! - thanks for reading!
    4 points
  3. Honest guys, I thought the Crucial was it. When I have a birthday, my SWEET wife sees to it that I have a HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Hootie
    4 points
  4. Got my B-Day gift on the water today. A beautiful pre-Autumn day here in Cincy. Had a great day and the core oerformed beautifully. Two fish below were the biggest of five total. Caught them on a 7 1/2" Junebug Culprit. Hootie
    3 points
  5. Once the therm "big bass" is applied immediately the thread becomes about NLMB or FLMB or F1LMB and how two subspecies behave this way or thata way and so on. The thread is about catching big bass, so any 5 lb is a big bass no matter where you are and no matter which subspecies it belongs to, people that have never caught a 5 lber bass don´t have any idea of how really big is a 5 pounder, and that is what you desire to catch. Location, timing, bait, presentation. Location: not only means the geographical zone it also means within a body of water which places are most likely to hold the bigger fish, if 90% of the water is fishless and only 10% holds fish bigger fish are only found in even more reduced places from that 10% you go down easily to 20% or 30%, so that means that only 2 to 3% of the water surface holds bigger fish. The hard part is finding and identifying those spots. Timining: can be seen from different angles, your bait has to be when the fish is there, the "location" may be right but the timing is not, if big fish were permanent residents of a spot then in theory you should be able to catch them over and over again, the catch is that they are not always there, they are there in specific time frames that can be determined by many environmental factors that make a spot suitable for the big fish to be thee, it can be throughout the day and it can vary from day to day extending all the way throughout the year. Matt mentioned. Lure type: we are not discussing about swimbaits vs other baits, swimbaits are tools like the other baits and they may work for you or not; I said, "swimming swimbaits do not work for me", but what does this mean ? swimming swimbaits do not catch for me the size of fish I´m looking for, that doesn´t mean that I don´t cath 5, 6 or 7 pounders but I´m not after 5, 6 or 7 pounders, I´m after 8+ lb fish and I´m after my new PB, so if you are after a 5, 6, or 7 or 8 lbers hell, yes, I´m pretty shure swimbaits will catch you those fish. My special jig/Brush Hog combination consistently catches me the size of fish I´m after ( Interestingly enough is the fact that nor my first 10+ nor my PB, nor my second largest were caught with that combination. ). Presentation: To me slow methodical almost arthritic snail pace is what works for catching the size of fish I seek ( to others it may be different ) why ? because once I speed up then every single idiotic smaller fish feels like it has been invited to the party, that is my experience. So why is it that I caught those 3 fish with "non big momma baits" , what I said ? slow and methodical, first trophy with a Rapala Original Minnow, ocassional twitches just barely making the bait dive it´s nose, PB with a Rapala Shad Rap modified to suspend, same thing, suspending with ocassional twitches just to make the bait wiggle a little bit, second largest, 5" senko, slowly and methodically dragged and barely hopped. The elements have to be in harmony. Let me give you an example, my compadre and I have been fishing partners for more than 15 years, we fish together from the same boat so I´m here and he is 8 ft away, that means we fish the same location, we have made casts to the same spot with identical baits and I catch better fish than him, it ain´t that the Gods love me, it´s that one of the elements ---> presentation is different; he has his style and I have my style and what I have noticed is that he fishes "faster" than I. So good luck gentlemen in your quest for bigger fish just remember: to dance with the fat lady you have to be where the fat lady is, when the fat lady is and ask her with the right words if she wanna dance with you.
    3 points
  6. Probably because you go through them so fast, they know you won't be resealing the bag haha
    3 points
  7. Well, they're big I had planned on fishing it on my DD crankbait rod but after holding it I've decided to go with a light flipping stick instead. Going to be tossing it with a 7' 6" MH/MF with a 200BSF Curado and 20lb P Line Evolution. Did I mention it's big? That's a 1.5 sized bait it's next to and 1/0 Owner ST 36s the bait is sporting.
    3 points
  8. I think he is trying but in a somewhat crude way.
    2 points
  9. Finally got a presso and have to let the pixy and ito go.
    2 points
  10. NICE reel ! NOW, the next photo you post of that reel should look something like this one...
    2 points
  11. actually sounds to me like this place could benefit from taking some of those smaller size fish out of the population. Part of managing a pond does involve taking fish out on occasion. It's one of those things where overpopulation will stunt the growth of the other fish and diminish the food supply...
    2 points
  12. I have been on this forum for quite some time now. This site is a great place to learn valuable information of our beloved sport. With that being said. The message I would like to convey to all the "new members" is to truly update your profiles. Just taking the time to properly fill out your profile will help all of us provide you with the best information specific to your area. More likely than not, there may be active BR member(s) living within 20 miles of you. The suggestions given by local members I find are the best "tips" than those probably living from the other side of the country (in some cases). I am at fault for having a very "blah" profile when I first became a member. My reason being, because I am a private person and to release some pieces of my info out there to the world paranoid's me. However, I have found that if you provide some pieces of information like: age, favorite fishing places, and general location of where you live, these nuggets of info will be enough to receive key advice that can help your fishing situation tremendously. Leaving out age for example I find is critical, because we assume we are interacting with an adult, and after reading some posts you realize OMG, we have been communicating with a minor the whole time. The advice given may have been completely different if that vital piece of info was provided. Lastly, I feel that a profile is a key piece for finding connections with other anglers. Just knowing a member is from your state, city, or town, can increase your chances of making a new friend, enter a new bass club, or just knowing someone that you can network with. Anyways, I just wanted to get this off my chest, so that it will help new members the same way this has helped me.
    2 points
  13. I know one thing. I'd still show up on my day that I booked. A conversation would take place on that day. How that conversation ended would be entirely related to whether or not the guide took me fishing as agreed and PAID for.
    2 points
  14. Hootie, you got a winner. My wife gets me fishing stuff for Christmas and she does pretty good at hit. Trying to get her to give me a G. Loomis rod this year, but so far, no luck. Seems your wife is "your catch of a lifetime." Don't throw her back!!!!
    2 points
  15. If I fished where there are ten pounders, I would make sure I had the right equipment to handle it.
    2 points
  16. I don't set the hook when I use spooks. I keep pressure and the line tight and I let the fish hook themselves.
    2 points
  17. and if you lived in alabama her sister would be your sister.
    2 points
  18. I will have to agree with Bill "Bubba" Clinton, on this one. "Lie, Lie, Lie, Deny, Deny, Deny." Oh, and trying to say, "I did not have relations with that woman". Does not work when your wife barges in on y'all, for the second time that night, and announces, she is taking the children and going to her sisters house.
    2 points
  19. Started getting into swimbaits about a month ago. Nothing rare,super expensive, or special but it's a good start.
    2 points
  20. Although I've never hired someone to take me bass fishing, I would expect to be on the front deck fishing with him. I would want him explaining to me where to pitch the bait etc as so my day would be great, but wouldn't mind if he was fishing as well next to me. But I'd expect to share the front of the boat and fish as a team. But then this would be communicated prior to me ever hiring them. Can't get mad at someone if you never asked the question and just expect them to read your mind.
    2 points
  21. KVD said he'll have plenty of time to fish them between now and March
    2 points
  22. Ok, so Im trying something new these days. I took the skirt off of a chatterbait, and put a smoke/blue colored 4" tube on it. I havent caught anything on this yet, but I really like how it looks in the water. The blade only imparts vibration on the back ends of the tentacles. Giving it sort of a nice, subtle swimbait tail action. Looks like a decent baitfish profile. We'll see if anything goes for it.
    1 point
  23. This past weekend was good for me size wise but a bit slow on numbers. Landed some quality fish on a jig. I was fishing deep off shore trees. I had already fished one particular tree earlier in the day with no luck. I had actually broke off a crank bait in the tree which is always a bummer. A couple hours had passed and I decided I wanted to fish the tree again. I pull up to the tree and took a cast with my jig. After it hit bottom I go to inch it forward. I feel a tree branch and hop it over it. Before the jig hit bottom I felt a bite. I set the hook into what felt like a tree. The fight was on. Even with 50 lb braid the fish was kicking my butt and got wrapped into the tree. I had to go in and try to get it out. After a minute or two of trying to get it unwrapped I some how managed to get it free. Once I had it in the boat I noticed my crankbait that I had lost in the tree earlier in the day sticking out from its side. The fish measured 23 inches and weighed in at 7 lbs 4 oz. My biggest so far this year. 7 lbs 4 oz I got a couple more good fish this weekend. 6 lbs 3 oz 5 lbs 4 oz
    1 point
  24. So you're recommending to just, reel -- tighten it and let the fish run with it?
    1 point
  25. Good color match with the plum!
    1 point
  26. Ya I have also used palomar for a long time and that is my braid knot. The only problem is that when tying a 8"+ bait with treble hooks and 20#+ line it is not so great any more. It can also dig into itself and weaken the knot. That is not so much a problem with braid but is not something I want to risk no matter how slight it might happen. Those big lure are not so cheap. In some cases are very hard if not d**n near impossible to replace if something happens to it.
    1 point
  27. No Green Gizzard Shad?? That's the best color! Especially in the 10XD!
    1 point
  28. My grandpa was fishing for crappie a few years ago on lake fork. It was a blue bird day and an over cast rolled in and he said 7-8 huge bass he said the smallest had to have been at least 6-7 pounds, the biggest being close to 9. He said they were chasing baitfish but wouldn't give his minnow a glance. He's no slouch and hasn't told many big fish stories! I wish I could've seen it!
    1 point
  29. Your brother loves your mother. Your sister loves your brother. It just to bad your fathers mad your sister ain't his lover.
    1 point
  30. Thanks A J site looks like I'm going to enjoy myself
    1 point
  31. 1 point
  32. Football season just started so whats better then a football jig sale! 15% off all Supreme Series Football jigs or jig heads. http://www.siebertoutdoors.com/Clearance-Items_c27.htm From 1/4 oz light wires up to 1oz.. Thank you!
    1 point
  33. Not gonna lie bro I'm always jealous when you post up pics. I see your in Valdosta. I put in for moody AFB from over here in Guam. Was really hoping for it but got denied and headed to Arizona. Kinda bummed out. But I'm going to try again after i get to AZ. That area looks awesome for bass fishing. Nothing but water in and around the base.
    1 point
  34. Fished Mousam today with my dad. It was a good biting day the bigger fish were scarce with my biggest at just under 4lbs but my dad had a blast no matter what catching 3 nice quality fish to smile about. As people always say its not quantity but the company you fish with. He is always happy to show off the fact he can catch a bass no matter what time of year with a blazing yellow chartreuse gitzit. Next Lake will be Northwood Weds
    1 point
  35. There's a 1001 uses for a blade. I can't think of any off the top of my head, but when I forget it I sure can.
    1 point
  36. Because fishing and lying are naturally together
    1 point
  37. ^ maybe next time you come through we can take my kayaks out there and throw some traps! Frogs too!
    1 point
  38. I wouldn't really say the Niners did well more so rather that Dallas was as awful as awful can be.
    1 point
  39. How did you know i was the one that asked that question. My name is kevin anyway.lol
    1 point
  40. That was wild and hard to believe . . . and here's why . . A-Jay http://www.snopes.com/photos/airplane/onewing.asp
    1 point
  41. Yep, all the time, my neighbors think I am crazy. I have a large greenbelt behined my house where I usually practice. One day I was testing out my casting distance, tied on a 3/8oz practice weight, and let it fly. I got 50yrds a few times, decided to go down to 1/4oz thats when the wind picked up. This wouldnt have been a problem, but there are high tension power lines that run parallel to where I was casting, sure enough I launched one, and a huge gust of wind carried it around the line closest to me. I know mono shouldnt be cinductive, but these are like 51,000 volt lines, and the power is carried on the outsice of the line, I was a little worried, but I would have been dead before I knew what hit me. So I dropped my rod, and grabbed a knife with a thick rubber handle, and cut the line. Unfortunately the weight wrapped around the line, so it didnt just fall down and the pigtail that you tie the fishing line to was touching the power line and making an arc. I had to call Bonneville Power and have them come out and fix it, they showed up with 3 trucks, all the lights on and it took 2hrs to get it down becuase they had to call and shut them down, and fillout a bunch of paperwork, but they got it down in one tug with their safe stick. So for now I am practicing out front, and of course every neighbor that comes by has the same joke, "you catch anything".
    1 point
  42. No, but i have damaged a couple rods by hitting the ceiling while 'hallway fishing'.
    1 point
  43. Cats make great subjects to fish for while practicing (without a hook of course) Have to do something when we can't go fishing.
    1 point
  44. If there isn't a sign posted, I'm fishing it
    1 point
  45. Dinner won't be ready for me when I get home if the wife is out fishing with me.........
    1 point
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