Dis Shimano? The only thing I can think think of wrong with that is if you never owned one. It's why I dismiss those comments that dis any brand without at least trying it. Unless it's Lew's. I kid, I kid! (Thats a friendly inside joke for a few guys that know what I'm talking about). Often on the internet, you got guys that regurgitate what they've heard. Is it true? Sometimes. Mostly not, or what they heard wasn't the whole story. I bought a greenie back in the early 90s. We didn't get along. I took it back and got two Daiwas and a Quantum IR3 round reel. I still have that reel. The Daiwas are long gone, sold them years ago after years of service. I found I liked Daiwas. Funny thing, I didn't dismiss Shimano. I own several today. I didn't dismiss Quantum, but like I said earlier in the thread, they don't turn my screws. Neither do Dodge trucks, Sony electronics, or anything Android. There's no point go over and over how great you think something is to someone that doesn't care, or worse doesn't like - you're biting your own neck.
Buy what you like. If it's something that turns your screws, tell us what and why. But don't sit here and troll for haters. It actually creates more haters, and looks petty. I can't imagine sitting in a boat with someone for eight hours having the kind of exchange that's going on here. Catching bass is hard enough without worrying whether you're using the right reel, wearing the right clothes, driving the right car....
With that, I bid this thread and all goodnight.