First off, I didn't say anything was "unethical" or "unjustifiable". I even opened stating that nobody says you shouldn't do it. I'll break this down very simply for you. Nobody is arguing your admirable loyalty to a company. I really don't understand the heaven reference...I mean I get it, but nobody said bob's not going to heaven because he shouldn't have warrantied a fishing rod....
Bob loves St. Croix and cannot see himself using a different rod. They make everything he wants in a rod so naturally he would want this company to thrive and be around for his grandkids.
Bob buys rod in 1990 for 200$
Bob breaks rod in 2005 (this is after 15 years)
Bob asks for rod to be warrantied to which St. Croix obliges to the sum or 70$ even those it was his fault.
Bob then sends in a 15 year old broken rod that is promptly thrown away and receives a brand new one that has been updated X amount of times over the course of 15 years.
Instead of just buying a new one and supporting a company he wants to be around for a long time, he costs to company more than the price of the rod. (your 15 year old broken rod holds 0$ valu-this figure can be attained by looking up your serial number /w the rod value system they provide via their website. you were given a free 200$ rod + the labor)
Now I'm not saying what you, or anybody for that matter, did was "wrong" or "unethical". I mean you get a new rod for next to nothing...that's great. I'm simply saying as a WHOLE, when people do this, they are costing a company money after X amount of years that does play a part in price increases. Now what the set amount of years should be, I don't know. But I believe you can unarguably say that if you break a rod after 15 years of ownership, you should chalk that one up to a solid 15 years and not expect anything in return; even if they will replace it being 100% your fault and not their responsibility.