Or not.........I once had a boat full of supposedly "better" rods. Such as St Croix Avids, Legend Tournaments, Kistler's etc.....They offered me nothing more over the equipment I replaced with them than an emptier wallet. That being said, if you like, and/or desire to have premium stuff. Go for it, it's your money, and your decision. I went through that phase too, when I thought I HAD TO HAVE better stuff, then I realized some things, things that are often peculiar to an individuals tastes or situation, so I won't bore you with my thought process. But I have since taken my gear budget down a notch or two, and find that nothing has changed. I still catch fish, I still win/cash in tournaments, I still enjoy my time on the water, and now I have more money in the bank to boot. That's just me, and I am just letting you know there are other opinions out there than the " more money is more better" crowd.