As a former dirt track racer ( 00 mod actually stands for my car number and class (IMCA) International Modified Car Association) this is a very sad accident that will put a black eye on the entire sport of racing but more specifically dirt track racing. I have seen the video several times. It is sickening to watch, leaves you feeling like you just got hit in the stomach, but unfortunately it happened and cannot be undone. Is Tony at fault: Yes. Everyone is responsible for their own actions. Is Kevin at fault: Yes. See above. Should/Will charges be brought? That remains to be seen, and should not be a matter of opinion here. None of us were there and all we know is what we read and see on the video. Certainly what will come of this is the tragic loss of a life (20 yrs old) and probably a lawsuit.
What we should be doing is keeping everyone involved and everyone there in our thoughts and prayers.
Now for my opinion: I have been around dirt track racing for over 20 yrs, admittedly not so much in the last 6. Tony Stewart is an absolute die hard racer and fan, as evidence of his continuation of racing dirt track(where he came from) every week and a lot of times on the same weekends of his NASCAR races. He even owns one of the most famous dirt tracks in the world. Do I think he did this on purpose? Of course not. Does he have a notably hot temper, of course, but to purposely run over another competitor is simply not something he would do. I got to know Tony when he hired one of my friends to drive for his dirt team in 2007. He is a fierce competitor who loves the sport of racing. He wants nothing bad to happen and put a blemish on the sport he loves.
After watching the video several times, here is what I gather. Tony and Kevin were battling pretty hard. Tony pinched Kevin, which is part of racing, and Kevin never lifted, putting him into the wall. It happens..... Kevin was understandably upset and immediately climbed out of his car to go down into the groove to confront Tony. Not a smart move, but it happens a lot more than it should. This is almost common in dirt track racing, even though before every race, the race marshall warns to never do it. 99% of the time the driver shows a finger, throws something at the moving car, or just throws his arms up in disgust etc., and no physical contact is ever made. I have seen contact happen twice while at a track, but nothing ever this serious. I appears as Tony hit the gas in an attempt to get away from Kevin, which was not smart, and could have been an intimidation attempt, but it backfired. These cars have huge right rear tires and normally have a ton of grip, which should have pushed the car in the direction the wheel was pointed. It appears Tony hit the gas too hard, spinning the tires instead of hooking up and the car slide up the track and into Kevin. Now here is the thing, Tony should have never hit the gas, BUT Kevin should have never been that close to a moving car.
An investigation is ongoing, and something may come of this, but in the mean time, we need to keep all of the allegations and opinions to just opinions and instead of name calling and blame throwing, throw some thoughts and prayers to everyone involved!